How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

And what is our racial fantasy about? What was sold to us in WC3?

Also, i would like for Thrall to use the whole Sylvanas situation in order to understand that he did the right thing when he killed Garosh and stop having remorse about it. I would like for him to regret to not have take care of the Sylvanas thing earlier while he was just chilling in his farm. This way he could get he full power back since he wouldn’t regret using them anymore and would have for goal to ensure that no other evil leader try to lead the horde.

Vol’jin bein powerfull, relevant and important is a must for the darspear fan and for the horde.

As for Baine, i would just like for blizzard to show a bit how strong physical strength is. Baine is suppose to be the strongest warrior of the strongest playable race. If Varian can kill a giant felreaver just by strength, Baine should be able to do even more. Just a few detail like hammering enemy far away or smashing the ground ( like every tauren are suppose to be able to do) destroying everything near.

Calia… I just don’t know how to feel about her. I hate her and doesn’t want her anywhere near my forsaken but we don’t have that much option. At this point, i would prefer to just put our a new warlock leader out of no where and have him leader the forsaken. Like we could just raise a old mage gardian and have him turning into a warlock. It would be out of no where but at least it wouldn’t be Calia and i would have my warlock leader.


Wrong thread. Go back to one of the million night elf thread.

Also, you are not bargaining or negotiating anything. You are just spouting nonsense that nobody understand anyway.


How about Tamsin Rome? Forsaken Warlock, formerly trained as a paladin (?) In Scholomance, a mercenary from HS. Has a sister in the Alliance.

I trade grudges. Do you want to suggest something and I’ll try to balance it.

Not that anyone was trying to trade with me. Basically, I traded my grievances for your grudges. The suffering of the Horde has not yet been offered to me to balance.

Do you mind the plot in which the night elves are villains and use the Nightmare to achieve their goals?

I don’t want to destroy it. My changes will improve it. You have to give me the benefit of doubt because only that way I can warm up to blizzard about my changes.

So Erevien’s proposal is to appoint as commanders of the Horde those who have been deemed villains? Exchange for the Human Crusade. Fanaticism of the Draenei. Night elf racism towards EVERYONE. What else can spoil us? Crazy worgen maybe? I don’t know what to do with dwarves and gnomes. Although, a quarrel of three clans? Questioning Megatorque’s mental capacity after a coma?

I defiled all the important ones.

My stance on Calia is that I’m “adverse” to her, but I’m not completely “opposed” to her. I think that if the dual-identity of the Forsaken in BtS is expanded on and explored, there could be a place for Calia. As she can facilitate and support “The Citizens of Lordaeron” half of their identity conceptually fairly well. In a positive way. Just as theoretically, Voss could be built up to support the Forsaken side in an equally positive way. Thus, in concept, a dual leadership situation to facilitate and support that whole spectrum of identity.

However, a few things will need to happen for that to occur. And while I’m “fine” with her having and maintaining a positive relationship with Anduin and Jaina, I do think Calia needs to create and maintain some distance with the Alliance. On behest and for her people. Which … is a small part of why (while all us PCs and Peaceniks are locked away in the SLs, including both her AND Feathermoon atm) … I am partial to idea that the Lightbound show up and let the Turalyon and the Alliance loose on their grievences. To create what I see to be an essential rift. Even if not an insurmountable one. And again, this only works if Voss is built up as her equal counterbalance.

No I don’t. You’re leader roster is an arbitrary mess of Villains and Randoms that you just seem to like. Most of whom are dead, and none of whom would be caught dead cooperating with the others. Nearly all of whom (except odd choices like Chen or Jin), are responsible for killing more of their own people than the Alliance have. And very few of them even uttering the Anti-Alliance lipservice you require. Hell, beyond being a villain, Magatha alone is so antithetical to what you claim to demand in a leader its kind of nuts. Not only did members of her own Grimtotem side with the Alliance in Cata, but she outright got her as* handed to her by that apparent UBER weakling Baine! In short, “Arbitrary Anti Alliance Faction that exists to be Contrarian”. Its awful.


We are still very early in Calia’s story, so I think some people just need to…wait and see, I know people don’t like hearing that. But she has joined the Horde and has been aiding the Forsaken for barely a patch. I honestly don’t have any strong feelings one way or another, but I do think it brings up some unique opportunities for the Forsaken. She seems to be good for them, with Voss representing one side and her another as you kind of said.

I am thinking she may become sort of…a temporary antagonist if the Light show up as the villains one expansion though. I see her being mind controlled or something due to how she was raised, and we will eventually save her.


Shout, scream as early as possible! True, this did not help the night elves. But you try. Or show “a little patience.”
Although … No, it is bad analogy.

Give me a sec. An enthusiastic smile does not bode well. Since each expansion should have a raid dedicated to trolls, who will we beat in the “evil light”? Talanji?

My leaders are all iconic characters with deep lore and strong powers. It is exactly what the Horde needs. Also the Horde will never matter for the neutral plot so we need to have a different identity. Being the enemy of the Alliance is a totally fine concept for me. That way we always get screentime.

What’s the Horde’s argument against night elf vengeance? “Isn’t it enough for you that you are recovering?”

The Horde still won and burned everything to ash.

The Horde still won and burned everything to ash.

The Horde still won and burned everything to ash. The reason why the Horde got “stopped” was because both sides needed something to do. Its a game afterall but in every instance the Horde won and accomplished their objectives.

No all this points towards the Horde achieving total victory in WoT. What you object to is how easily they did which lets put in real terms here. Both Alliance and the Horde players needed to do some quests and witness some events. The only way they can do that is for the battle “to cease” for a few moments just so both sides can gather resources, kill 8 or 10 guards and turn in their dailies before the events could continue again.
How would have rewritten WoT to make Horde strong? Make the Night Elves even more pathetic in their defense? NE NPCs bowing or cowering as the might of the Horde marched through the forest path? Like how much more total domination did the Horde need to do for the Horde player to feel strong?
They marched through 2 zones and annihilate the entire NE civilization off the map in northern Kalimdor minus Cenarion holdings.

I vigorously disagree. The Night Elves even failed their rescue mission. In the end the results speak for themselves the Horde shattered the NEs and destroyed everything they wanted without anyone being able to stop them.
Then the Horde was strong enough to weaken the Alliance so much that the combined armies of Alliance and the Horde would not being enough to stop Sylvanas.

If the Horde was so weak why did Andiun need Saurfangs help? He could have attacked all Horde cities simultaneously and succeeded.

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As well they should have.

Just Teldrassil.

Except eliminating Malfurion

And removing Night Elves as a threat

And capturing Teldrassil

And fracturing the Alliance

But, sure, every objective was met…

Never happened.

Do they? Let’s see…

Which didn’t prevent them doing anything including participating in the SoL immediately following the WoT.

So shattered.

The Alliance military was elsewhere. You seem to keep forgetting this fact.

Oh yeah, the Horde looked SO strong when they steamrolled a bunch of city guards.

Looked so strong when Saurfang and Sylvanas mentioned that THE ENTIRETY OF THE HORDE would not be enough to get to Teldrassil if both Tyrande and Malfurion were present to fight.

Looked so strong when Malf absolutely bodied Sylvanas (in game) and was only stopped because of plot convenience.

He didn’t, but Anduin is an idiot that has no business being the Supreme military commander of a coalition force like the Alliance in the first place.



I mean, there is some rational releasing an agent like Saurfang to split the loyalties of an enemy and fracture them from within. And IF Blizz had actually committed to an entrapment narrative for the Horde after Teld (which makes a whole lot of Sylvie’s and Anduin’s tactics make WAY more sense) … then Saurfang as a tactic also makes a whole lot more sense. As well as allowing the Horde characters to actually have an opinion on Teld, rather than it being written out of the Horde’s story after WoT. But … Blizz wanted to keep their stupid as hell “twist” betrayal ending with Sylvie a surprise. So they threw out that very easy tonal shift to “surprise” us all lol!


The other person made it seem like they didn’t.

These would have never happened. The game still needs two factions to function so just because you did not get to delete the Alliance and their entire playerbase as some sort of slight upon the Horde then idk what to tell you except tough cookie.
But the Horde decided to destroy an entire zone and a capital city with everything in it and they did. Epic Horde victroy and display of strength. They even had a tearful NE to witness it all for extra lols.

It did.

Did you miss the smoldering ruins of the big tree and the devastated countryside on the beach?

Yes the Horde shattered the NEs and got to Teldrassil and burned it. I don’t think shattered means complete extinction do you?

Doesn’t matter to the Alliance player.
And even when the military is finally there there are multiple instances of Alliance hearing about how they can’t confront the Horde directly due to how strong they are.

they did. I hope you enjoyed it.

The game says he did so he did.

It was a win on paper. Just like the SoL was a win for the Alliance. Or the BoD. Or Arathi. Or Darkshore.

But they were the goal. Literally what the war was started in order to accomplish. That’s how it was sold.

That was never the goal. Not did it happen unlike what some fringe posters claim.

I’d say the same thing to Alliance regarding closure for Teldrassil. But this isn’t the thread for that.

No, Sylvanas decided that at the last minute. Horde were supposed to occupy the tree.


And the feelings of the Alliance players are irrelevant regarding the rebuilding of the Horde.

The Alliance win EVERY battle after the WoT.

Alliance: “Oh gosh! Horde is so strong what will we do?”

wins every battle after WoT

If you say so, Alliance. Tell us Horde players exactly how we should feel about Horde content. That’s what your Alliance do, right? Save the uncultured savages from themselves?

Horde was SO strong we needed another civil war (with Alliance assistance AGAIN) to attempt to straighten things out.

So strong.



It was a win on screen. A win on paper would be if you are told via interview that your faction canonically won so and so warfront.

It was sold as the Horde winning outright without the Alliance being able to do anything to stop them and then break the Alliance by holding an entire playable race hostage and enthralled. Yeah that was never going to happen and if you are unhappy about that then tough cookie man.

Sylvanas ordered the tree destroyed and the Horde destroyed it. The rest doesn’t really matter.

I think the conversation has moved past the rebuilding concerning this little topic midboss raised.

Its interesting that you deny me the “Well Horde won” by injecting your nuance about Malfurion, town guards and whatever else but when I raise the same nuances that Alliance player had to sit through then suddenly it doesn’t matter. A win is win for the Alliance.
Kind of hypocritical of you.

They didn’t win any direct confrontations. Always had to use some dues ex or use trickery. So exactly what happened with WoT.

Don’t care to regarding your content seen from your faction pov.
From Alliance pov who shared that content the Horde went from one win to the next or one alliance win denial to the next with always one Horde character or two flipping us off as they disappeared into the distance.
The Horde was an unstoppable killing machine and only with the Help of jesus saurfang and his great sacrifice did we finally have the privilege to stop the Horde.

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Like SoL and BoD for Alliance.

Ok. So your early statement about the Horde winning all it’s objectives was categorically false.

Glad we’re in agreement.

Because it doesn’t fit your interpretation of things.

Because Alliance posters apparently can’t read.

In what instance did I ever say the Horde didn’t win the WoT?

Quote me please.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

I and others have stated that the WoT was not this huge, fist-pumping moment for the Horde. Because it wasn’t. The only people claiming it is are Alliance that also deny things like SoL and BoD being Alliance victories.

Nope. Your interpretations are off.



And both happened on screen.

Let’s make a list of the battles Horde won in BfA:

  1. WoT

Until they were stopped at the SoL (and every battle thereafter). Immediately following the WoT.

