How are Remix Characters converted back to retail/TWW?

Which item level can we expect?

Would be good to know if these characters can head start into TWW, or maybe better do 1 or 2 rounds of gearing up in the late pre-patch.

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I would expect it to be on par with the level boost.

Basically useless gear.

Given when Remix ends, you will realistically only have time to do the TWW pre-patch event for gear and maybe 1 or 2 raids.

It’s a little annoying, but don’t worry too much about it. Even heroic raid gear usually starts getting replaced around 5 levels in to xpac. Your remix toons will just start replacing items much sooner during leveling.

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You can level in T-Dubs at low 400s… I think 408 is the gear you currently get when you create a 70 on the leveling realms.

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It was originally stated that remix characters would get low 400 gear (I think like 415 if I remember correctly).

Boosted toons to 70 from TWW purchases have 424, and those are called “enhanced boosts” so the slightly lower gear would make sense.

There is the prepatch event, though, which rewards 480 gear with the pre patch currency; with 7 ilvl upgrades available on that path.

So potentially you can go into tww with high 400 gear


Not that it’s important, but the 415 thing is technically speculation. Blizzard hasn’t actually stated what the gear is (although it’s a safe assumption it’ll be 400-424)

The 415 ilvl thing came from wowhead basing stuff off of the pre-release testing event that lasted 3 days, those PTR characters had 415 gear after getting put back.

To the main topic, as long as it’s above 400 we will be fine. At 408 level 70 starter greens the beta content has been fairly easy.

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The last thing I read was ilvl 424 - the same as boosted.

You can certainly do the first zones in tww at that. Level 70 is 408 gear which increases to 515 by level 75.

If you have other 70s in retail, you can use the prepatch to get gear for toons still in remix - they can buy warband bound gear from the vendors using currency from the prepatch. Prepatch gear is upgradable ilvl 480.

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My heroic ilvl 515 fully upgraded raid gear didn’t start getting replaced until level 78 and 79 on my Demon Hunter. But once I hit 80 it all had to go as quickly as possible.

Different experience on my other characters. My ilvl 480 Paladin just destroys everything while my ilvl 405 DK with his not so crushing damage is incredibly hard to kill and was replacing his gear quickly while questing.

Just curious but unless you plan to make a remix character your main it really shouldn’t matter too much. My remix characters got made to just buy the mogs and mounts. They are like my 4th of classes I already have.

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I think some people came back to the game and used remix to level characters to 70 so they’d be ready for TWW. Also, I know several people who used remix to try out new classes so they could change their main for TWW. Either way, I think 400 is probably the minimum they should have the gear. I know in the beta I have various toons with various ilvl and it can be challenging if the gear is too low.

I leveled like 10 toons

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To match season 4, at least getting 476 non-upgraded veteran gear would make sense for me, when the character on Remix is 70 and has the gear upgraded to 36/36, which is gs 556.


It was stated in the Blizzard official Remix post that they would be converted with a 415 ilvl and bags would be wiped.

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Man imagine blowing all those points max ilevel upgrading and they can’t give you 520 ilevel to start the expansion with… sad.

That’s just wrong man.


It was absolutely not. Everyone that has mentioned this has referenced the wowhead article which does not cite a source.

Here was the announcement post:
Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria (
Also this:
Updated-5/22 World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Now Live! (

nowhere on that post does it say anything relating to the item level.

Just to be clear, I’m all for it if there was just some post that I missed, but I’ve been looking through the forums, wowhead, reddit, etc and I have not been able to find an actual reference to where that came from.

the only concrete thing I’ve seen has been my PTR character came out with 415 gear during that weekend test.


Someone in my guild has 17 new characters thanks to remix.

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They confirmed that it would be 415.

No point in really leveling your remix toon, you don’t get to keep it.

The ‘boost’ to 70 for Beta realms is currently 408 though, so still better than that.

Probably not as good as prepatch gear though.

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They get some absolutely atrocious gear once they become DF/TWW prepatch characters.

Like, if I’m not mistaken their gear is literally slightly better than DF S1 heroic raid gear which is wild.

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Wait, you are telling me, that my guildies, that have been leveling new characters they intend to keep at the end of Remix are going to lose those toons?

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No. They are saying that maxing out the gear is pointless, because everyone is getting the same ilvl gear in the end.

The characters will stay, what they are saying is it appears to be a waste due to the item level of the gear being marginally less after the character transfers to a normal status.

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I dont think they have given a decent answer yet

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