How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

The Horde can not limit itself to saying it has “changed…we good now” just because there is a Horde Council now and no longer a warchief.

The Horde still has a warmongering culture(s) that allowed itself to agree with Sylvanas, justifying starting a world war, most of them only ditched Sylvanas, not because of moral outrage, but because she ditched them first.

The Horde needs to continue to do acts that show its working on making its culture better, especially the relationship it has towards the Kaldorei and their land.

Germany went through many changes to become the nation it is now. It would be a ridiculous idea if Germany said “Ok he is dead, change in leadership, lets stop fighting, we will even stop our genocide…no more war, but don’t ask us to give you any form of reparations, clearly they don’t work, besides we have our own rebuilding to do…”

Of course im not saying the Alliance needs to occupy all of Horde land, and force reparation’s, split the Horde land into several zones.

Because I prefer the Horde choosing to pay some kind of reparations’ (i.e helping rebuild from the terror they inflicted upon others, Horde Druids can help with this), and choosing to become better without the need for Alliance soldiers occupying Ogrim, etc.

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First off, I think comparing Germany and the Horde is not wise at all.

That being said a huge difference is that the Horde…did not lose a war. There is nothing the Alliance can do to them unless they want to start up another war.


Gee, you think using Hitler war crimes in a pop fantasy setting with comical jersey goblins and mad scientists tongue in cheek zombies was a bad idea? /coughChristieGolden/cough


Again the current Horde is kind of beyond redemption everything they own is stained with blood of other races. Whether that be the blood elves, Quillboar or centaur. Even the humans and trolls over on the eastern kingdoms. Not to mention the damage they have done to these lands has been immense and both landmasses have scars caused by the Horde.

The Horde needs to give up all these lands and have a massive exodus to Northrend. It is the most uninhabited landscape on Azeroth for them to rebuild in. This allows the Horde to have new warcraft 3 story where they build a new home and conquer a new land and develop new characters along side this story. This time without killing off the native races and drinking demon blood. Instead maybe saving the Tuskarr from the wild undead, Helping the Dragonflights protect their few remaing egg clutches, Restoring the destroyed loa from wrath.

This allows the Alliance to take back its lands and rebuild and develop on its own. Giving it a chance to develop stories where it starts to fracture as each faction tries to rebuild and making demands on one another.

This give the faction war a break and lets the faction grow a bit separately and room to breath without requiring interactions between the two. Finally when they two faction do come back to blows it can be with the Alliance as the aggressor.

Who is more deluded:

  • Badmaa, who wants to deport the various Horde races to a frigid wasteland
  • Ain, who wants to remove the Horde from the game
  • Smalliox, who wants to genocide the Horde in vengeance

Send your votes in now!


Tell that to Blizzard.

From Baine killing Horde soldiers who are saying “just following orders” to free derek proudmoore (actually this may not be true, I haven’t played the questline myself, but I thought I remember when it was released, other players saying it was the case).

Forsaken Death Camp in Beta…

A book called “War Crimes”, having ovbious references to Nuremberg trials.

Destruction of Teldrassil being called a Genocide, a term that was invented in 1944 (though many of them happened prior to WW2) because of what Germany did.

Of course you have those Forsaken doing experiments on living people…

Your right Zitga, the Alliance can not force the Horde to pay reparation’s like the Allied Powers did, but the Horde should CHOOSE to pay reparation’s, apart of the whole “turning a new leaf”, to further distinguish themselves from the past Horde versions.

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This is a colonial fantasy

Horde Shamans*, we have more Shaman than Druids and terraforming is more Shamanism than Druidism

This has been suggested and agreed upon multiple times in this thread in fact.

If you read all what I posted, I said that the Alliance splitting the horde into several zones is a bad idea.

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Velen watched as the exterminator carefully examined and then removed a small crystal panel in the wall of the Vindicaar. The human in blue coveralls got down on his knees and shown a flashlight into the darkness where the panel had been. “Yup, here’s your problem then. Just like I thought.” Velen knelt down so he too could see what it was the exterminator had found- the ductwork was full of blood elves crawling around everywhere. “Gonna need to fumigate this whole place.”


Yes just keeping one step ahead of the various players who will now reply and say it is actually a good idea.

Thats not true. Terraforming is a long time druid theme. Since classic wow. The emerald dream make this possible in the first place and thats a druid domain.

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I mean you made a thread asking how can the Horde be redeemed. Outside a massive revamp or just being removed from the story all together. simply, they can’t.

Instead all you want is for the Alliance to become as bad as the Horde which is almost as impossible as a complete Horde revamp. While at the same time ask that the Horde get all their villain characters back and powered up then claiming all the Neutral troll and Tauren tribes and their lands. That isn’t a redemption that is rewarding their villainous behavior.

If that is what you want you should rename the thread to “what the Horde should get rewarded for being the villain faction without any consequences.”

Edit: Also most of Northrend is actually quite lush and green actually. Take a look at grizzly hills, howling ford, shalozar basin. Even Borean tundra, crystal song forest and dragon blight seem to be reasonably inhabitable. Even then races like the Forsaken would be fine in the inhospitably cold area like icecrown. The frostwolves prefer the cold region as well so they would be fine it somewhere like the storm peaks.

Where have I asked this?

There are no neutral trolls, there are either Horde Trolls, or Trolls both factions kill.

There are no neutral Tauren either.

It’s almost like this is one of the first narrative problems I outline in the OP and has been repeated by every Horde player in this thread except Erevien


Yet you still want them to join Horde as if they hadn’t been killing each other for years. Especially the blood elves and the Zul faction you want.

Sadly your expectation for them to retcon this and the writers admit their mistakes is never gonna happen. We can only expect them to do better going forwards, giving the Horde a fresh start again is really the only way to do this without dragging the baggage of their past with them.

Vol’jin is villainous? We’re getting him back regardless so that ship is sailing.

Rastakhan is villainous too? Lmao git gud

Kael’thas is literally in purgatory right now atoning for his sins lmao that’s the point of Revendreth.

He will be fine after he atones.

Yes because the Amani joining the Horde via a combined delegation of Darkspear and Zandalari, with agreement that Blood Elves were return some land to them maybe, add a complex intra-faction dynamic while also reunifying all the Trolls. Same with all the other tribes in their respective dynamic.

Almost like how the Alliance got the Dark Iron Dwarves, who you have also been killing for years and has caused multiple Alliance-side incidents.

It’s almost like this was the first suggestion as a joke, and every other suggestion is more serious. But hey, I know reading is hard for you.

Anywho don’t bother replying again, I’m just gonna block you again for degeneracy.

My point was your asking for old characters back like that would be some form of redemption, It isn’t especially with characters like Kael’thas coming back into the faction.

Again how is this any form of redemption? why would anyone consider joining the Horde considering they have literally just had 2 massive civil wars where they ended up killing one another.

Talanji can’t even get her own people under control let alone the other troll tribes. She and by extension the zandalari are in no position to be negotiating treaties between Blood elves and forest trolls.

You’ve said this before yet Im guessing your starting to realise if you just block everyone your just talking to yourself.

You want to write your own fanfic where the horde never did anything wrong and get all the prizes maybe take it to the roleplay forum.

I wonder why.

They can cut all ties to them and consider them akin to the legion or the scourge. No diplomacy, kill on sight. That should send a message of what unpaid debts yield.

Yes because Alliance getting one unequivocal win is tantamount to the entire Horde getting genocided.

What is up with people constantly making up bad takes to make strawmen arguments of people they disagree with to push their point?
Not looking or hoping Baal make a reply to this one but just making an observation.


They already got that at the SoL.

You mean like saying the WoT was a huge, fist-pumping moment for Horde players?



I’d hardly call SoL a Solid Win for the alliance. It was an outright embarrassment if anything. :wolf: