How bad is demonology?

It’s not fine.

Afflic is pretty much the only viable choice in high M+ keys. And your team only wants you because you can kill the bosses quickly.

I’ve played many med-high M+ keys (you can check my raid IO). Tried Destro, Demo and Afflic. Yeah Destro and Demo can do some aoe damage. But your damage is pathetic compare to hunter/mages. Not to mention single target. Afflic is okay but still you need so much efforts to play it right while you hunter teammate only need to use his covenant ability to hit 10k with ease.

The current state of Locks is just not right. Sure, good lock players can still do great damage in both raid and m+. But the efforts we put in is just way too much for the results we gain.

Can you quote where I said it is “fine?”

The specs are not balanced yet and no one is arguing that. What I did say was that most warlocks are not being limited by the spec. Pointing to the performance of the 95th percentile players as proof that the spec is the limitation is dumb because most posters are not in the 5%.

I am confident Blizzard will fix the issues. They never make sweeping changes as fast as the players demand. They don’t do things by the seat of their pants. Things will get better with time.


Mate that’s your opinion and I have mine, I think Affliction is fine. What you think is different. Like I said and what you didn’t quote,

Affliction should be last on the list for changes.

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You are trying to change what you are saying because you were caught in a lie.

Your opinion is that Affliction is fine, which you are entitled to.

Your incorrect statement that they have “fixed” Afflictions ramp up time(which is the ONLY thing I quoted and commented on, I made no comment on how Aff is doing in raids) is objectively wrong. Affliction has demonstrably more ramp up time now than ever before.

So stop spreading misinformation as fact. If you think Affliction is doing fine in raids (it is) that’s reasonable, if you’re lying about a fixed ramp up time then you are just contributing to the problem.

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Yes more ramp that’s why it’s most picked in all content some that doesn’t even have ramp time, especially with soul shard sniping and Malefic Rapture destroying…

Yes it’s just as worse with more ramp up time then ever :joy::joy::joy::+1:t4:, I’ll cheers to that haha

Theirs no lie, coming from BFA Affliction is pretty solid, just learn to play at the higher skill cap or just suffer I guess :man_shrugging:t4:

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I’m going to assume you aren’t trolling and just ignorant of warlocks, so I will explain.

It’s picked in all content because it’s our only spec that actually performs well, most of time. It also requires the warlock to do 3x the work of most other DPS specs to output the same damage - but it’s what we’ve got to work with and good warlock player will put up with it.

That is completely irrelevant to the fact that Affliction has some of the worst ramp-up time in the game at the moment. Setting up your MR burst on a single target takes long enough, let alone on trash packs/multiple targets.

So again, your statement that “affliction ramp up time is fixed” is laughably ignorant and blatantly wrong.


Did you link me a chart showing Demo over Destro to prove that Demo isn’t better than Destro?

Regardless, that chart does not show the full picture. Aff is the best spec of the three. By a huge margin. As a consequence the vast majority of skilled players are playing that and not Destro or Demo. You’re basically showing the performance numbers of people who consciously chose to not be as good as they could be.

I’m not claiming its great in raid. Its passable at most.

You claimed,

They literally on par with eachother at the bottom, what I’m trying to get across, considering Demo is known for great single target, Shriekwing, Hungering, Artificer and Sludge, 4/10 bosses where we should excel we don’t…

So not get me wrong Destro definitely needs just as much love, but I’d hardly say middle of the pack…

People talk about Affliction saying how bad it is, hell I’d rather have a spec with flaws and be viable in every bit of content, personally I just think it has a larger barrier to entry… high skill cap, pros and great players are decimating high keys and Raiding.

But in short, definitely not middle of the pack, definitely not in a great spot, things do need to change, even in beta we said tuning has to happen for months, and they continued to nerf us, they nerfed to dog build so hard aswell, which I was so excited about.

Demonologys kit is so anti-synergistic, you ramp up to get going, to just press implosion to start back at square one, Affliction atleast once going, as a pain as it is to refresh DoTs which most of them can be done while moving can maintain their ramp… imagine if they said Malefic Rapture consumed their DoTs they’d be livid.

Destro chaos bolt even with the 22% buff, needs another buff and perhaps bring back when cast chaos bolt next incinerate is Insta cast aswell or Dimensional Rift.

Personally I think the legendaries for Demo and Destro need another look at, even talents, Take Sacrificed souls for example, it’s damage is based really on how many Imps you can pump out, the second you press implosion that talent is useless…no wonder Demonic Consumption is best pick for all content.

Anyways, what is was trying to say, def not middle of the pack when we literally just above Destro by the the hairs on my chin… at least Destro made a appearance in the Race to world first even if it wasn’t long lived.

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Like…every non-raid Demonology legendary memory dropped for me tonight.

I resign myself to my fate of devoting my play to Demonology.

Suffer well-ER…

People talk about Affliction saying how bad it is, hell I’d rather have a spec with flaws and be viable in every bit of content, personally I just think it has a larger barrier to entry… high skill cap, pros and great players are decimating high keys and Raiding.

Affliction isn’t bad. Heck its one of the strongest specs in the game. It just has a very high skill cap, as you say elsewhere in this post. I’ve played it in raids since MoP with only a few exceptions. Even I find it challenging now. You’re also correct that its great in high keys. It is pretty lousy in low to mid tier keys though.

Demonologys kit is so anti-synergistic, you ramp up to get going, to just press implosion to start back at square one, Affliction atleast once going, as a pain as it is to refresh DoTs which most of them can be done while moving can maintain their ramp… imagine if they said Malefic Rapture consumed their DoTs they’d be livid.

You shouldn’t be imploding unless you’re doing AoE.

Personally I think the legendaries for Demo and Destro need another look at, even talents, Take Sacrificed souls for example, it’s damage is based really on how many Imps you can pump out, the second you press implosion that talent is useless…no wonder Demonic Consumption is best pick for all content.

I don’t disagree. The Explosive Potential legendary is so heavily nerfed from last expansion that its low tier. That was one of the things that made Demo so strong and also so fun to play, especially before the first nerf. Heck if it was just reverted to the EP we had last expansion, there’s a good chance that I’d personally play it over Aff in almost any scenario just because of how fun it was.

I’m at a similar io and I can barely get into keys anymore because everyone only wants hunter/mage/boomie

Despite the truism in your point no one will listen because everyone seems to think of themselves as 5%ers.

Trust me I’ve been sitting here for years trying to remind people.

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i laugh then i cryed.

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This is how it was with Legion too. Nobody wanted warlocks and I could never get into M+
Has Demonology even been good since the rework even one time?

it was raid meta for one raid in bfa and has been middle of the road in all other pve aspects otherwise

What made it meta then?

mostly it was DeCon surfacing for the first real time and the Imploding Potential azerite trait was OP

Change Grimoire: Felguard to 1.5m CD and Demo is a fine spec.

Please Blizzard.

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They won’t change the time in Grim:Fel more than likely. Right now the fact that you have to hold Tyrant to get proper usage of that talent after the first use balances that talent row. If you sync the time to you make the other two talents not just a minor loss but literally untouchable. I’d like them to just rework most of the talent tree for Demonology.

Demo is just plauge with weird talents, and the insanity of needing so much haste because our specs is plague by cast times. Yeah sure when you roll up from spot to spot in mythics it seems fluid but when something happens and you have to start again, the spec flaws rears its ugly head.

While the hunter or boomie next to me just do their rotation I have to catch up.

It might be nice near the end of the xpac but why the hell do we have to wait close after half of the expansion to start enjoying things due to the devs lack of class development.

Also have done some mythic 10+ now with io 812. And it is pretty damn hard to get into +12 and above. Everyone is looking for really high performing specs and lust, which lets face it we all knew it was going to happen by the beginning of SL.