How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

You can make whatever assumptions you want, my hypothetical (while still being worked on) provides minimal interaction between Horde and Alliance outside a common enemy. I even posited that Alliance would be “keeping an eye on The Horde” during certain parts of the story beat.


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Your hypothetical absolves the Horde and makes allows them to interact with all Alliance related content like they didn’t try to wipe them out in the previous war when a lot of these characters left the neutral organization to fight alongside the rest of the Alliance.
Are the NE Cenarion Druids supposed to treat the player and the rest of the Horde characters as noble friends that weren’t trying to kill them earlier?

All I ask for somehow to explain why these characters and organizations should get along like nothing is wrong with half the members of their organization?

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Such as?

You also seem to be coming at this from a mindset of every Horde member is guilty by association.

Was every German a member of the National Socialist party during WW2?

Did every Horde druid participate in the BoT?



Horde player coming into a zone to pick up quests from an NE druid while both Horde and Alliance NPCs standing around together like they are the bestest friends.

For example.

My uneducated guess is that stuff like early battlegrounds without emotional investment make it super easy to walk away from, because it’s simpler to set aside those moments in the context of PVP that doesn’t reflect the story.

Stuff like BFA won’t let you forget, even when you want to. So the bad feelings linger. Even if they end up getting resolved, you’re still going to run into reminders if you level an alt. It’s actually somewhat discouraged me from leveling up other classes like I tend to do during content droughts. I had a full roster of capped stuff during Legion but in BFA it was just…meh.


Reminder this thread below exists for Alliance players who want to be productive


A neutral zone, I surmise.

One that represents a neutral organization, surmise.

You mean members of that neutral organization that includes races from both factions but don’t represent that faction?

Hamuul Runetotem really likes hanging out with Malfurion.



Pretty much, yea. And those that weren’t, or didn’t support the regime, were parts of resistance groups. You can’t really stand at the sidelines with issues like this, because by doing that you help those in power.

So practically speaking you don’t want the Alliance races and neutral leaning organizations to have zero content that addresses why in the world they should be alright working with the Horde who previously was trying to wipe them out.
And yes the Horde is guilty by association because the Horde is an organization and not a race or religion.

They can easily explain that so and so Tauren or Orc was never related to the Horde and had no relation whatsoever with the Horde faction.
Maybe even say these characters now in the neutral faction deserted the Horde due to their disgust with the organization.

Tell that to the Germans that fled to Switzerland.

But I digress.

Neutral factions in game outside of the very few that are relevant to the story beat Blizzard is trying to push at that time generally don’t pick sides. I mean, look at the Kirin’Tor.



They do absolutely represent the faction.
Just because a character like Jaina was in the Kirin Tor doesn’t that suddenly Jaina ceased to be Alliance.
The same applies to the nameless faceless NPCs unless stated otherwise.

Gotcha, so those Horde civilians that didn’t participate in the 4th war are just as guilty as those who operated the catapults when destroying Teldrassil. Ok.



Given that those Horde civilians were throwing rotten fruits at Eitreig and whispering “for the darklady” then yes absolutely.

The Horde as a faction shouldn’t be trusted anymore unless certain efforts are made to explain why both factions should continue working together in any real collaborative way.



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The Horde Narrative isn’t dependant on Alliance trusting them.



Still a form of resistance, to walk away. But you can’t really stay and continue on like allways, without helping those who shouldn’t be helped.

No, and that’s not the issue. The issue is the Alliance working together with the Horde through these neutral organizations after bfa. It just doesn’t work unless you completely ignore the fourth war and Teldrassil.

It is when they are interacting with anyone related to the Alliance.
Go nuts with Horde only content but when it involves neutral content it concerns both of us.


Maybe we just need a new neutral organization called the Ethereal Rhombus or something that doesn’t allow reps of playable races at all. Just pack them full of quilboar and tuskarr and stuff like that.


Agreed. If there is zero people from either faction in this singular neutral faction then there are no issues.

This I actually agree with.

How about it, Blizzard? Wanna write a story about the Horde and Alliance rationally reconciling their differences after BFA without pulling a third party out of your @$$ they both have to team up each other to defeat and ‘that makes everything okay’?

Blizzard: Uhhhhh… (points behind me) WHAT IN THE WORLD CAN THAT BE!? (runs away)