You claimed,
They literally on par with eachother at the bottom, what I’m trying to get across, considering Demo is known for great single target, Shriekwing, Hungering, Artificer and Sludge, 4/10 bosses where we should excel we don’t…
So not get me wrong Destro definitely needs just as much love, but I’d hardly say middle of the pack…
People talk about Affliction saying how bad it is, hell I’d rather have a spec with flaws and be viable in every bit of content, personally I just think it has a larger barrier to entry… high skill cap, pros and great players are decimating high keys and Raiding.
But in short, definitely not middle of the pack, definitely not in a great spot, things do need to change, even in beta we said tuning has to happen for months, and they continued to nerf us, they nerfed to dog build so hard aswell, which I was so excited about.
Demonologys kit is so anti-synergistic, you ramp up to get going, to just press implosion to start back at square one, Affliction atleast once going, as a pain as it is to refresh DoTs which most of them can be done while moving can maintain their ramp… imagine if they said Malefic Rapture consumed their DoTs they’d be livid.
Destro chaos bolt even with the 22% buff, needs another buff and perhaps bring back when cast chaos bolt next incinerate is Insta cast aswell or Dimensional Rift.
Personally I think the legendaries for Demo and Destro need another look at, even talents, Take Sacrificed souls for example, it’s damage is based really on how many Imps you can pump out, the second you press implosion that talent is useless…no wonder Demonic Consumption is best pick for all content.
Anyways, what is was trying to say, def not middle of the pack when we literally just above Destro by the the hairs on my chin… at least Destro made a appearance in the Race to world first even if it wasn’t long lived.