How are we feeling about these upcoming potential changes?

After reading them, I am not sure what to think. The rearranging of the talents seems like some good QOL, but some things to me don’t make sense and hopefully some expert warriors can help me understand them.

I already took thunderous roar out of my rotation and it sims better in most circumstances for me on raidbots crazy enough. It seems like since the start of the expansion it’s been getting nerfed harder and harder and that drop to 20% seems unwarranted. What are the thoughts of others on this?

The update to reckless abandon seems interesting, but I hope crushing blow and bloodbath aren’t going to be affected too bad. Was there really a reason to mess with this? I mean if it pushes us into anger management that is not too bad, but even ravager I feel like hits like a wet noodle and the bloodthirsts that proc don’t even work with meat cleaver. The titans torment option is interesting, but wasn’t odyn’s fury already nerfed to the ground? Maybe I am wrong, but they made it seem like it’s an epic ability when its been drained of its glory.

For prot, I was already only tanking for my guild, but now I am not sure I even want to tank anymore after looking at the nerfs. On top of that, messing with the rage generation of Champions bulwark also messes with prot pvp.

I don’t play arms so I can’t speak to them, but maybe some warriors on here can cheer me up and explain what I am missing, because after reading all of this, I feel like quitting.


The good.

The class talent tree slight reshuffle is very good for us defensively.
Allowing us to actually get our 10% bonus stamina without any dps loss, and also an effective additional 6% avoidance.

Baseline MS/Cleave dmg increases and reducing overpower’s buff helps create less variance between hits.

The questionable/awful.

Base prot rage reduction, it should’ve been focused moreso on Thane’s extra rage generation than reducing the baseline.

RA change focuses less on consistency and more on burst, which if it’s undertuned just puts AM as the default pick here and if overtuned means it’ll cop a nerf hard, UF’s low proc rate also doesn’t lend the new RA any assistance.

Execute not adding a stack for colossus is a bad move, it’s done nothing to change the playstyle at all, their reasoning is awful and misinformed as Arms was always prioritising MS during the execute phase over execute.


Forcing us to take sudden death for slayer is a bit questionable if they dont buff execute, i hate having to stack ashen juggernaut.


Fury stepping back to the Dragonflight design is what it seems like.

Colossus Protection will never see the light of day with these endless rage nerfs. Blizzard seems invested into making sure it can’t function.

Positive Arms changes?


Trying not to doom about the changes.
We still don’t know exactly what the changes are, so it’s hard to make a judgment. That being said, I don’t think I can say I have a positive outlook at this direction.
Talent tree, QoL stuff is nice. The rest is still questionable.


This one frustrates me so much. Literally at the start blizzard says “Warrior survivability in particular has been a weak point”

And what’s their solution? To nerf ports rage generation which is where our defensives come from. And there were like no buffs to actual defensives for any of the classes. Just an extra 5% stamina and armor, which I guess isn’t nothing but I couldn’t be more disappointed especially after seeing how every other class is getting really cool reworks.

Of course warriors are the ones who get the “nah their fine, so here’s a nerf” treatment.


True, I don’t want to say the sky is falling, but I can say at least for me, a casual wow player who enjoys his lone Warrior, I will be keeping an eye on what you mythic raiders and high IO players have to say. We watch what you guys post, because if your doing the hardest content, it’s safe to say that yall know the intricacies of our class and what’s going on!

I’d recommend going to the Skyhold Warrior Discord. WoWhead writer Archi, usually puts details there in regards to changes and theory. There is a lot of info from lots of other warriors, but as with all social media things take it with a large dose of salt.

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-35% overall to rage gen feels pretty punitive, especially after saying “We feel Prot War is in a good place right now”. The unspoken second half of that statement screams “…so naturally, it needs a nerf.” This will completely change the playstyle for the spec.


The prot changes are insane. If these go live, I’m going to sit the season out.

The idea that they are “improving” warrior defensiveness by removing our main resource is absolutely ridiculous. 30% more for each Ignore Pain is a bandaid on the massive gut wound they just inflicted on us needlessly.

So they claim to want to buff our survivability while nerfing us into the ground, but a side effect? Our DPS is going to be significantly lower as well, because cycling rage is how we drop the cooldown of our big buttons.


Less rage but ignore pain got buffed. It doesn’t seem too bad imo.

What will suck for prot is with less shield slam procs and less rage will we now just have downtime?

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Thank you, I have been looking through Google to find the other places people talk about where Archi and others talk about what’s going on with warriors. I am so used to the old ventrillo era that I never do much on Discord :rofl:. Considering that its more than just a speech app I really have to use it more

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Not liking them at all. I already find when tanking I have rage gen and aggro issues. Between SB and IP I rarely use revenge outside of the large M+ crazy pull. Now I’m only doing 10s so I’m not ‘pro’ or anything, but I often find myself completely rage starved. This just makes it much worse.

Less shield slam means more shield block spamming, or coming off altogether. Less rage means less IP even with the 30% buff. Less rage means less revenge which means less aggro…

I don’t understand what the point is? We only have 4 rage abilities (SB, IP, Revenge, Execute) and execute is really situational. When they say ‘we want warriors to think more about what to spend rage on’… what other thing are we thinking about!??

None of this makes any sense to me.


Less rage means harder to weave in shield block while in execute phase, which for prot is earlier than everyone else.


I feel ya man. Playing prot was my only way getting into 10s. Hopefully it wont be too terrible.


less rage means less uptime on avatar and cd reduction on shield wall… which mean our already mediocre damage is getting nerfed and the reduction to shield wall isnt enough to make up for it either… take in the fact that 30% isnt enough to make up for the rage nerfs. basically they chose the one worse way they could think of to nerf prot warriors


I think its very likely no-one on their team plays prot, and they figured the rage nerfs would be a good idea.

Its like setting paladin holy power to a max of 3 and removing it from judgment or divine toll.
Its a flat nerf to everything that uses the resource. Which for prot warrior is everything because the entirety of the class spec is spending rage to get to the next big window.

The only positive I could potentially see with the protection changes is a reduction in APM, which to be fair has been the highest APM for quite some time.

That being said it doesn’t address defensive uptime on Shield Wall, directly nerfs Anger Management, or the overall loss of damage.

Reckless Abandon change for Fury is head scratching, but it makes Anger Management the defacto talent. Depending on your preferred playstyle this could be a good or bad thing. I’d expect additional tuning around Reckless Abandon of this change occurs.

Arms does the number one thing that needed to happen, which is making Battle Lord & Exhilarating Blows premier choices for the spec. No real complaints about it, besides the weird change to removing execute from Colossal Might. Reasoning doesn’t make sense, feels like they want to diminish the number of Demolish Casts in Execute phase, but give a really weird reasoning for it.

General class tree improves our survivability, which is great, but doesn’t address our utility concerns in M+.

Tier bonuses are head scratchers. None of them excite me, and the DPS ones have the potential to be very heavy on weakauras (Fury) or might lead to unintentional gameplay (Arms). Protection 4P is dull, and 2P is unhelpful since you have 0 control over it.


With rage reduction being baseline instead of Thane, Colossus Prot will never be played…ever. I’m convinced they are getting their Warrior data from just asking being in trade chat.


Just adding to the list of reasons to stop playing WoW.