How are you preparing for 8.3?

Just wondering what y’all might be doing to prepare for 8.3, if anything.


I haven’t done much of anything in months.


Deleting old alts to make way for new foxes and DK pandas.


Im ready already and so is my fox costume.

Forgind again my old warclaives of Twinblades of the Deceiver, hoping that the new update is not more than 12gb if this week I do not buy new Hard Disk.

And preparing again for the suffering in everything a nerfed that always gives you a new patch, while others like the alliance arm faster than you and get more iLVL.

In any case, if I have problems defeating Yogg’saron, I will also have problems to face vs N’zoth, showing me that my effort in Argus was useless.

Exept for being a nuisance on the forum to people who actually DO play the game actively

Aren’t you that dude that doesn’t know how to join a guild?


Figuring out my vulpera’s transmog. That’s it.

I’ve long since tapped out of BFA’s raiding scene but the idea of exploring the world again and redoing professions, filling out battle pet collections, and doing other general completionist fluff on my Horde hunter instead of spending the cash to faction change my alliance hunter for the Nth time sounds like a way better time investment than messing around with this terrible sounding corruptforge stuff.

In the meantime there’s plenty of classic raiding content to chew through, though it’s obviously much slower paced and easier… I’m older now and enjoying using years of raiding experience to bend the game over my knee, seeing how far I’ve come from being a scrub who couldn’t make it past the corehound trash years ago. That being said, classic’s content is finite and the retail team needs to clean up their act and fast…

No more Xforge. No more RNG layers. Just give us plain old BiS lists again divided by tiers, Jeeze.

Playing as much as i can in nazjatar with my alts. Im gonna miss that place still.

I’ve been sleeping.

Too many hot days here in Australia so now is time to /sleep until the patch comes out

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I made a thread about how bad raiding with a pick up group can be. You can beleive about me whatever your little deluded mind comes up with. Just entertainment on my end.

Whew, thank goodness. I’m always happy to entertain wherever possible. So yeah, you haven’t figured out how to join a guild or a static group of buds to play with.


I’m playing games on my Switch.


Is someone twisting your arm and forcing you to read posts you don’t like?

There is this cool thing you can do when you dislike a person’s opinions here: You can skip right over them.

Stop wishing for a world where everyone thinks just like you.


Nice. Im glad you like doing this for me lol

Thanks! Have you figured out how to join a guild yet or are you still whining about PuGs?


You dont even know what I was talking about. Why dont you take your own advice and skip over me next time

You know repeating youself like a 5 year old works in a conversation but this is a forum :joy:

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Why? I am fine with you expressing your opinion. Be wrong all you want.

Do you not realise this character is in a guild? Thats how I cleared ICC the first time.