How are you guys finding quality guilds?

You heard wrong. They actually took the least corrupt option available and said “You can’t do that”, so now you’re at the mercy of corrupt guilds who funnel gear to their inner circle.

Easy mistake to make though

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quality of players are night and day difference between era and anniv interestingly, my guess anniv will see in improvement in quality once the freshness of anniv starts fading.


I didn’t look for a serious guild until I was level 50+ basically as a way to show I was serious about hitting 60. I went to the server discord and posted in the LFG channel with my expectations and goals for classic and then posted links to my logs from classic, tbc and wrath. Then looked at my options and chose from there.

If the guild doesn’t work out then it’s fine, just say it’s not a good fit for what you’re trying to do then choose a different guild until you find a good spot for you.

I couldn’t, so I made one.

I guess it depends on what you are looking for. I found my guild with a group of players farming TLPD. We all decided that we should form our own guild because we appreciated each other.

I’ve been a part of super large guilds, small guilds, and no guild at all. I appreciate being in a guild because of the social aspect and perks. We have a lot of alts in ours, but we have many players who are well versed in multiple ways to play and fill in for what is needed.

We are still growing, but I think we’ll make it. We are pretty chill and we try to include everyone.

So, again… it’s what you are looking for in a guild.

I’m surprised how nobody has said the obvious thing for real. It’s really easy, if you want to join a strong guild go to warcraft logs and see the top 15 guilds parsing high as well as the top in progress and speed running. Next time you log into the game go to the who list and type the name of the guilds you are interested to join whisper the players you find in those guilds to help you contact one of their officers or guild master, then apply to their recruiting process, profit you’re now in a quality guild.

See??? Was that hard to do?? I mean if you use common sense it becomes VERY OBVIOUS :man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Would you mind letting everyone know which guild you’re in?

I feel like that information would be super helpful for those looking to find a guild full of reasonable adults.


wayyy too much work for a 20 year old game, come on now

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You’re out here crying about not finding a quality guild without being max level? :joy:

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I start by looking for guilds that fit my raid times and go from there. Check out the guild recruitment threads here and on the subreddit, most will have a discord with the basic guild info. Best of luck!

Raider io, can skim the guilds for keys etc, u know if they pushing keys around ur level, they be on your level. Also warcraft logs check out they parses. In game app sucks as usual and need addon or other sources. Both sites have recruiment , also blizzard forums for guild posts then check logs and or raider io.

Become part of the community you wish for! We’re over on Grobbulus Classic Era where we have one guild per faction. We manage to find new people to join us routinely!

I think it helps that we have a common goal: vanilla wow, and that’s it. We aren’t looking to progress into TBC or SoD or anniversary or whatever. We just love Era and forever vanilla wow. Given that, we’ve been able to attract a lot of like minded and mature players over to join us on our little realm.

Look on your server’s discord, find a guild that meets your expectations.

Accepted a blind invite. Best group I’ve joined for years.