How are they not being shut down?

I am pretty sure it’s against the rules to name this group by name, but lets just say there is a certain private server which biggest draw is it’s “classless” play system, allowing you to pick any ability from any class and mix them together.

My only real question is - how have they not be shut down with a hot quickness by Blizzard for simply existing?

It’s hard to shut them down when they operate from other countries.


I know which one you are talking about I see many ads on YouTube lol :joy: depends where the private server is located for example if the private server is based in Russia then they will simply ignore any requests by Blizzard to close it. If its in the USA i am sure they would have taken action by now like they did with that vanilla server.

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Maybe you missed the current court cases? One thing at a time…but yeah if based in other countries GL to blizz


I’ve been told that it’s different enough from regular WoW to fall under “fair use”.


So what you’re saying is … there is such a place where gnome Druids exists and everyone loves it and they should do gnome Druids on WoW!?


He’s referring to Ascension, I think.


No, even they omitted Gnome druids.


depends on the country that they are located. IP laws making it harder for Blizz to take action

The heartlessness, oh my! How dare they!

why aint they copying final fantasy everyone here swears wow is dead final fantasy best oh wait people on the forums lie?

Some countries will respond to requests to shut things like this down.
Other countries don’t give a single damn.

For example, I’ve seen France-based private servers get shut down, but have yet to see a Russia-based private server go down. But I don’t follow these things all that closely.


Yeah that’s kinda stumped me too.
But my guess is either, the location of that server is making it hard for them to get anything moved along. Or they are currently in a legal case but it’s on the hush hush for obvious legal reasons.

My guess is the former.
Simply because if there was a legal case pending, they’d probably have to halt their site, server development etc.

Just a guess.

It uses copyrighted Intellecuatual Property, it is not fair use by any legal means. It simply exists on a server in France or an eastern European/Russian nation that ignores cease and desist letters.

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Fair use doesn’t cover 1:1 copies of music, model, texture, animation, and other art assets that were created by Blizzard’s team.

a number of reasons, by law, as long as it’s not copying the exact game and balance, it’s legal because they’re just reusing assets that’s being used in different ways, 2nd, most these private servers are in russia, romania, china where they can’t be touched

All places that no rational person would send their credit card information to…but I’m sure classless WoW is worth it right, RIGHT?!


Tbh I would just pester the power companies that would serve such servers. Can’t operate long off generators to sustain infrastructure for stuff like that.

based on other responses i would estimate that it would take about a year before they can/ need to mount an issue and they are prob busy/ tied up dealing with more pressing matters.

Because ascension seems to fix many ills to retail that at many glances look fun.

I saw an add for this come up before in youtube runs. Classless, loot loss on death that I recall…it basically looked like eve and wow had a baby really. Never delved deep into pvp overviews but if like eve it fix retails’ gear. priority.

See to me eve pvp works better since while you could fit up in the shiniest gear ever…when you die its all gone. So most pvp we run cheaper but functional fits. Saves lots of money doing that lol. get better real skills, cheaper fits, save isk.