From the logs I have seen they aren’t far behind Afflic lock. A more than viable spec for casual/ kind of serious raiding guilds. Some fights Demo is just behind, if not ahead of afflic.
The spec just doesn’t have the top performance afflic is capable of atm
The Inner Demons wild imps need to last 40s with 6 casts worth of energy same as all the other wild imps. That fixes that talent.
Grimoire: Felguard to 1.5m cooldown.
Soul Conduit is basically a better version of inner demons already. Boring talent. I get that they want to have it for all specs, but it really is boring. RNG itself isn’t fun either, especially in a talent.
My wife plays Demo Lock almost exclusively. She absolutely loves it. And she usually stays pretty competitive. 1st or 2nd place in most dungeons.
Now, that being said, we are running Heroics and nothing higher than +10 M+. So, I can only speak from “casual” content. If you aren’t running top end content, then you are fine.
Yesterday ilvl 200 Demonology Necrolord, just completed normal Castle Nathria full clear (zero loot drop as usual for me), I parsed 88-90 on most bosses besides council at 81, the Affliction Night Fae Warlock, ilvl 187 beat me in dps in pretty much all fights…
Feels bad… yet people saying Demonology is fine must be playing a different game then I am.
The problem of affliction is far from just being a high skill cap spec. It’s an unrewarding spec. It’s a high skill cap that will make you work twice as hard as other specs to yes do top damage but not more than other top specs out there. You’ll be in the top 5, like other top specs, while having to work way harder. It’s an ultra boring spec to play. It’s not dynamic at all. It’s like having a job requiring you to watch paint dry and making sure it dries evenly. Some people around here call it Weak Aura: The Game and i think it describes the spec very very well.
I’ve played lot of specs in my 16 years of playing wow. Vanilla ret paladin, vanilla SM/Ruin, BC MM hunter, BC ret paladin, WOTLK MM/Surv hunter, CATA MM/Surv hunter, CATA assasination/combat rogue, well MM hunter in pretty much all xpac since BC expect in BFA since BM was king, some mookin in WOTLK and cata, fire mage in mop, etc etc etc etc
I’ll tell you current affliction is the worst of them all by a significant margin. No spec not even ***** vanilla ret comes close to this eye gouging travesty that is affliction in SL. I’d literally prefer to poke my eyes than play this BS spec. And it’s coming from someone who died of boredom playing BM in BFA because my beloved MM spec was trash. I’ll keep playing Demono and provide my raid cookies and summon. It’s better than nothing i guess.
Demonic consumption needs to be nurfed to the ground, and the other two level 60 talents need a buff. Demo can’t compete because all of its DPS is tied to a 1.5 (made 2 with GFG) CD. They need to tune Tyrant, so they can buff the consistent ST damage of the spec. Until they do that, it will be a one trick M+ AOE pony.
Let’s change gfg to 1.5 and buff SS/NP before we talk about needing DeCon.
It’s not a good balance I agree but the last thing we need atm is more numbers nerfs especially before the actual problem is solved. It’s not that DeCon is wayyyy op. We aren’t even amazeballs because of it. It’s just vastly stronger than the other 2 talents. So let’s buff them up first.