How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

And I am saying some of these comparisons are deeply offensive.

If you are willing to say Draenei represent Jews in a positive light versus Goblins the racist stereotype then I must assume the Orcs are the negative seterotype of Muslims but garsh darn it there is a lot of parallels if I want to find parallels.

I have been playing since 2004. Never did I see the Orcs as muslims. Yet somehow apparently they are.

So no I find these comparisons really racist on itself and Baal making false equivalent comparisons are even more insulting and racist.


This thread really did go down the toilet quick didn’t it? Got derailed for all the dumbest reasons.


It sure did. It could have been quite constructive, but a bunch of people just couldn’t resist turning this thread into a crapshow.


Pretty sure it was meant to be derailed from the start. Any thread with that title is quite literally doing so by design… if it had been titled (My Own Thoughts) then it likely would have been fine.


Avetra stop taking the bait, he’s just trying to goad you into saying something bannable lol

? I genuinely only started recognizing your toon’s name this past month because it’s Latin.

I’m pretty sure I accused you of it a few weeks ago, no? I tend to have a good eye for this stuff, same way I called it with Vuldezi in the other thread.

Except he pretended to be Horde (and stated he was a Horde main) and then this past week admitted he mains Alliance.

Which was Super Weird™ of him to do.

That is your truth.

What’s funny is now three times I try to put the topic of intra-Horde relations and everyone keeps taking the bait of Alliance posters trying to goad a reportable response out of me.

I even fell for what was probably some bait this morning.

Lol we are 3000+ posts in the other thread of the same title with much worse issues. And that one was, in fact, presented as their own thoughts.

So wrong there.

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I suppose that’s true and I really shouldn’t be surprised it got derailed as quick as it did. Threads usually hit the 1,500 mark before going off the rails though.

Not when you have a bunch of try-hards from the other thread dedicated to derailing this one :slight_smile:

other thread was derailed by post 100 tho

I never said Orcs were Muslims. You are confusing me with Baal. I don’t think Orcs really have a good one to one real world parallel.

I’m just saying that negative depictions of minority cultures vs. positive western ones is problematic.

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Didn’t say this either but here we are.

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Oh? What did you say then?

Either his point has merit and is true or its a racist comparison to push some dumb point about a dumb game.

Wow isn’t that sophisticated for us to make real life comparisons.
Its all caricatures.


He compared the muslim ban to the Orc internment camps.

And doubled down on it.


Scroll up or follow the quote chain if you so desire, not gonna repeat myself a third time.

Did you really just hit me with “we all have different truth”? My opinions, as a Horde player and someone who loves the setting, don’t change just because a thread is titled “Horde Only, neener neener”. No one’s opinion should, because the factions are intertwined in the story and have been since launch, they affect the other and they should affect the other.

Even pre-Cata, they affected each other, and when they intersected it made for some of the more introspective and interesting story beats.


I wasn’t addressing you specifically, I was referring to the general nature of posters on this board. I think you called out my Alliance lean, which is fair. I won’t and still won’t deny I prefer my Alliance toon to my Horde one, and thus I have a higher interest in the Alliance side of the story.

The problem is the assumption that because of that I have to explain my desire is to just have a good story for everyone and not just Team Blue.


Well, that’s most likely due to people figuring out that previous thread was made in bad faith. I like to think this one was made with good intentions, but you know, always going to be those few who can’t resist trolling every thread they see.

Off to work. I’ll be back tomorrow.


This has become a common theme here since BfA, honestly. It was on and off since Cata but this is now one of the norms here. People hiding behind false intellectualism as they make threads and posts designed to divide people into tribalism over a story that literally has multiple poop quests as canon.


Great now take this energy to the other thread that are insisting “Horde opinons on what Alliance want don’t matter”

The thread is titled “Horde Edition” and the OP presents as “Horde-centric”

Because the Other thread with the same title from the onset was, as I stated in my OP, “How can Horde be used to sate Alliance bloodlust and desire for revenge”

The Alliance posters in that thread made it clear Horde opinions don’t matter and would accept NO concessions on their part.

So good, made this one to counter that one.


Certainly put more effort and attention to detail than the other one.

Having poop quests doesn’t make it less important or less deserving of serious analysis. Even the Bible has poop jokes.


I’m not arguing his point. You are apparently conversing with someone else and not me. Maybe he’ll pay attention to you if you keep arguing through me…?

I’m just pointing out that cultural depictions matter in media since most media, even fictional media, is based on the real world to a certain extent.


Except your threads and very posts in this thread curtail the ability for people to have serious analysis because you advocate for bias based on faction preference, which by nature means the objectivity inherent to analysis of a serious nature is poisoned.