How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Erriden, I know it’s not done but what do you think of it so far?


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Gonna be honest, you need to up your profession to craft a comfier hat. And it doesn’t show off my dk bias that I have.

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Stop shaving your head and it won’t be so cold.


Sorry can’t hear you buddy, at the barber shaving my head.

Edit: also the hat needs more tinfoil

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That’s your loss, then. Recovery stories are some of my favorites. Finding new meaning after tragedy, seeking purpose through suffering, building something beautiful despite the cruelty of the world, it’s good stuff.

Of course there is! Have you never overheard what construction workers gossip about? Plus, recovery efforts don’t need to be all about literal construction. It can mean diplomacy, political intrigue, reconsolidating borders, or just exploring stories that aren’t all about getting pwned by the Horde or trying to pwn the Horde.

Yeah sure but in none of those is the persons responsible, the Horde, are still there taunting you.

Taunting how? What are you even talking about? Is Blizzard going to include a bunch of quests where you have to perform a walk of shame through Elwynn and Ashenvale and /cower before 15 Horde NPCs who are all jeering and laughing at you?

Not destroying the Horde in retaliation for BfA is not going to be the end of the Alliance. Feeling humiliated whenever your enemies don’t explode apart at the first offense is your problem.


BfA is far from the hordes First Offense, it just another in a long list of offenses the alliance wasn’t allowed to retaliate for. :wolf:


Because when Billy Blizzard needs a villain that isn’t space Satan or his dog they default to the Horde. Heaven forbid the Alliance lose its perfect morality record.



You know I’m all for the alliance being darker Ganth. People know I want the worgen to be the alliances Monster Race. This isn’t about the alliance perfect morality, it’s about the alliance looking like idiots for trusting the horde for the umpteenth time. :wolf:


Only the enemy does not fall apart. Not at the first attack. Not in the second. Not with limb amputation. Not when cutting off the head. Never.
This enemy is with us forever. And we support him. Um … What?

What kind of restoration works will you suggest?

Sigh … and we’d love for you to be able to do it. Take your hits. Hell, many of us would be fine with some territorial/population destruction from the Alliance (and and getting “beat up”) if such a unique environment is used to allow our underdeveloped character roster to get some development. In a very pressure turns coal to diamonds sort of way. Which does mean the only thing off limits in such a potential “Alliance Power Fantasy” story is the Horde’s remaining characters getting that development. But you’d be shocked how much push back we get to even THAT single ultimatum to make such a story worth playing for the Horde playerbase. Because it somehow cheapens Alliance supremacy if they don’t get to cull our roster too.

But, god its hard to ignore that so many “solutions” for Horde “redemption” or rebuilding from Alliance players really are laced with “reasserting our dominance”. Which, fair, their power fantasy was infringed upon and they’re feeling blue-balled. I do however find it fascinating this sort of “yeah, we know BfA was horrible for both sides, but it was actually worse for us cuz reasons … and its only fair the Horde knows our pain” sentiment. Knowing full well that the Alliance are NEVER at risk of knowing the pain of the Plot-Device the Horde knows.

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Question, do you honestly believe the alliance isn’t just a plot device itself for the horde to take its aggression out on?

I honestly think horde players sometimes don’t understand how frustrating it is for us too. It’s not just a horde problem :wolf:


No, I don’t. No matter how much a passenger in the story of BfA the Alliance was, they weren’t the ones being used as the VEHICLE for it. As the point of BfA wasn’t the faction conflict, it was Sylvanas being allowed to use the Horde as a tool to settup future content and future expansions. Just like Garrosh did in his forced tenure. The Horde wasn’t “taking out their aggression” on the Alliance, because the Horde was forced to play the Aggressors in another Faction Conflict story without being allowed “luxuries” like Motives for that aggression. It is also why Vol’jin had to die in one of the most insulting ways imaginable in Legion. To set that up.

We were once again forced to be the baddies in a war we were told from the offset we could never hope to win unless the Alliance were absurdly handicapped (ideologically and literally). Hell, we were outright told that the ENTIRE HORDE COMBINED could never hope to defeat the NES ALONE if both Tyrande and Malf were on the field at the same time; or 90 percent of their army wasn’t deterred elsewhere. But we were still tasked with being the baddies anyway, while being allowed ZERO motives (let alone valid ones), to attack the Alliance. With little regards for the why or the after. That is the pain of the plot-device that you will NEVER know as Alliance players.

EDIT: Being forced to be the villains SOLELY to settup future content entirely at your expense, without being allowed silly things like Means, or Motives, and only forced Opportunity. As a faction that gets buried under justifications for EVERYTHING you do, I don’t think Alliance players appreciate having none at all.


We are indifferent to each other
We study only ourselves
After describing your suffering,
Let’s spit the stranger in the eye.
We don’t wear masks
We only wear one face
We defend one banner

A line is missing. Sorry.

Inasmuch both factions are ultimately plot devices, yes. I think the specific complaint here boils down to “The writers pay attention to the Horde and its themes/races when it’s time to make them villains in the faction war, and then ignore them when it’s done.”

In Shadowlands, Alliance grievances are being addressed, however imperfectly. The Horde has had its narrative issues addressed essentially not at all, which is why there is so very much resistance to so many of these proposals for atonement or retribution or whatever. You see in Gant’s post that the Horde and its players are starved for building up and development - we feel very much punished by BfA, and are now feeling very ignored in the Shadowlands. To be punished more and then ignored again (because that is the writers’ MO) is why so many Horde players are focused on rebuilding and ignoring the Alliance.

I am very well aware that many Alliance players are split on the Shadowlands content, thinking it is insufficient, imperfect, and what have you, but that content is there. Part of the reason why the Horde felt so bare-bones in BfA is that the writers never bothered to rebuild them after the Garrosh debacle.


Truthfully? I think horde players are getting a lot of pushback from alliance players simply because blizzard has failed horribly at addressing the Teldrassil genocide/debacle. So when you say horde players want to ignore the alliance, while fair, people are going to naturally lash out until the elephant in the room has been properly addressed.

But that’s me :wolf:


Have they failed horribly at addressing it? Yes, totally. I agree that they have.

Have they addressed it? They have, even if imperfectly and not in the way that everyone wants.

Horde issues like the complete and total loss of Lordaeron, losing every single battle of the war, an incredibly depleted character roster, etc., the narrative is 100% silent on.


I’m just so tired of faction war stuff. Can’t Alliance just build some things? Go on some adventures? Fight somebody other than the Horde? Please. Have mercy.

Yes. I believe the Alliance is not just a plot device for the Horde to take its aggression out on. I can’t tell if you’re being hyperbolic or genuine with your statement.

God, thank you. The Horde certainly feels a bit like a tool just to bludgeon the Alliance with, then when the faction war story is over, it’s the Alliance’s turn to step in and be the big heroes. See Legion for a great example. This problem started in Cataclysm and has only continued.


If I was being hyperbolic/sarcastic, you’d know.And believe me, I’m tired of dealing with the horde and not being able to actually solidly kick their teeth in just one time. :wolf: