How are we supposed to gear for PVP now?

You can dream about the past, but you have to live in the present. There used to be separate PvP/PvE gear, but it’s all the same stuff now. Versatility is just the new desirable PvP stat. Grinding conquest for gear is easy to do as long as you do the CTA and daily BG/Naz event quests.

Just there’s no real excuse for showing up at iLvl 60 to BGs with 7k hp and complain you’re getting one shot by people that have 20k+ HP.

I am not.

I am complaining that the PVP gearing system is the worst it’s ever been and they need to change it.

Their “gear is gear” experiment failed 2 expansions in a row. Time for them to go back to something that was good for PVP players.

And I will keep showing up in your random BGs with no HP because this broken PVP gearing is giving me ilvl 68 gear.

Blame the game, not the players.


The conquest gear is higher than that.

If you don’t feel like spending multiple hours grinding gear for a fresh alt, a lazy option is to just stick to Alliance epic bgs where you can “blend in” while still getting to test-drive your new alt.

I did this yesterday in a few Alliance epic bgs with my latest alt, no one said anything either :man_shrugging: Plenty of undergeared people on Alliance teams, so it’s a fairly safe way to try out a fresh 50 alt at the moment.

I recommend you “specific”-queue for Wintergrasp first, do the quest to kill 10 Horde NPCs for 150 conquest points, then leave. This will give your alt a good head-start on getting the welfare/starter conquest weapon.

Regardless of faction, I would avoid playing 10-15 man bgs with a fresh/no-gear alt (for obvious reasons).

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I would if it were done via PVP, like it used to be. Then again, it was no grind, just fun.


The white knights are out in full force it looks like. How you people can defend the current state of the game is mind boggling.

For over a decade a pvp-focused player could gear up by spending their time ONLY pvping, barring a few op pve weps/trinkets over the years, which is understandable. The past two xpacs tried to fix what wasn’t broken and revamp the whole system for the worse. Now, that pvp-focused player is required to grind out HIGH LEVEL pve gear to even attempt to be competitive in ENTRY LEVEL pvp.

If you can’t see what’s wrong with that and why people are upset idk what to tell you.

Also, a lot of people were coming back for prepatch hoping for catch up mechanics to gear their alts or even mains up to a competitive level to test and see what they want to play in the upcoming expansion. They only came back to find out that they are SOL and are fodder until SLands drops unless they want to run 8.3 content.


The catch-up mechanics have already been there though since patch 8.3 came out. It’s called grinding M+ so you can get gear that’s better than heroic raiding gear that you can farm over-and-over on-top of getting titan residue and a free top-tier item every week. They dumbed down the dungeon difficulty so doing a 15 is like doing an old 10.

You can also spend honor you earn on gear at the vendor in Stormwind/Orgimmar.

The prepatch? Prepatches are never balanced.

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That’s not a catch up mechanic, you’re just being ignorant.


Talking about gearing if you read my post.

I’ve played my fair share of prepatches.

I literally came back to the game in August and in 3 weeks I was at iLvl 120 equivalent cause I grinded M+. The ignorant people are the people who want free gear handouts without working for it.

The pre-patch event that has catch up gear attached to it hasn’t launched yet.

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What don’t you get about this? You love PVE, we get it. Many PVP players would rather just PVP, especially after the worst expansion the game has ever seen for PVP gearing. And you came back late and did not have to go through the past two years of grinding PVE for gear to do PVP. Lucky for you!

No more PVE to PVP please!


That’s the whole point of my post. Why do pvpers need to grind mythic+ to be competitive in entry level pvp?

Also if you’ve ever played any other prepatch there was easy catch up mechanics for easy gear to test out the new expansion’s class changes.

It’s equal to normal nyalotha gear, which is still considerably weaker than your average geared bfa player.

Your argument doesn’t hold up anymore. This isn’t WoD, Legion, etc. This is BFA and soon to be Shadowlands. As of present there’s no gear separation in Shadowland’s so how you gear in the expansion is the same as in BFA except you get more choices of what pieces of gear you want to pick instead of relying on RNG loot.

So that means you have to get off your butt and do PvE to get PvP gear. You literally can’t get anything higher than 115s from grinding Conquest anyway. Stop arguing with me like I have any control over it. I’m not the game developer.

I’m just stating the fact if you want to not get rekt in PvP or be nothing but a wasted slot then you have to do what everyone else did to get iLvl 120+ gear.

So instead of flaming fellow pvpers how about you go yell at blizzard instead for making a garbage system for PvPers.


My argument is that this game’s PVP system is the worst it has ever been. It is, as you have pointed out again and again, PVE your life away just so you can do random BGs without being ostracized by people like you.

That argument very much holds up, just look around the forums, or what the content creators are saying about PVP gearing in BfA and SL.

Facts are facts, this PVP gear system is the worst and needs changing.

And I will still queue for BG’s with my ilvl 58 heirlooms as a fresh alt. Hope to see your out there!

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Just like all the other expansions, I’m not stepping foot in any dungeons. Never had to just to do some random Bgs and won’t have to in SL

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I don’t recall any catch up gear that provided top tier ilvl gear.

It’s because I actually like how it is. I can get gear from multiple sources ingame without being pigeon holed into having to do one specific category. I got PvE upgrades from PvP and vice versa. I was even using the 25% hp bubble PvP trinket in M+ as a safety bubble until I got off the training wheels.