How are people upset about the AH mount price?

I’d love to know how many times everyone complaining about this mount has:

  1. Purchased xtras for the xpac that is about to launch
  2. Purchased transfers, name changes, race changes, faction changes, etc
  3. Purchased early access
  4. Purchased boosts
  5. Purchased Tokens to buy things they wanted so they didn’t have to farm gold
  6. Purchased pets
  7. Purchased mounts
  8. Purchased transmogs
  9. Purchased 3rd party items to get pets, mounts, etc

I bet it is way over 95% and I also bet more than 95.00 worth too.

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I said it was closer. Not that it was.

This is probably a bad idea for the people who don’t have it because most of the people wanting one of these won’t want to pay 5m for it so I would think they will go for less on the BMAH now.

I never said you said it was – again – stop connecting dots that are not there.

Sure you won. Still not pay to win since you could have won earlier without paying an extra dime.

For the better part people that pay for that kind of stuff cannot in fact do it earlier on their own. That’s why they pay.


I faction changed back in BfA to unlock allied races. Never washed the stink off of me.

Isn’t this the same as buying extras? IE question #1?

As for the rest of these, never.

Yep and I love my Bruto!

I think it was long “boi”


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So they paid to win. But under that definition, every single game ever made can be pay to win no?

I would call glad and ce bought with gold pay to win but ive never coped well. I take the world as it is warts and all.

Yes. How else would you propose it be valued?

I value residential property on a couple hundred miles of coast line on Cape Cod, MA for a living. If someone pays $3 million for a property and then they file an appeal saying “It’s not worth that!”, there’s no court in this state that won’t laugh them out of the room.

Sir there isn’t any ocean front property in Arizona.



I don’t know is it? I bought the basic package but I don’t think the next level up had early access (heroic edition) but Epic edition did?


You looking for a trophy or something?


You asked the question.

This right here tells me everything I need to know about how you think.

I was referring to the stink left on me by paying for Blizzard services. Not the stink of the Alliance.

Though that never came off either.

Actually at the time the Bruto worked out to be close to $900 if you bought the tokens. I remember having that discussion because people were upset that they were limited to the number of tokens they could purchase at one time.

The token was the herald of the end. This is just its echo


Envy is the principle driver of many people.