Hello, I was thinking of starting a new character here on alliance side I wanted to check in how the Roleplaying population was/where the common RP spots are. Ive played horde side here a long time ago and really enjoyed the community.
You’ve got your usual Stormwind rp with Mage Quarter, Cathedral Square and Lion’s Rest being the hot spots.
Or. Or. You can come to Duskwood please come to Duskwood please come to Dus
Sharding is really hurting SW right now but beyond that the community is thriving. It’s not as big as MG Alli but there’s plenty going on at all times of the day.
I can’t speak to non-warmode, but warmode is popping.
Hope you decide to come on over! Alliance is pretty awesome at the moment. Lots of folks are playing the new expansion so Stormwind is a bit quiet this week and probably next, but there’s still plenty RP to be had.
Here’s a great place to get started: WrA Information & Directories - #35 by Nevelis-wyrmrest-accord
And if you’re looking to find some RP in game, consider the LFRP community: [A/H] LFRP the In-Game Community
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quantity (and quality) of the people I’ve met so far. No offense to WRA Horde, which I was for a couple of expansions, but it has gotten a bit… meme-y lately.
As a proud WRA Horde player I’ve made a meme in response to your statement:
I think the ship has sailed on any faction being serious and professional, if I’m honest.
LOL I didn’t say the memes were bad!
Damn I’m sorry I’ll try harder to make bad memes
This meme is so bad you’re being sent straight to the Maw. AFTER the expansion is over.
Can I go so evil that I go even worse than the Maw?
You get sent to the place where they put all the empty Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cartons. So many cartons, never any ice creams