Nothing to do with 8.3, really.
Started farming mounts again on this character, reps on my Hunter again.
Hit 300 mounts, Lord of the Reins. Hunter got us 80 reps, “the admired” title.
I looked, Hunter can have us hit 100 reps without doing Bloodsail. Helps a lot that she got Wrynn’s Vanguard in Legion, from Medallion of the Legion, when you still could. She also accidentally discovered she could still get Black Prince to exalted, on trash kills of those statue dudes on Thunder Island (so she must have started it during MoP.)
I remembered the Falcosaur mounts, which I did not have yet. I remember I stopped in Legion when it took raids or something, as well as not having a good pet team. I since got really good pets, to beat all the Mechagon and Naz pet battles. Plus I can solo those raids now! So far just got the one falcosaur mount, because the other birds were behind in their quests.
Then today, my Hunter breezed into Argus and tried Blastpaw/whatever and Kravos again, for those mounts. I know we’ve each done them a ton of times, while doing Argus back in Legion. I was using
to see missing mounts, noticed did not have those. So the Hunter killed Kravos, got the mount. Then it went to Antorous and killed Blistermaw/whatever and got that mount! CRAZY!
Good times!
Saving paragon caches/turn-ins.
I have deviations for every one of my planned Vulpera each containing the word “Fox”.
Such as Grayfox, Greyfox, and Foxhound.
I’m looking for a new mmo home.
IF you can, see if you can’t get ‘JamesMccloud’ and see who else gets the reference(s)
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It’s taken
Alongside Fox, and Starfox.
But I did reserve the guild name Star Fox.
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Got mechagnome ready, now I’m trying this mythic things people have been going on about.
Farming Herbs, leveling Enchantment, making gold and reading guides for raiding. So nothing out of the innusual
They were also trash for the longest time xD (I was a commando main vanilla through sor)
I love my “please kill me laser” though. Nothing like shooting your friends to heal them.
Got my warrior to level 50 in FFXIV, bracing myself for the MSQ grind, excited to check out the original vulpera racial, the blue mage. Also excited to check out the original Tower of Korghast, The Palace of the Damned. Exact same thing everyone will get to play in Shadowlands but it’s already been in FFXIV for 2 years so I’m hyped I’ll be checking that out soon too.
Gonna respec to Gunbreaker at lvl 60 and that looks fun too. All in all I’m pretty psyched to be playing anything but 8.3 and I have to say I’m impressed at the improvements FFXIV has made since heavensward and disappointed, but not suprised that the main plan at WoW’s dev studio has been “how can we rip off new FFXIV features” for at least 2 years now. Hey hasn’t Ion been game director for about… no that must be a coincidence lol
I’m still trying to decide if I want to pre-order Shadowlands now so I can roll my anticipated nightborne DK once 8.3 hits. Other than that, I have an alt parked and waiting for heroic Mechagon to run so I can unlock mechagnomes, too
As someone who honestly thought they would never do a mythic dungeon: give it a shot.
I was ilvl 415 when I did it, I “led” the group, and it was amazing.
Just watch a video on the fights and you’ll be fine. Most of them are cake walks except gunk and hk.
I had so much fun I started doing mythics.
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Copious amounts of alcohol
Finalizing my mog and mounts for this character, which will be my main for the upcoming patch.
Twilight themed dark shaman.
Can’t play at the moment because of my tennis elbow, but I’m already done preparing having got the Vol’Dun rep. That’s all I’m looking forward to - a Vulpera.
They took that off of Merc! I’m still SO MAD about it!
If you are deliberately baiting someone to “coax the troll” out of them, you are just trying to cause trouble. As such, you are a troll. As such, it’s pretty silly to mock someone else for going there.
Finished off Pathfinder and working towards Mechagon rep. Also working towards my class mounts from Legion on the new alts I leveled over the holidays
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