How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Maybe at least the Palace of the Chiefs will be incinerated? Since the door has been broken.

could have used it to evacuate the NEs but they had to die for Horde’s new identity crisis and whatever they are doing with Night Warrior.

Yes, you have repeatedly explained that you think the Horde got the better end of the deal in BfA (WoT was a huge fist pumping moment for us apparently but neither SoL or BoD were for the Alliance) and that Horde rebuilding even regarding neutral content is dependent on Alliance players feelings.

Even regarding suggestions that are on topic you default to “That’s fine. But any interactions outside of Horde exclusive stuff shouldn’t happen until Alliance players feel better.”

You mean the Alliance?

Yes, only Alliance are privileged enough to have access to neutral content.

Yes, because there were ZERO consequences for the Horde from BfA.


None at all.



If it involves the Horde working in a neutral organization that will obviously include Alliance races then yes. There needs to be explanations and amendments if needed.
Also what is wrong with the Horde getting their own organizations? Why do they need to piggyback on the Alliance leaning stuff?
Wouldn’t this be something positive for Horde to “build” its own identity rather than just be a bystander while Alliance leaning organizations with clearly Alliance leaning characters like Khadgar making all the decisions.

Yes neutral organizations have Alliance characters in them hence the problem.

Not what I said but that never stops you from just making up what I say and then acting outraged about it.

Yes zero consequences in regards to what the new relationship with the Alliance when we eventually have to work together again and neutral organization that have Alliance members will function.
Last we saw Knights of the Silverhand were fighting one of their members in Arathi. Does that go poof now that it is no longer convenient or can we actually for once expect consequences for the events that are written and implemented?


Reminder the Earthen Ring is a Horde organization btw, and even during Cata instead of forcing Alliance to work with Horde NPCs, they got their own special Earthshrine in Stormwind lol

And they did nothing during BFA.


It may have started as a Horde leaning Organization when it first came into being, but it has since long become a fully neutral organization- same with all of these to be honest.

Cenarion Circle, Earthen Ring, all of them are neutral now despite how they may have originated. Members can of course individually go support their home faction but the organization doesn’t act itself.

Eh, most of these organizations still are able to operate as Alliance when needed, such as the Cenarion Circle during BFA.

That name makes my skin crawl and my rage levels rise.

Hmm? Why? 10/char

The Organization didn’t, individuals did. They did not go in acting on behalf of the Cenarion Circle.

*squints * They had the titles under their name, and don’t think that difference was expressed in any content either.

Turning Malfurion into a delirious old man as an excuse to cram Tyrande into a lesbian ship with Jaina because diversity makes me to want to vomit. It’s why I avoid any and all fan fiction from other players as a general rule.

lol okay then /10char


What titles are you specifically talking about? That somehow implicate the entire organization into the war.

Some of the Darkshore NPCs both in the phased uninstanced and warfront instance had < Cenarion Circle >.


? The NPC titles. That are framed within < and >

I was asking for specifics. What are the titles that make you believe the entirety of the Cenarion Circle joined the Alliance and fought during the war.


NPCs had that title. No quest said “Only some of the Cenarion Circle is helping the Alliance”.

Once again, I see no evidence of any sort of NPC simply with the title . If you have any photos or whatnot It would be very much appreciated.

The most I see are Druids of the Branch & Claw, but those are not strictly Cenarion Circle things. They are a type of druid specialization, just describing the said druids. (Branch Healing, Claw deal a lot of damage).