How are they not being shut down?

They cant exactly enforce infringement when they’re already under the micro scope.

it actually looks more fun than retail…


Dang we really snitching on the forums now huh

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It is the classic, endless dilemma of the private servers;

a) remain small and out-of-the-way, thus mostly escaping Blizzard’s notice, but the owners don’t make much money.
b) advertise, pay your devs, get a large player base, rake in the donor cash, but draw the ire of Blizzard.

especially if that country is China since they don’t have any plagiarism laws.

Im surprised its taken this long for something like this to come out. bliz just needs to copy them.


They know its out there. Once you do some wow youtube searching you will get targeted ads for this game version. How I learned of it. I never explicitly looked for it. Its just became an ad one day.

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