How are we feeling about these upcoming potential changes?

I did the same, but I’m sure blizzard has some way to entice another person to tank for the 10 - 15 people that I normally tank for. I don’t find the dungeons very enjoyable and now they are removing the fast rotation that made the spec enjoyable for me to play. I already did not enjoy playing mtn thane and the changes have killed any chance of being able to play Colossus as it was already rage starved.


Im dazed that they touched Reckless abandon, because it was so good, and they wanted to make the choices comparable…

But when are we getting an update on Spiteful serenity? i never saw people picking it, never saw any guide that recommend, its so crap no one talks about it

It is just me and this talent is actually secret good and everyone pick? cause that would be the number 1 talent to change for me

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funny thing is that RA and AM were only about 1% apart for fury

You know full well that the whole minmax mindset trickles down to even people that are only doing normals and low/no keys.

“If the youtuber/streamer I watch is doing x/y/z I must also do x/y/z because I am handicapping my group if I dont” - mindset…

And the vast majority of people playing wow aren’t timing 12s or doing heroic raiding either.

And none of the drivel you typed out changes a single thing I said.

Prot felt like it was in the perfectly right place this season. I bet the one who decided to nerf them was a Pala main…

Feels like calling these changes “stupid” perfectly sums it up. The only tank spec that needed to be nerfed and felt overpowered was prot pala.


And we have test of might and spiteful serenity completely unchanged ever since i remember, and no one pick then afaik

But they are “happy” with warriors, i guess

Honestly, this lack of changes gives me a glint of hope that a decent rework is coming so arms can play more like a warrior, cause when i play fury and prot i feel im playing warrior, both similar but still play very different


Thats because you are a willful idiot.

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You failing to understand how these changes, while bad, won’t stop someone from being anywhere close to not being able to clear heroic raids and 10 level keys says that far more about you than me.

Now you are just making things up.

Please find somewhere else to troll.

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