How bad is demonology?

If it’s the only spec you enjoy and you get good at it it will not hold you back unless you plan to do minimum CE mythic raiding or minimum 20 and up mythic+ keys.

For those that do heroic to mythic dabbling and below or 15 and lower keys, which is most of us, you’d be better served getting good at the spec you enjoy than swapping to a spec that you don’t really wanna play because the numbers look nice.

You’ll enjoy the game which is the point and perform better which is the other point.


You are full of it. Demo DOES do damage. Its Middle of the pack on SINGLE TARGET. If you know how to actually play the spec you can do comparable damage to other classes. And hell its AoE is real freakin good. Sure its not instant burst without setup, but thats more just people not wanting to let demo set up, and then making a big pull. They wanna act like its destro and just grab two packs and let infernals hit the floor. Thats not Demo, demo is setting up, genning a lot of imps on a pack while still doing good DPS, and then take a duece on everyone because you sent 20 imps into 2 packs genning over 10k dps off the bat.


This thread hilarious.

Question what are the top mythic dps logs and are demo locks performing 10% to 15% within from those pertaining to single/aoe of the other top performing specs.

I could give a rats behind if its fun given it your all to build up to sorta performing damage while others do it a the touch of a button, things can always be improve so take that non sense some where else.

The other thing is this spec rotation could be improved such as certain abilities having cast times when we already have cast time to every thing else and ramp. Still not quite sure why tyrant has a cast time or the per summoning.

Waiting for dreadstalker to disappear to get demonic cores, that could change to improve the ramp up on this spec.

Something could be said about demo only reason for existing is the demonic consumption talent. We shouldn’t be so dependent on one damn talent to actually function in anything anything related to mythic or raids.

I just ran a Heroic Huntsman and people starting dissing me cause I mained demolock on a 194 ilvl… was number 1 dps at the end with 3 hunters, and 2 monks with 10 ilvls higher than me on the same fight.


You did 3800 dps on that fight. If hunters were doing worse than you, they were literally grey parsing. In other words, you were beating out the worst hunters in the game.

Dunno why they were raging, doing that little dps as a hunter or mage means they literally aren’t doing the rotation correctly.


For raid its… ok. Better than Destro in any situation that isn’t 2 target cleave.

For M+ its solid. Aff’s probably better at very high keys (speculation on my part) since dots will last long enough to matter and MR will start dealing good damage. Its my go-to for M+ right now.

As for enjoyment of play, its pretty good. I feel like I need more haste for it to feel real good, although that might be due to having just spent an expansion where I was at 60-70% haste sustained up until the last patch where I was close to 100% haste sustained.

There are better classes/specs out there, but that’s true for all but the best spec. If you like it, play it.


BIG LOL, almost all fights have 2 targets cleave.

meh, demo isnt demo anymore. it’s just a mage with frostbolts that looks like demon animations.

Just saying for heroic and mythic raiding… Demo is definitely not better.

Saying Demo is great is wrong… by the sounds of it for you to top dps your raid was just crap…:man_shrugging:t4:

Demo is fine


My dudes, you have to hear me out. I just rerolled Balance.

  • High high burst damage, on tiny CD, its basically ready every pack in M+ and on demand in raid.
  • They have a talent that lets you CAST WHILE MOVING (its during starfall, its nuts, starfall is always up who cares)
  • The Night Fae covenant ability literally makes you do more damage than anyone else and its just there, waiting to be pressed.
  • Get your AoE dots applied with ONE BUTTON. No more Aff for me, just hit one button and you are in the biz.

Easy to play, high damage, high survivals with bear, super high movement, casting while moving, smart AI on starfall to not break stuff, doesn’t suffer from a team mate poly’ing your DPS target and wiping all the dots you spend 10 GCDs to get going, can carry in M+, can carry in Raid, can carry in Arena, can carry in BGs. Boys. For real, two weeks in the expansion, take the boomkin pill and jump ship.

This will probably be the last time I post here, im a boomkin boy now.


You are on some hard drugs if you think they fixed Afflictions ramp time. It’s the worst it’s ever been.

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You hadn’t figured that out beforehand? De guuuud drugs man.

I mean, glad to hear you found something easier to play that does great damage, but how does this help those of us who don’t want to FotM bail?


This is what hurts me, like I’m glad you’re enjoying a new class, but this shouldn’t be the solution. In my raid they only other Lock recently switched to fire mage, he’s trying to convince me…but I’ve had my lock since Vanilla…

Mobility, utility, and on demand burst is just something we can’t compete with, pair it up with ofcourse Night Faes “Shifting Power”, Soulbinds, Soulshape aswell…:ok_hand:t4:

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Mate, I’d personally say Afflictions ramp window, especially coming from BFA has changed dramatically, while yes they they require a higher skill cap to maintain the DoTs, have a look at how people doing in Higher Tier Content…

They get rewarded from playing the class as optimal as possible, you could play Demo and Destro perfectly, not missing one GCD perfect rotation and they won’t compete…

You might think otherwise, logs don’t lie. Say what you will on my opinion, but facts are facts.

Heroic/mythic Castle Nathria,

Sometimes I’d rather have a class with flaws as you’d say and still be viable.


I’ve been playing demonology lock since vanilla on and off so I’ve always had a soft spot for it. It’s fun and tanky, but they need a few more instant casts as the current melee meta has too many bursts and ways to lock casters down.


The issue with much of this is spec representation. The whole “play what you enjoy” has misconstrued spec representation. See, in the past when specs were bad people mostly didn’t play them. Blizz would see this and give the spec some buffs. Now this wasn’t always the case but it helped. Now, ppl play the spec even tho its bad and so blizz finds the spec representation in a respectable level and doesn’t fix the issue. In alpha and beta we fought hard for demo fixes but blizz never listened.
Destro was super op in beta, but last minute, none documented changes nerfed the spec hard. Even with the latest CB buffs, they are severely lacking ST. CB still hits for less then an Aimed Shot and other less-resource heavy spells. However, destro has really good AOE for m+. Build the spec around fire instead of CB dmg.
Anyone who says that AFF ramp time has been fixed is a complete and utterly blind individual. Blizz did nothing to fix ramp time, despite countless calls for fixes to dot utility and synergy. In fact, AFF ramp time is probably worse now then ever before because of covenant spells, MR, and the overloaded spell kit for ST. AFF is horribly undertuned and unreliable in m+ mostly bc of ramp time and its reliance on agony’s random soul shard regen. Most dots don’t go full duration and therefore leaves the spec resource starved.
Pvp in itself is a whole different game from pve. Destro and demo require too much time to cast. AFF is good bc of its mobility but once again fails to agony’s resource regen. Plus, our dots are heavily undertuned. With the majority of the dmg coming from MR, 35%+, we fall into the ramp time and casting issue.
What is worse is AFF’s survivability. We used to be very tankish. However, blizz nerfed it very hard. For clarification, we essentially have become the ‘glass cannon’. Out of 40+ games i played last week, 35+ opponents had a melee class and within that number 90% of the time the melee came straight to me and was on me the entire time. Granted this is 1.4k and lower rating, but the point still stands. Destro and demo don’t fair any better, especially since demo’s pet stuns share DRs with other classes. This is compounded by the sheer pet squishiness that has followed with this xpac, leaving pet specs completely null and void for reliability.
No, I dont care if you personally can do better dmg or rank higher with destro or demo. Showing off your small e-peen means nothing to me or the conversation. The point of the post was to highlight lock spec issues.


How does this help you?

How DOESN’T this help you?

You, me, and everyone else on this class forum knows that this class needs more than a few damage tweaks to feel good. Aff suffers from being GCD capped and having low dot damage, Demo suffers from low damage coupled with no movement capability and Destro has other issues.

Blizzard might tune you. Probably not. You need a spec pass with QoL tuning, real testing, ability and talent pruning, and redesign in some areas. You won’t get this until at least the next pass.

I am telling you because I want you to be free. Blizzard has the analytics, they know when they mess up. Ill see you next patch and we can go from there.

Cool story bro, not sure what the relevance is though? I was just responding to your statement that they’ve fixed Afflictions ramp up time, which was laughably wrong.

Your “fact” that Affliction’s ramp time has been fixed is just plain wrong. Affliction ramp time is a joke and the single thing that is killing the enjoyability of the spec.