How can I find out my trust level?

Not sure then because mine doesn’t move. /shrug

Mine has been since the new forums started. I got a 24 hour ban when I said “people are acting like blank over the new forums” and got banned.

Idk… I’ve been suspended multiple times for up to a week even one time and even though haven’t been suspended in months my trust level hasn’t budged.

But it tells me I can’t post links and images?

Maybe it has something to do why you were suspended , I was once for making fun of Anduin and the second also for something silly like that .

Right. You’re trust level 2. You need to be trust level 3 to post links and images.

wowhead test

The weird thing is, mine never went down for several suspensions (most which I felt were rather unwarranted.)

It wasn’t until I posted an image of the only “Kerrigan” I’d heard of, in a thread about some Wow character named “Kerrigan”, that I had a two day suspension and then found myself at trust level two. It was just the person’s face, smiling. I think it was reported by several players as “trolling”, which was not my intention.

My mistake may have also been tying it in with the other real party, asking if something similar had happened to the in game “Kerrigan.” I still thought it was a bit much to suspend me for 3 days, as well as remove trust level 3, though. Oh well, live and learn! Too soon, I guess? Or maybe it was because it was more fresh in people’s minds, due to the Margo Robbie movie.

I now see it as my mission to see if it can go back to 3.

Yes, but you can still post links to Wowhead (previous), when not at trust level 3:

As well as Youtube

But if I try to post this, as an image, I get “sorry you can’t put links in your post”:

Whoah, reddit too? That is odd… There could be bad stuff on reddit…


And Reddit!