How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Better idea. We have an entire expansion about the Alliance tearing themselves apart in a civil war with serveral alliance heroes being killed off. That is the Horde treatment. It is only fair if the Alliance gets that experience too.

Father’s resentment = children’s resentment. That is, Lorash. Or night elves and trolls. I mean, only the night elves haven’t changed since they drove the trolls into their cities. The trolls have had several generations change. I mean… Would it count as an offense if you offended those you didn’t know? Although, the children of the trolls must have been told about these offenses. Yes, the resentment of the fathers is the resentment of the children.
Shall we bargain?

No, I don’t want to bargain! My post was a jab at something else, but I changed my mind as it could have angered some people, and I don’t want that.

The Night Elves will destroy the Silvermoon (Mulgore), trap everyone, and blow up Hijal. Then Malfurion and Tyranda will be blamed for everything, and the next addition will take place in the world of Arcane Magic. Or Life.

So what are the numbers? Do the night elves have the largest army in the world by a wide margin?

And just one expansion after we get a warfront of Silvermoon(Mulgore) where the land is retaken and the Alliance suffers a crushing defeat. Since the bad guys always gets defeated.

according to lore, that would be stormwind. They have more population than all of the horde cities combined

Not. You will receive a front in the Barrens (where is Taurajo?), Or in the area below Silvermoon, where everything is gloomy and mushrooms are growing (?). The entire starting area of the race will be destroyed.
Stop. Why am I blowing up Hyjal? He’s not the capital. You will detonate Ironforge. Or Stormwind.
Stop. We will destroy Mulgore. You will attack Ironforge in response. Yes.

The Stormwind army is over or close, they are almost forced to recruit peasants.
Dwarves?! Yes, possibly dwarves …

Remember folk, everything must be considered with the alliance player feeling alone. If the horde win, its the biggest win of the universe despite the horde not feeling it just because the alliance player see it as a win.

But if the alliance win, its a lost just because the alliance feel it as a lost.

If the alliance lost, its the biggest lost of the universe and they must have a resolution because of how the alliance player feel about it.

But if the horde lost, it doesn’t matter and doesn’t count because its different and the alliance player doesn’t really feel anything about it.

We should just be happy that blizzard let us still be a faction and should stop being so demanding. Like what? our entire faction should be able to defeat the civilian of only one race easily??? What a unreasonable request… We are already lucky that blizzard let us beat those civilian at the cost of losing 8 soldier for 1 civilian…

I mean imagine those poor night elf player feeling when they were told that the night elf civilian alone couldn’t defeat the whole horde by themself. God i can’t imagine how awefull this must be.


Do you want to bargain?

Psst. Don’t tell them the facts. You might upset their feelings and their unrealistic power fantasy.

On the topic at hand. Since the Horde is conceptually operating from ground zero here after BfA, I think its time to get REALLY back to basics. So within SLs I have 3 expansion long short-term goals:

  1. First. With Thrall getting that new Model that holds within it so much thematic weight, Thrall needs growth to reflect that weight. By the time he gets out of SLs he needs to be ready to be the MU Orc Chieftain he was always Born and Entrusted to be so many. One who take both pride AND strength in that role.
  2. There needs to be a tangible payoff for Vol’jin. I know its fast, but that evolution of his being needs to get him to the person he needs to be to fulfill Sen’jin’s prophecy. To be the one who can help guide ALL of Troll kind to a brighter future. Rokhan will be built up to lead the Darkspear, Jin’s duty is now to his race.
  3. Baine needs to take having his weakness and powerlessness taken to heart, and use that for personal growth. He is long overdue to reach his father’s level of balance of knowing when to sacrifice for peace, an when to stand his ground. And that journey should result in the reforging of a Bloodhoof Rune Spear.
  4. Calia … is not a Horde character, but situationally there are ways to make her a bit more of one. I suspect most of her journey in the SLs will be more personal (than political) in nature, but there are certain things that could happen back on Azeroth in her absence that could aid her into becoming more palatable.

These are my short term goals. Essentially in a way recreating the foundation characters that led to WC3 in the first place. And depending on what happens on Azeroth while we’re all gone, Lor’themar, Rokhan, Gazlowe, and Voss (who all need a ton of work themselves) can see growth due to unique environments as well. But in SLs, within THIS expac, its these 3 1/2 that need to be developed into people worth following by the time we return. That way they don’t need that attention, and others who desperately need it can get it.


needs to die. Unsalvagable.

Also needs to die.

Is an Alliance character and should return to that faction. She does not belong in the Horde not now, not in the future and not ever.

He will return as demigod and unite all the other tribes under the banner of the Horde. Just like Sen’jin prophecied it.

I think I can make better goals then that. The Horde needs much, much more then that. We need a complete overhaul and not just look after the surface of symptoms.

An insinuating scream. Do you want to go back to the WC3 days? How about separating the night elves from the Alliance and being able to kill the entire Horde? Orcs, Blackspear, and tauren at least.

Hmm. Could this be one of the reasons for the racial fantasy of the night elves? Are three to four playable races in WoW merged as one “race” in WC3?

There it is again. The wet fantasy of only using a single race to destroy an entire faction. You Nightelf fans are ridiculous.

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You mean ‘Square One’. Things start from ‘Square One’. ‘Ground Zero’ refers to the area of total destruction resulting from the detonation of a powerful weapon or similar event… actually, referring to the Horde’s current situation, maybe saying starting from Ground Zero is appropriate.


I only negotiate for night elves. Only about them.

And where will the Horde start from scratch? Northrend? Or go in search of the fifth continent? Or lift this continent! Yes…

Fair enough lol. Still, those are my personal goals for SLs. Ignoring Erevian’s desperate attempts to destroy the faction he claims to like, to turn it into a contrarian Sith Empire Faction against the Faction he claims to hate (but one he seems absurdly jealous of). And Shern’s NEPFA nonsense about expecting the NEs to be one the most Mary Sue races ever put to paper (which, thank god, their ACTUAL Racial Fantasy is not).

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