How big is world of warcraft in miles?

This would be so terrible to play through

I dunno, the world could just be like a real world. FULL of stuff, you could play the game for years and never do the same thing twice. Explore, adventure, even go to distant lands where you’re the only, or even one of the few of your own kind.

But imagine trying to do something like running old ICC but oop, takes you 4 hours to travel there

about tree fiddy

The point would be that there’s thousands of castles in a real world and you may never see one certain castle, but you’d probably siege or raid one locally, or that you’ve found with your companions.

New world is for you then.

So essentially sounds like you want a brand new game with these aspects because that sounds nothing like WoW.

Oh sweet, so all that time I waste traveling in real life can be replicated in a game!

The world can be 50000000 million sq. miles and it wouldn’t matter because only the latest 5 sq. miles is ever used for current content.

World of warcraft… more like lobby of warcraft amirite?!

There’d be so much to do. You’re missing the point. The traveling its self would be a journey filled with stuff. If you just want to cross the world of course it’d suck.

This is only true if don’t collect or are a pathfinder-less (aka no flying while on your drake during legion or during bfa flying was unlocked) chronic arena player running laps.

Nothing more comically depressing than during summer of 2020 seeing a gladiator player running laps on their protodrake in boralus but then falling cause they don’t have pathfinder.

This game is 1 UI launcher screen away from being another LoL lobby game where dungeon/raid runners can just Q up without ever having to launch the game.

Don’t even bother trying to tell me it’s not.

Pvpers are already at that stage for like 6-8 years.

Pvers, probably about 2. So definitely a 11.0 sort of thing.

this will never happen for so many reasons.

Yea, just saying it’d be cool and people are freakin out about it.


Ok procedually generated mmo.


You ain’t just saying it be cool, you selling the vision of a journey…wonder, exploration, unknowns. Pass that stuff this way and maybe I will see the vision clearer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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EVE universe size is known. loosely.

There are 8031 total systems in EVE that can be visited by players.

From what I can find online, the average radius of a system in EVE is about 17AU (seems about right). The furthest an object can spawn is 4 AU from any static object, which theoretically pushes the radius to 21 AU. Systems are flat-cylindrical in nature, but that doesn’t mean that you can go anywhere within that cylinder, or even the flat plane of the cylinder, since you can only warp between objects. There are systems in EVE, for example, in which warpable objects are aligned in a “straight line,” making those systems pretty “small” by comparison to other systems, even those with smaller radii. To that end I will consider EVE systems completely flat for the purpose of this calculation, though in reality, they aren’t. I’m simply going to be presenting the minimum physical size of the EVE universe under the assumption that you can go anywhere in any system’s “pancake.” In reality the actual size will likely be larger than the resulting figure presented here, but I can’t do that math without having detailed system data at my fingertips (and it would take a long time/powerful modeling tools and scripts even if I did).

A = π r ²
A = π 21 ²
A = 1385.44236

8031 * 1385.44236 = 11,126,487.6 AU² = 249,005,485,200,000,000,000,000 KM²

(at 22,379,523,000,000,000 KM² per 1 AU²)
