How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Ah. Then yes. Humans can in fact exist outside of civilization. I’d be stupid at this point in history, but it’s not impossible.

As for there’s no way to salvage the Horde without d— kicking the Alliance with terrible story and characters too, I continue to believe that’s just the defeatist nature of this board speaking up but I don’t expect much else from those here anymore.

Where are these humans that lack

  • language
  • some form of settlements
  • division of labor
  • any political structure

Where are they? Where do they exist?

How do you suggest regaining moral footing against the Alliance then?

Please pray tell. Continue.

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How would I know? They are outside of civilization. I just said it’s possible, like small family decide to pack it up move to the mountains somewhere and cut ties off with the rest of society. They can still talk, they live in a Tent or cabin or some noise, divide work amongst themselves, and have a guy to act as the leader.

I still would not call that a civilization.

The Horde doesn’t need moral footing against the Alliance. Literally f— the Alliance.

All the Horde needs to is just not do the bad again. That is it. Literally it. They’ve done it before lol. With a scale far worse that ended with a planet that got killed twice. They just gotta say “We aren’t going to do that again.” then actually not do it again lol

But everyone instead needs the Alliance to feel just as bad else they can’t feel better about themselves, which is just…stupid lol


Is the identity of the Horde intrinsically tied to their moral footing against the Alliance? Is that really so important?

I mean, if we want to structure this conversation like some sort of writing prompt, then I am sure I can come up with some things. But as far as talking about what the Horde needs… I mean, when have they ever had moral footing against the Alliance?

The closest time they ever did was WC3, and even then, Grom drank demon blood and Thrall needed Alliance help to save him. At this point, the Horde needing Alliance help to win Civil Wars is really the only thing consistently Horde.

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So you’re sea-lion-ing in order to not admit error, got it.

Just gesturing to hypothetical “outside of civilization” humans when Zan over here is claiming the North African indigenous are “less civilized” than the Chinese.


This is just hoping the writers aren’t going to villain bat us

When the more reasonable solution that recognizes the madness of the writers is to give the Alliance a war crime against the Horde that parallels IRL history such that it is universally recognized as bad and unforgiveable.

Literally just ONE (1) leader comitting ONE (1) war crime. The rest don’t even have to be involved.

The entire premise of Warcraft has always been “Orcs struggling to survive”, and now with the fleshed out history we have

  • “Trolls reduced to small kingdoms thanks to the Night Elves, with subsequent genocide by Alliance and Horde otherwise”,
  • “Blood Elves genocided thanks to Arthas, struggling to survive”,
  • "Undead also struggle to not only survive, but justify their existence,
  • etc

So yes.

Briefly, because slavery and re-education labor camps are unquestionably Bad™ (wrt Thrall and the Orcs, Goblins as per intro questline) and because clear racism is also Bad™ (Garithos re: Kael’thas).

Which is yet another problem I missed and will add to the OP.


I am pretty good at history, so can you be specific on which exact history event do you mean? And how it’s affecting the game setting exactly since we’re talking about fictional beings?

I am not moving goalpost. I elaborated on the initial description.
There are societies that didn’t achieve as big perks as the others. This is why civilization is a much more restrictive term than culture.

There is a difference between using language and the ability to read and write, record history, and write law.

By political structure, it means a form of government.

But not every society created libraries, irrigation systems, aqueducts, canalization, system, and so on.

This is why we had Egyptian civilization, but not Beduin. This is why we have Inca civilization but not Siux. One achieved greater perks and left a heritage that lasts to this day. And this is why we cannot use the term carelessly and apply it to literally everyone.

I’m sorry I’m not a child and require the other kids to get slapped on the bottom to make up for my own bottom being slapped.

I want everyone to have good stories and enjoy them. I wish I could be that selfish. Life certainly would be easier.


You literally admitted you aren’t an anthropologist. It is insane you recognize you are out of your depth and continue to argue.

You are literally incorrect.


Please show me one group of people that do not have any written language.

Any political structure internal to the group to organize itself is a form of government.

Extremely cringe.

What’s hilarious is the Inca would not be a civilization according to you because they didn’t have “written language” in a way that survived.

There are no Incan texts originally.

The Empire communicated via a writing done through knots. The Mapuche remembered this and told researchers, but they forgot how to do it.

It wasn’t until I believe like five years ago that someone figured out how to decipher the knots, the indigenous tribes that survived today were proven right, and now we recognize the Inca had written language.

But by your definition the example you gave don’t even meet your own criteria.

Which really drives home the point this is purely based on how you’re personally imagining these people.

So you have no ideas, got it.

Hey Baal.

Can you stop comparing WoW to real life issues?
We get it, you did political science in university and finally found a use for it.

But you need to stop.
Last time you compared me to an orc because of my muslim background.

Stop it. Please.


I did not actually, but nice attempt at an early morning derail.


Hey I gave ideas. Many times in fact. You can actually look in this thread before I decided to take the piss and throw in hilarious racism because that is what you clearly wanted.

And you do compare wow to RL. Literally all the time. Like aforementioned “cant nuke Thunder Bluff because native american genocide”.


You compared the orc internment camps to the muslim travel ban.

Stop it.


Both were motivated by an act of violence that was used to justify instances of subjugation and racism, correct.

Your first post literally was entirely sarcastic responses that included “hilarious racism” in this thread.

You gave no other ideas.

So you literally just admitted that the travel ban and the orc internment camps are the same.

Because I am a muslim you consider me as a demon infested invader that is hellbent on destroying America?



lol and you’re muted, go make another alt if you want to continue getting my attention I guess.

Actually the only part that was dismissive of that first post was kill off half the that Alliance roster and hilarious racism.

I was completely sincere about everything before that.

The fact that people took to hilarious racism so readily was when I decided to double down and see how stupid this rabbit hole could go.

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Let assume you’re telling the telling the truth and you’re not pulling a Schrodinger’s Poster

In what world does your post come off that way?

Additionally, to what end would these power ups be directed?

He makes racist comparisons and gets mad for getting called out for it.

By the way my country of origin was on that list so I was personally affected by it.


And here I recognized that intra-faction racism in the Horde would actually be ideally exacerbated (Amani vs Blood Elf, hell get Talanji mad at the Blood Elves) and some other variations also be included (Dwarf vs Troll, Goblin vs Gnome).