How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Oh for the love of Christ. Who the bleep cares what a civilization is or about tropes, metaphors, etc? This is supposed to be a thread about how to fix the Horde, not argue about subjects unrelated to it. I think I freaking lost brain cells reading this thread (not to mention the other one).

Lets’ get back on topic and quit wasting time.

First of all, build a metaphorical giant wall between the Horde and Alliance. Redeeming or rebuilding the Horde should not be predicated on tearing down the Alliance, villain batting them, or forcing them to be overtly racist. Their stories should be separate, but we all know Blizzard won’t be able to contain themselves and will force Alliance characters down our throat anyway and vice versa.

I would like to see both go their separate ways, so to speak. Alliance does heroic things doing whatever and the Horde doing heroic things like saving Kalimdor or something on their own merits, no Alliance around to help. (And yeah, if you want, maybe saving the lives of a bunch of Night Elves at the same time)

The Horde needs to be shown being the heroes again, doing good things and not being struck with the villain bat ever again. Much like Vanilla and TBC where both factions were doing their own thing.

But keep going on arguing and filling up this thread with all that sh!t. WTF do I care because apparently people want to try and score points instead of talking about the actual damn topic. Jesus, the lot of you sound like the US political parties.


No, the entire premise of Warcraft was, originally, humanity struggling to survive raiders from the swamps. Later, context was added as to why those raiders were attacking to begin with. Despite those reasons, Orcs moving in and slaughtering human villages is not a very bro thing to do. Even after Doomhammer overthrew Blackhand, he went ahead and continued the work the Shadow Council would of had him do anyway. At least nearly.

Trolls reduced to small Kingdoms primarily due to the blundered alliance with Lei Shen that got their armies destroyed. Everything after that is a consequence of not having a military force adequate enough to sustain a global empire.

Not exactly sure what any of that has to do with moral footing. If anything, struggling to survive turns people desperate and willing to compromise their morals.

So, as I said, Warcraft 3… And even still, the Horde needed the Alliance Help to stop them from demon lapdogs again.

Sure, we can say that is problem. It is interesting to me though, Horde players are so against something that has been part of the Horde’s schtick since before WoW.


Sincere or dismissive?

Because it was supposed to I come across as both.

I have sincere desire for the Horde to have good story. But I will take a the piss once it’s clear that gets not the actual objective and people just want the other guys to cry too.

As for power ups, I really don’t care. Most power ups tend to not go anywhere anyway. Aside from Thrall getting his groove back do whatever they want. Give Baine that Pillar Hammer. Give Lor’themar a magic eye to make him a better archer. Turn Voss into a super saiyan. Whatever you want to raise the general power gap.

The only thing Im weary of is hitching there power to deities because I feel like we’ll be killing them soon.

(Laughter). It’s so great to watch you debate about “real terms”.

Orcs were put in internment camps because they invaded azeroth. At the time they were affected by nothing more that demon fueled rage.
The Alliances options were kill them or magically find a way to fix them.

But yeah.

This is totally comparable to the travel ban.
Baal you seriously don’t consider what you said racist?

Do you have any idea how many times I hear some racist telling me Muslims are invading America or the West and here you are making the same comparison?

What the hell man?


Correct, which is a problem that comes from the Game Team, not the narrative itself.

We can’t will the Game Team to resist Villain Batting the Horde.

But sure if you’re opinion is that it’s narratively unnecessary to villain bat the Alliance, I have zero idea why you think that, but I’ll respect it I guess.

Tfw mixed faction continents though


And to what end?

Because Jaina’s power up allowed her to undo a Void-pocket-dimension-storm and summon a magic flying battleship from the ocean depths and freeze the ocean surface.

Anduin’s power ups let him somehow resist Titan++ Power Level Zovaal for like ten seconds


There has to be a purpose, and in-game it’s always Faction War or Big Bad.

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He called me racist for being a Norse Pagan… I am not sure why you are surprised. He judges everyone on the basis of Nationality, skin color, and religion, and sees everything through the lenses of race.

Already apologized for that but you’re still bitter I guess, have fun.

I never saw it. But if you say so.

It was right before you accused me of lying about my race, if you need a reference for where in the thread it was.

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Neither are you. But the difference between you and me is that I used the definition, and all you could say was “Lol, nop, you’re wrong, you’re incorrect”. At least provide some valid source, or elaborate on that in a meaningful way.

There is the obvious difference between chieftain ruling the tribe, and complex governemnt where we have kings, senators, politicians, diplomats and so on.

As I said there are lots of factors that determine which culture became a civilization. And their drawings were a form of language too.

It wasn’t my definition, it’s the official definition found in the dictionary. Why are you so mad at me for saying that certain cultures simply achieved more than others hence why they’ve become civilizations? Will you be also angry for me to say that there is egyptology study in science because this is how grand Ancient Egyptians were that needed a separate branch in archeology?

Well, I can only learn by reading books and watching documentaries. Some stuff we cannot experience from first hand and we have to rely on works of others to learn and understand the world better.

From past experiences…Akiyass is a racist because they are racist. Has nothing to do with their religion. No need to apologize.


What is most offensive with all this is Baal is using real world problems that I am personally and intimately familiar with to score some cheap points on videogame forum.

No the Orcs are not muslims. I don’t identify with them. Real world is much, much more complicated.

Stop using these issues as props to push your points Baal.


I’m literally a trained sociologist and ethnographer that used to work on a UNITAR committee in undergrad while doing an honors thesis :upside_down_face:

“Kings and Senators are real government, Chiefs are fake government”

Please read Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History by Anthony Smith to learn why you are wrong, perhaps Imagined communites by Anderson as well.


Not all the trolls, just Zandalari formed alliance with Mogu. All trolls formed Empire of Zul to fight back the Aquir, and then they minded their own business.

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They aren’t Muslims but they are coded as a minority/other. Most of the Alliance races are coded as white.


And he keeps going on how racist others are and still not addressing his own racist views.



To whatever end the story wants. I’m not going to feed you reasons for a power up to a storyline that doesn’t exist yet.

But if the major complaint is that the Horde leaders are on the weak side, simply fix that.

The point of this thread is to present ideas. If you have the energy to sealion me and troll otherwise, you should have the energy to imagine a scenario.

I never considered them as muslim but Baal sure thinks they are.
But as a muslim I find nothing identifiable with Orcs.

What am I supposed to identify with? That they live in a desert? Mud huts? Spiky metal spires? Invaders? Migrants?