How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Personally, I’d rather punch Billy. Because Billy gets his rocks off watching Harold and Andy fight each other over something Billy instigated in the first place.


thats not possible, and you know it. because harold and andy are puppets and without billy do something, the puppets will do nothing.

Right, so is there any point in Andy being mad at Harold or vice versa?



It is. Because the players still identify with their factions to an certain part.

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Of course. But here we are dancing to the tune Blizzard is farting out. They think they’re doing a fantastic job because they got Andy and Harold to argue with one another.



However, when Harold in his attempt to feel better makes the situation more and more unbearable for Andy, it definitely creates more tension

Remember though:


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Then you might as well skip this, I mean, if we can’t change anything anyway?

We can’t. But we can have a conversation.


so we´ll make blizzard feel satisfied

I said have a conversation. Not all conversations have to be arguments.


I mean, we can all agree that :pancakes: > :waffle:



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To echo a lot of other people have said, there needs to be a fundamental shift in the writers before we get what we want, regardless of where you fall on this.

I will say though as a premise to the whole tone and point to this thread, that as a Horde player since late BC when I was introduced to this game on a friends account (orc hunter, still remember to today) until now the Horde is where my heart is as a faction in this game. Its a constructed identity that a lot of us held on to for a long time in this game, and have a deep interest in wanting to see the side we chose not be constantly mangled and tossed aside, punishing us for choosing a faction that, for whatever reason, we connected with. Im sure others have similar stories.

I had a stint as Alliance for a couple years. Draenei paladin and mage. So its not like Im only seeing one side of it all either.

But where to start, in my eyes, is really growing the individual races and organizations within the Horde. Create things that we can have interesting stories with, show off/be proud of within the faction, create a more integrated yet diverse horde.

  • The Shattered Hand, for example, was the Horde’s espionage organization in Kalimdor, while we had the Deathstalkers in the Eastern Kingdoms, later the Farstriders with Blood Elves. Yet, we don’t see the new/reformed Shattered Hand any more. Lets do that, or grow the 3 orgs into a wider espionage unit with leaders from each.

  • The Siame-Quashi were introduced in Zul’Gurub after a very strong Darkspear centered Stranglethorn story. Lets see more of them.

  • Bring out Anshe and Musha more for the Horde, and Tauren in general. For such a, generally, spiritual faction our cosmology and pantheons are severely lacking.

  • A bovine council, Kalimdor tauren, Highmountain, Taunka, maybe a Yaungol rep that talks about their specific issues. A great Horde Pandaren story/conflict there.

  • The constantly mentioned Troll cooperation and reclamation.

  • Who wants in on a goblin trade war? Horde vs Steamwheedle? Piracy on the high seas?

The options, clearly, are endless and I think we all recognize that. It comes down to Blizzards will. Forged in the Barrens did a great job at that. Hell, Hearthstone has done a great job at fleshing out abandoned zones throughout wow. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan? Amazing.

To the, primarily, Alliance critics that want to see punishment or redemption, I don’t think you’re going to get it. Not any more than what you already see. But you should also get some sort of closure and story. As a Draenei player, I want to see more Broken stuff. That could be a great parallel story. Orcs and Draenei go back to Outland to bring people ‘home’ before it falls apart? Cooperation in narrative story telling can be done, and done well.

Also as a Draenei player, I don’t want to see my group sidelined to randomly cosmically charged human, even if it is our fault that we did kinda train him. I want to see growth and conflict. Draenei and Lightforged frictions, Dreanei and Night Elf cooperation, Alliance religious differences, if not outright fights, especially if the Light is supposed to be uncompromising and conforming. Where is the light as a belief, the naaru, and elune in all of this with imperfect mortals that believe they’re right? You should see Arathi updated, get new quests, see a regrowing Stromgarde that brings in conflict at Thoradin’s Wall, working with the Wildhammer. You deserve story too but it doesn’t have to come at the Horde’s expense or need for redemption in your own eyes. We can have nice things too.


No. In this analogy, Billy is the writers. Blizzard.

It does work that way if you assume Andy is the Alliance PLAYER and Harold is the Horde PLAYER.


I mean that’s what I assumed, the analogy was very heavy handed.


Blatantly obvious one might say!


Baalsamaely obvious perhaps? Idk I’m reaching here lol


And that’s +1 more small update to the hypothetical.


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Equips hat of +1 to hypotheticals.