How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

This is a you problem you should probably talk to someone about this. Too much of your well-being and relationship to this game, which exists to spark joy in your life, is dependent on a narrative you can’t control or your in-game ability to damage the experiences of other players due to a sense of narrative entitlement.


They have a signed Armistice. Then attacking any Horde would result in resuming the war which no one wants.

Relations are still tense but both sides are trying to mend them…we are also only a patch post BfA.

The Horde and Alliance are enemies. WoW is based on that and has been since day 1.



No, I think i’ll just leave, if things aren’t dealt with. That is an option you know.

Well the current story cetainly doesn’t spark joy, that’s for sure.

Not my intention, but it seems involving the Horde in the resolution to this mess is equivelent to that in your mind.

The Alliance could simply cut all communications with the Horde until they promise to do more to fix things, and close off their borders completely. Because currently, the horde has not done much, comparative to how much they did in the war.

Right, but it shouldn’t be the Alliance to make ammends, it should be the Horde. And there sure hasn’t been a lot of that.

Yeah, I mentioned that:


It is. I took this route a couple weeks after BfA released. Haven’t been back to retail since.


As we both agreed that both factions have different problems. One of the things the Alliance desperately needs is to get an unequivocal win over the Horde.

Now if you want a scenario where the entire Horde fighting force is away on vacation while the Alliance burns a place down then be my guest but it needs to happen so Alliance is finally allowed to fight without every limb tied behind their back and told they can’t stand against the Horde.

I am not going to stand in the way of you asking for more characters or story participation but I do ask if these characters are participating along with Alliance characters in a neutral organization for there to be logical explanations as to why in all things holy are we back to working together again when the Horde is by all accounts untrustworthy to the Alliance and all its members whether they are currently occupying a neutral office.

Different faction. Different needs.

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And I mentioned its time to move past this bandaid approach and make things clear once and for all.

What part of the Alliance winning every battle following the WoT says they can’t stand against the Horde?



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The Horde and Alliance don’t have to like or trust one another for the story to work.


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BoD, WoT, BoL and many other events.
Doesn’t matter to you though.

It used to work but now there is too much bad blood for it to work after one or two instances.
There needs to be a permanent solution.

An Alliance win.

Alliance military wasn’t even there.

Alliance routed the Horde military.

I guess it’s OK for you to minimize the Alliance victories but I’m wrong to minimize the WoT.



Sadly only Blizzard can ever actually accomplish this. Not a single suggestion in this thread from the most well-thought out to the banal idiocy simply does not matter and at the end of the day and is worth nothing. And given modern Blizzard, unless they can think of a way to turn it into a complicated Skinner box minigame with lots of RNG you have to log in and do every day on every toon I honestly don’t see them showing even the slightest motivation to bother trying.

I´ll admit I don´t even want this -I´d indeed love to FINALLY ignore the Alliance exists-… but unfortunately as you said, we know better regarding Blizzard´s M.O. on their Big Bad Evil Third Party focused expacs.

They literally made the Kirin Tor not-neutral-but-yes-neutral in WoD when they used the organization to carry the logistics of EVERYTHING sans Garrisons in the story. We Hordies had to employ a Kirin Tor High Elf to build our Mage Tower building, W T F. And aftwerards they simply had to come out and revert the removal of the Horde from the Kirin Tor because keeping this story beat made impossible for them to stuck us all in Dalaran for a second time gameplay wise.


I mean thats something we have come to expect but it surely makes it easier for Blizzard to dismiss these things when you got people like Gant say an unapologetic Horde who will be absolved of everything and enjoy all Alliance NPCs singing their praises is the correct approach it does get infuriating.

But this thread is apparently being more optimistic in its approach if it needs to improve the situation while at the same time are more than happy to throw the other half of the playerbase under the bus to accomplish it.

Alliance is not allowed to have grievances and must turn over all their characters who have their own grievances to neutral questing organizations for the Horde player’s enjoyment.

Speaking of bad takes.

Horde players don’t want to grovel at the feet of the Alliance.

So selfish.



LOL! Where did anyone suggest this?


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So they shouldnt work together no more.
Neither side apologizes and they sever ties.

Cute, you have proved you haven´t even read his proposal… just like you didn´t read “A Good War”. Nor any other content that could have gave you a COMPLETE vision of the events surrounding the 4th War, not just merely the stuff convenient to your “I´m a victim and I want MUH arbitrary brand of compensation NAOW!!!” stance.

Ok dude, if the game has to revolve around you and only you, then put on some actual big pants and propose concrete stuff: you guys continue paying Subs, we go F2P… this way we have a VERY coherent explanation on why the game has to revolve around the Alliance player´s most intimate wishes and desires.

Indeed… you literally have NEVER mentioned anything of what he complains about (heck, your Hypothetical even makes the Alliance screw up an “oops, accident!!” event, happily preventing any kind of villain batting consequence for the Alliance pool of characters, but noooo… we´re selfish cause we are tired of being made to grovel at the feet of the Alliance -I mean we haven´t groveled enough, when will it be enough, when the devs effectively erase the faction?-