How Are Trolls Paladins?

–>Loa’s Light<–

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Good thing they can’t be Priests.


I hear what you are saying but I dont think its a correct chain of thought.

There is no exceptions in lore where paladins revere something that doesnt represent light or sun.

Rezan is said to have the might and glory of the sun and all zandalari paladins/Prelates were under Rezan.

With Rezan gone many of his prelates lost their power but for some reason some also did not and they lead their people in this dark time.

I would be more of the notion there could be paladins of Kimbul or Akunda if they already existed and could be used as justification, but they simply do not exist which leads back to the notion that this higher being must represent light or sun.

By Loa’s light, didn’t the trolls send mages once to humans to teach them how to cast spells, or was that the Blood elves?

Things can be taught.

I’m not a troll. Just incredibly sarcastic at times.

The high elves sent mages to teach humans
arcane magic as part of the deal to route Trolls from their newly occupied land so they would have a home.

This is why Amani detest the high elves to this day, they came in guns blazing and forced them off their land.

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Class/race restrictions outside of Demon Hunters no longer make sense, if they ever did. There doesn’t need to be a big lore reason, just that this particular individual decided to “break with tradition” and pursue an uncharted path.

“Whom The Light calls, it calls.”

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They are a polytheistic race and some of their Loa are very closly aligned to the Light or the sun.

Zandalari culture also somewhat resembles ancient Incan(?) culture which was also polytheistic. People were able to freely worship whichever god they wanted so long as they also worshiped the sun god above all others

Thats why we need quests implementated the that are about breaking tradition like the warlock one.

Because if we got blood elf shamans tomorrow with no reasoning it would firmly break their lore.

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dude, i was clicking for minutes until i realized that the link bring me to this same post lol

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Because, somehow, Loa can channel the Light or some :poop: interpretation of it and Zandalari trolls can use the Light despite the Alliance races who are also druids somehow being unable to also use said light.

‘Worgen curse’ or some such barf. It’s really, really, really dumb.

It’s weird, and Blizzard doesn’t help the issue at all by hiding the ‘how it works’ information about how magic in their universe functions in lore books you have to drop 30 bucks on and not in the game it takes place in. Or worse, when you put your lore on :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: twitter.

Part of the problem with the paladin class lore (really this could be for a lot of class/race combos) in Warcraft is that a lot of the important developments explaining certain aspects about them and how they mesh with cultures are hidden in some blink-and-you-miss-it lore bits. The release of Sunwalkers was (and unfortunately continues to be, ffs) a perfect example of Blizzard adding lore to explain how a race can be a class and yet people still throwing their hands up and saying ‘That doesn’t make sense’.

When you consider the way the original paladins came about, the criterion to be one seems less strict than you’d think. Just devout clerics who were given martial training. Priests are really only seen using light or shadow magic, yet even though Kimbul, Akunda, Pa’ku, and many other loa don’t represent these elements, one can still channel light magic through these icons even though they aren’t symbolic of anything related to those elements. And those priests are actually in game, not as druids or shamans, but specifically priests.

I feel this bit you raised here actually reinforces point that as long as the paladin has great devotion in something, the power of Light will still be something you can channel. Rezan died, yet not everyone lost their powers. Now they draw on Light magic through belief in the ideals Rezan represented, and depending on your interpretation of the dialogue, other loa as well.

In fact, when I was looking into this a little more, I forgot that Ra’wani Kanae in Battle for Dazar’alor that she invokes the name of the Loa in general, not just Rezan. She does invoke the name of the Light itself when she’s defeated, but that she invokes the loa in general, along with other bits Blizzard’s writers have revealed, leads me to believe that belief a troll can be a paladin through whichever is their preferred loa, as long as that faith reaches a certain level of devotion.

Yes, and I know you’ve already heard of this, limiting void elf priest to shadow makes even less sense than allowing them to be paladins.

All of can be explained, and light worship on alliance is far bigger than on horde.

I’m just saying, things can be taught. OK so the elves aren’t connected to the Moonwell, but rather the Sunwell, same coin, different sides. As for those poor mana starved ones, it seems like they should be able to ‘balance’ sips from either well… but that’s just me, cus as I see it, there is precedence for things to be taught.

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There’s lots of amusing paradoxes or contradictions if you will with respect to how things play out. Void Elf holy priests, as mentioned above, Red Draenei paladins (heh), the whole “Worgen druids can be a thing”, the Kul Tirans can also be druids, because of this other ancient thing, that just happens to have the exact same spells! bit, light draenei (whatever their name is) as warlocks, etc. Why can undead be holy priests but not paladins? How are pandas DKs? Why aren’t Void Elves DHs?

So much lore has been retconned to be basically nonsense that I don’t know why folks still make the lore argument.

I think it’s about time for a rulebook.

You would think. :pensive:

It’s just VERY frustrating having your official lore announced through these weird channels. There’s a GOLDMINE of world building opportunity that can be made just with freakin’ dialogue boxes and bubbles in game, but instead of utilizing that, you have to go on this goose chase that inevitably still leaves people confused and wanting to argue about it.

Finding out goblins get their power in the light from their belief in greed is hilarious. You almost see NONE of that in game aside from ONE line that sort of infers it, otherwise you have to learn that from the wiki which directs you to a tweet that you can only read with the wayback machine now.

I am VERY curious what the lore bible is looking like these days, or if it’s been maintained at all.

This too. A LOT of it could be explained through dialogue and NPCs. Small things, you know? But here we are =_=

Basically due to the Loa, you can justify a Zandalari being any class. There is a Loa for everything.