The topic instructing how to find out my trust level by visiting my profile and adding .json no longer works.
Still trying to find my thrust level.
I found out when I had the exclusive forum available. Then I knew I could go crazy posting Images and GIFs and Videos. Until I got muted for a lewd joke and lost my Trust.
Still works for me. Are you sure you are adding it to the right page?
You are trust 2.
See if you can post links, if you cant you arent trust level 3
(I believe you can post links from Wowhead and other stuff from blizzard official pages even without lv3 so dont try those)
I never know, I’m just always here lurking every few days. My guild name is blue though so I’m not sure what indicator that is
Try posting a picture. If you can, you are trust 3. If you can’t, you are trust level not 3.
Which is all that really matters.
I’m always here but I can’t even post Wowhead links. Clearly I can’t be trusted.
It’s ok, I trust you and that’s what matters
yes it does
Like 'dis:
(open link of your profile, adding .json to the end (NOT your armory page after that.) )
ctrl f (find) “trust”, then it circles back around from “2”/whatever to 0, unless you have 3.
Yes this. People don’t need to fuff around with .jsons. Just try posting a link that isn’t youtube or wowhead (since everyone can link to those pre-approved sites). If the forum allows you, then you are TL3. If it doesn’t, then you are either TL1 or TL2.
Of course, I am beyond all of you at TL4…
Thanks guys.
I don’t think you can get your Trust level back all the way after being suspended on the forums or having a history of suspensions.
Trust levels are pointless anyways, just a friendly way to censor forum goers.
Just go to the main forum webpage and if you see this:
You are trust level 3.
EDIT: For any conspiracy theorists it also says “Trust level 3 and higher.” So maybe that trust level 4 guy is on to something.
No you can … I am trust level 3 and I have been suspended couple of times. You do your time and your debt to society is paid off .
You sure? I’ve only had a 24 hour forum ban and been at trust level 0 every since.
Yes … I have had 2 suspensions both 24 hours each and I am trust level 3
It was a long time back though