How are you guys finding quality guilds?

I’m a 17+ year veteran player starting classic (I tried SoD and want to commit to classic) and i’m wondering how you guys find quality guilds with semi serious mindsets. I’m tired of jumping into guilds with 90% lvl 6 alts. Ive seen a few websites but they return almost no results

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You join a guild and if it doesn’t work out you quit and find another.

It’s called being social.


What server and faction are you on

Most guilds in classic will advertise their current raid progress while recruiting in the LookingForGroup channel. Usually something like “AQ40 on farm, Naxx prog 12/15” etc.

Once you find one that looks semi-promising for what your goals are, immediately join their discord after getting the guild invite and find their raid sign-ups. Viewing signups is one of the most straightforward ways to identify how much momentum a guild has, and what stage they’re at as a guild (struggling, blossoming, or advanced). Signups are a better indicator of overall raid health than just judging by who is currently online

Things to look for:

  • How many different signups are posted? (Only Naxx? Or are they still running all the earlier raids too?)
  • How full are the signups as they get closer to the run date? (filled out? over full? have some benched? Nearly empty? or somewhere in between?)
  • Is the class composition of the signups making sense for the given raid? (are they running 6 boomkins 3 rets and several shadowpriests? GET OUT ASAP!)
  • What loot system(s) are used, and do the posted times even fit your schedule?

When you find some raid signups that have potential or are roughly what you’re hoping for, then add your name to the signup and attend the raid- that’ll more or less confirm whether it’s a guild worth staying with (results-based: do they clear? and is loot handled fairly?)

Unfortunately many of the more established guilds aren’t often openly recruiting but definitely will still accept new members if you find them and inquire about membership. Don’t be afraid to just ask around in LFG channel and tell people what you’re looking for, you’ll probably get whispers.

Also congratulations on surviving exposure to the dumpster fire that is SoD with some sanity in tact; you’re making the right choice by getting serious about classic instead.


Nightslayer alliance, Holy paladin

Are you 60?

Do you have any logs anywhere?

Launch day there was a spam looking for specific rolls, I liked how they were setting up.

No im level 25 looking to the future, want to get a good foothold and assert my commitment. Although I can understand the first step being max level lol

Come on man.


Thank you for the well thought out response. I just wanted to make sure there wasnt a tool or resource i was missing out on, because im totally ok to just do the gorilla marketing :slight_smile: Be well, and happy new year!

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Oh you aren’t finding one of those at 25, they’re only like accepting 55+ now. Raiding guilds are recruiting people who can raid now, they aren’t waiting around anymore.

Just level up, gear up, I’d rather be in a leveling guild than a guild full of 60s that ignore me.

To be honest, I dont even know how old these anniversary servers are. I appreciate everyone’s insight though, it helps me figure out where I’m at and where I need to be. To the grind we go!

Depends on how serious you are about it. There are lot of guilds advertising in chat. You can talk to them and if your basics matching then give em a try.

But if you are more serious than that and You are looking for a hardcore, speed run type of guild, you can look into wowlogs. By different metrics you can figure out the ranking of guilds in your realm. Then you start from the top of list n look at their rosters see what they have. Then you can talk to them to figure out their raid time n their vacancies.

They launched nov 21st, raids came out Dec 12th, the average player is 50-55 right now.

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I found both my classic fresh guilds from server discord (different server though) by searching for keywords and being realistic about what I wanted from a guild and whether I could fulfil what they were looking for in a recruit.

I actually joined quite a few discords (if guilds posted one) to get a feel for whether I would fit in without having to join.

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It’s more difficult now than ever to find a well organized guild. The corruption levels are through the roof, and if you’re lucky enough to avoid that, you find guilds with deeply inefficient loot distribution systems that they don’t realize are garbage until two phases in.

It’s hard when most WoW players are massive losers IRL and then they’re expected to head up an organization of 40-80 people. Their real life qualities begin showing almost immediately.


I heard they made changes in the game to help make guilds a better place to raid.

Joining, read their chat, leave
I not a very tolerant person, not in a bigoty way, just find it hard to relate to anyone younger than 40 and/or hasn’t been educated.


Trial and error until you find a good fit.


We actually have a great system in era for raids that is player driven.
Now its 9/10 Brain-Rot Bigotry Racist Edgelords with HR’s and LC’s