How big is world of warcraft in miles?

Isn’t Durotar canonically (as in, in-universe but not in gameplay) the size of the entirety of Korea (North and South combined)?

Minecraft can’t actually be larger than the earth, can it?

It’s fun to think about for sure. “Hey wanna raid the Edinburgh (insert fantasy location) castle with us on Tuesday?” “Sorry guys my character is in Cairo I won’t even make it to Greece by then”

Just flue the length of Azeroth by minutes calculation are they are about the same in diameter as Earths ,7,919,75 Azeroths is 7,175 @

earth is not procedurally generated. also earth landmass is like 20% of total surface.


You guys are failing to take something into mind:

Realistically speaking, you’d be hard pressed to find any MMO that comes close to a realistic scale. World has to be small enough to travel across in a reasonable timeframe while also being big enough to not seem small. It’s an exceptionally delicate balancing act.

Seriously, compare Stormwind in game to how large it appears to be in the Warcraft film back in 2016. They even did a 360 video that gives an amazing look at the sheer scale of Stormwind.

As far as actual in game size? I’ve heard about 80 square miles back around 2012, but I can’t say if that included Pandaria or not as I can’t remember if that figure was before or after MoP.

Obviously, that’s not going to include all expansions since then, but needless to say it’s a pretty good size, but it’s far from the real representation of the scale.

It’s an imaginary number.

Playwise its quite small. I tried to do a computation once by running from the bottom of Kalmidor to the top in a straight a line as possible, counting the steps and measuring that by what a normal average human running stride would be, and although I didn’t record the results I do remember thinking that, adding in the areas of ocean at top and bottom, it really was a tiny planet. I mean, just as an example, it would take 67 days or thereabouts to run across Australia from west to east (taking into account human rest requirements I guess). So Earth is tremendously larger than Azeroth.

That would probably be correct.

I read a book on game design once that talked about capital cities in WoW being hundreds of miles apart story-wise, but the designers chose to shrink the entire world so that you could travel seamlessly from one end of the continent to another. Other games had huge hypothetical worlds, but it didn’t seem so because of constant loading screens between zones. Apparently Orgrimmar itself has over 15,000 inhabitants, which would probably make it take up all the space of Durotar if accurately displayed in game.

Bigger than FF14.

When flying from point to point you get a measurement when you are a certain distance away from your destination. I think it’s about a kilometer.

Going by that I’d say it’s about 20 or 30 kilometers from north to south on Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. But that’s a very rough estimate.

Is the universe procedurally generated? Could we ever know? The universe is larger than it is possible to observe because it’s more than 15 billion light years across. Well it seems it goes beyond 15 billion light years in every direction from us and there is no center. Maybe it’s procedually generated who knows.

every sceintific attempt to prove if we live inside a simulation or not returned a positive response… just saying.

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I think it’s 30% land. Depends on how you count Antarctica. At any rate the saying use to go, “70% of the Earth is covered by water. The rest is covered by Willie Mays.”

if eastern kingdoms is the size of new jersey and kalimdor is the size of conneticut, then azeroth is 700 miles in diameter

Blows my mind that Star Wars Galaxies (a 19 year old game) still dwarfs most mmos. In the video that you linked it only listed one of twelve planets … and even still was near the top of the list.

That’s not even including the space zones!

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

People think the world is too big now, much less when it’s “realistic”.

“More portals, why don’t I have 17 hearths, taxis are too slow, why can’t we always fly/jetpack/soar/go faster…and why is there so much trash in raids?”

well, Antarctica is land, covered by water. just like the oceans.

Well yes and no. Some areas of Antarctic would be above sea level but because of the pressure from the ice they are below sea level. And if you consider ice to be frozen water, one could argue those are lakes.

Now I’m not saying I agree, just passing along the message.

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