How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

It’s easy virtue. Especially if he is choosing a video game to champion these issues. They can lift themselves up and look good to their friends online without actually having to do anything.

And the the Night Elves decided they wanted more land for unclear reasons and pushed all the Trolls to the corners :’(


I can’t tell if Zan is trolling or is just maddeningly ignorant, to the point that even when their ignorance is gently pointed out they don’t even realize it.

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Sincere, but like

“Kings are real complex government, Chiefs are not real government” is big cringe.

Also clearly has no experience with Tribal politics because the COMPLEXITY make the Senate of any western gov blush.


Guys…please, this thread got really off track. Can we try and get it back on the rails again? Please? It just seems pointless to argue with people who clearly aren’t educated in a particular topic/field.

But that’s just me.


Sorry, I didn’t get that impression from the arrogant tone you had. I always expected from people that actually studied to display their knowledge in more respectful manner and deliver their knowledge in detailed way other than “Lol nop, yur wrong, incorrect” to truly show what they’re talking about and let people learn from that.

My bad. I was only studying history of Art, geopolitics, political doctrines and economy before I switched to IT.

Not fake, one is simply more advanced.

Will do once I’ll have the opportunity.

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Figure an issue to be addressed is race-specific motivations.


Has Unique Model?:
Secondary Leader:
Closest Horde Race:
Intra-faction Conflict:
Closest Alliance Race:
Alliance Conflict:


Race: Blood Elves
Leader: Lorthemar
Has Unique Model?: Yes
Secondary Leader: Rommath, Halduron, Liadrin
Closest Horde Race: Nightborne
Intra-faction Conflict: Popular resentment of Amani Trolls, possible complexity with Forsaken Elves
Closest Alliance Race: Draenei (due to Sunwell)
Alliance Conflict: Void Elves (exiles/traitors), Kul Tirans possibly (due to Jaina’s purge of Dalaran), possibly Stormwind (regretting teaching Alliance Humans magic)
Lacking: Cosmic Force relevancy, Lorthemar being just a basic warrior

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I guess he’ll have to explain his thought process better then.

I do find it problematic that the Horde is coded as minority and portrayed as evil/needing the Alliances help to be good. That bad acts committed against them are viewed as just or rationalized away.


Gantrithor let us know when you’re 100% done, will respond point by point/feedback by feedback

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I call BS… I am fairly educated myself, but you don’t see me flaunting around my degrees like it’s an automatic “I’m right” ticket.


Baine goes to Highmountain with Malya to get tauren freaky. Then some drogbar still loyal to Dargrul show up and they are having a hissy fit about continuing to live under the Highmountain Tribe. They steal the Hammer of Khaz’goroth from Dalaran, which seems very easy to do, and use it to terrorize Highmountain again. The Horde led by Baine do a bunch of things until they finally get into the fight with the new Dargrul Underking with the hammer. While the Champion gets stunned, Baine musters a rush of strength by thinking of his father and Malya and body checks the Underking and takes the hammer, defeating him but not bringing the entire mountain down.

Back at Thunder Totem, everyone celebrates and Baine attempts to return the hammer to Mayla, who decides to let Baine keep it as a show of unity between the tauren tribes, as well be a symbol of strength and power to the Horde.

And i didn’t have to bring the Alliance in to start peeing on trees to offend the Highmountain tauren to get Baine the hammer. Aren’t I just grand?


Nothing wrong with internal faction tensions/conflicts. It can really enhance the story. The problem is the horde has it in spades, while the alliance is this morally pure faction, in which any action taken against the horde can be justified due to everything the hordes done to them

That’s the issue that most of us agree that needs fixing, and I don’t know how you do that without crapping on both sides or making both look dumb.


On that note actually

Where even is the Hammer :upside_down_face:

Tidestone was stolen, did Azshara leave the other five artifacts?

But yeah sure slaps.

Give Thrall the Aegis of Agrammar since he’s the great-great-great-etc grandchild of Agrammar’s creation too

Plus lightning effect, Shamany

I settled for villain batting one (1) Alliance leader and still I’m told I’m asking for too much lol

The Aegis goes to the Alliance if everybody is just stealing Pillars. It’s a big shield, more Alliance-y.

Try not to be too greedy now.

Alliance has two perfect candidates though. Just need to make Genn and Admiral Taylor way more aggressive/hateful towards the horde.

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Well, in any case - I know that I don’t know everything, and I am always up for discussion and up to know something new. I don’t want to fight or insult anyone. I actually respect majority of posters in here even if I disagree with them.

But I don’t want be treated as racist or be told to “seriously rethink my life” because I asked why one trope is considered racist.
As for other definitions, I learned that from my school where we had socities split on varioud cultures and sub-cultures and such and we learned certain definitions and how some apply to certain cases and some do not.

If you think that my education system was flawed, fair. But at least provide better alternative to adjust the misinformation. And don’t assume the absolute worst about me.

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See, I am all for internal faction conflict for the Alliance. I actually really want that. I have always said the Night Elves don’t fit in with the rest of the Alliance. Where Alliance players are scare is, any faction conflict is destined to go Anduin’s way… The last thing I want is Tyrande to get scolded by Sunday School’s Johnny Quest, and then having that little, blond brat be vindicated by Blizz’s crap writing.

That is a really sad place to be… Like, people have so little faith in Blizzard’s writing, that we, as consumers, are kind of stuck in gridlock. It’s like a fear paralysis, unwilling to see how Blizz can make things any worse.

As a minority I don’t see the Horde coded as a minority unless maybe we are talking about loosely taking some cultural things from real life.

I never saw orcs in their entirety as something that depicted muslims or the middle east.

What I did identify with is the Horde being expansionist and has many unfair military actions against people without any justification and somehow the media (narrative) still makes them the good guy.

This is obviously some false comparisons I am making to the US, Middle East and its sordid history but real life is so complicated.

Its unfair for me to compare the Alliance to the Middle East and Horde to an Imperialist America who just HAD to attack the Alliance for their Wood Deposits.
But I am not sure Baal is capable of not making bad faith arguments and bad comparisons that are blatantly racist.


I think Magister Umbric would be a good choice if a bit too obvious. He’s already been shown to have…flexible morals.

Turalyon as well in a light invasion scenario but he could get better. Maybe he becomes a raid boss and we beat the bad out of him.