How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

I mean, the Night elves really should’ve been their own faction. They don’t fit with the alliance and their sense of morality at all. The whole High King thing is problematic for the alliance, it’s basically their version of Warchief…except their version didn’t need to be booted from power twice.

And Anduin will continue to be a narrative black hole until blizz gives him some actual flaws, instead of having most of his bones broken and gaining super powers from it


And people wonder why I can be antagonistic. There aren’t many people on the story forums anymore… but the ones who are still here are the bottom of the barrel.

Don’t let Baal and his goons beat you down. They really just aren’t that important, and don’t know half what they think they do.

BfA was such an opportunity for that. I really wanted to like Anduin in Legion. I was trying very hard to like him and was hoping BfA would make him more relatable. Baptism by fire… A Teenaged King who is commanding the most powerful armies in the world, who has been a pacifist his entire life… Really leaves the door open for A LOT of really significant mistakes that Sylvanas could of exploited. It leaves a lot of doors open for this inexperienced child to really start questioning his worldview. But that never happened… He is just always right and flawless with perfect hair.

Nah Tear of Elune is NIght Elf, and Eye of Aman’thul is Alliance since Nightborne don’t want it back.

IMO if the narrative continues as is, I’d be down for a whole 100% retcon universe

Just big reset.

New factions:

Horde, Alliance, Legion

They were right there in BFA (Anduin being convinced to start a war) and just weren’t able to go through with it so that ship has sailed

Well I mean they are coded that way, with shades of minority cultures. Trolls are a more on the nose take on Afro Caribbean/Mezo-American culture. And they are portrayed as savages who we raid every expansion for various reasons. Even when their lands are invaded and taken it’s still their fault some how because they are evil I guess…so taking their land is okay.


Yeah… they have all kinds of skin colors over there, if you hate the horde you dont hate them because of what they are but because of what they did and keep doing (murdering innocents, etc…).

Honestly they shouldnt even exist as a political entity the earthern ring, the kirin tor and cenarion circle shouldve stopped relations with the horde since a long time ago after all those war crimes and crimes against nature.

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You were told something was racist and doubled down, even when it was gently pointed out to you by a different poster.

I thought your education might have been…different either as a result of your schooling or perhaps home schooling. As an adult you can rectify that.

What makes someone an actual Horde though? Should I change my avatar to be one of my Horde characters and go from there? I can do that, I promise, will that get me all the likes? I need those.

Also does anyone else find it ironic that, since we seem to be judging people by their avatars, a blood elf made this post? Considering all the opinions and threads made about how blood elves don’t belong on the Horde?

I’m seeing some of the Story Forum’s greatest hits here, at least.


Fantastic isn’t it? If I didn’t have a job you could make this thread a drinking game and get absolutely f—ed up.


I just love it. Baal sends me blatantly racist messages and isn’t man enough to address them or admit he was wrong… or maybe he still thinks he was correct.

To answer your question.
I don’t think taking cultural inspirations from real cultures is racist.
Nor do I think doing so somehow makes it impossible to depict these fictional factions in any negative light would make this entity racist.
The best judge are the people.

And so far I don’t put too much stock in Baals judgment when it comes to these things.
He likes to talk big and throw words and his wikipedia knowledge around but that doesn’t stop him from making some incredibly racist comparisons.

Like Orcs are muslims because they live in the Desert and live in mudhuts? Seriously?
I would say that is offensive wouldn’t you?


It’s like watching reruns except they’ve been on the TV for over a decade.

It isn’t racist in and of itself but the portrayal is the key thing here. As a Jewish person I see a lot of my culture in the Draeni and the Goblins. Guess which one is portrayed more positively? The portrayl does matter.


I think everyone should be able to answer honestly and clearly their faction preferences, and be able to articulate their perspective on the lore on the basis of that honest preference.

If you are unable or unwilling to do so, that’s a you problem.

So I guess Orcs are muslims because they slaughtered the Draenei?

Is that where we are going with this?

Except everyone has a huge bias based on the color of their icon.

Despite not changing any of my talking points and in fact having grown far more cynical and snippy, the “Horde Posters” seem to take my opinions on the Horde story far more seriously now that I post on my new main instead of my old.

And none of my opinions or thoughts of the story have changed in anyway. It’s just when I point out how much Horde players whine about being stuck in the mud, nobody tells me “You don’t play Horde, you don’t know!” while I’m on this Horde toon.


No. Not at all.

I’m just saying that how a culture is depicted matters.

Which is certainly weird. I agree Me from 1 minute ago.

Well, see, I think forum threads like this, right down to the title, are idiotically divisive and try and paint someone’s opinions based on some imaginary political affiliation, which only helps the writers continue on their own dumb path because we’re too busy flailing at each other about the actions they wrote. I’m not, you see, a sword with a penchant for blue in real life. I have played both sides of the factions since 2005, and I for one am bored to death of the writing team doing shallow stories and then getting rewarded for it by fans who only see it as a competition instead of actually caring for the story.

If all it takes for me to get likes and agreement in this forum, and this thread, is to race change this character to a goblin named Desiop, then many of you need to re-examine if you even care about the story in an objective fashion, and probably take a break from these forums.


Basically your thoughts on the factions in this game, as far as this board is concerned, is meaningless if you’re the wrong color.