How are people upset about the AH mount price?

It’s not entirely about it being added to the cash shop. It’s about where this move will take the game. It’s how Star citizen started down their path. That use to be a fun game, then they kept progressively adding more and more expensive ships, and now they have some that are over 10,000 US dollars. That people pay for. And think they are justified defending that. It’s a practice that exploits their players, and people some how think it’s defendable.


Tbh I am enjoying going back and forth between the qq threads and threads like this.

It’s wild to see the differing opinions based on the title and op’s context from thread to thread.

I wouldnt pay more than the 90, personally. They managed to find my acceptable price point. Literally $100 is what I allow myself for birthdays every year…so even with tax it was just about $3 shy of that.

but someone else may feel it was worth 200.
you DO know folks were buying like $500 in tokens for the original, correct?
200 is less than 500.

Doesn’t matter how you rationalize it.

$90 for a single mount is still steep, $120 AUD for me if I wanted it.

Thats the price of a new game release on something like the PS5 or a decent box of minis from Warhammer.


It sounds like you feel entitled to have everyone else’s work pay off for you, so that you can have stuff for free and if you can’t get it you cry and whine

Blizzard is a for-profit company. They are going to do stuff to make money. Cosmetics like this are the best way they can do that.

If the game were bad, their pool of potential buyers would drop off so they have motivation to make a good game.

Otherwise you get stuff like the cost of the sub going up every year

I DO get the timing was poor considering all of the bugs in this patch

It’s 1.5M gold if you use tokens.
No need to whale it.

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I wonder if they’re testing the waters for “premium” Shop mounts, like customizable Shop mounts that are in the $50-$150 range or something.

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bruh, this thing is worth $40 TOPS.
NO MOUNT in existence of this game is worth a premium version of an xpack.


The people who have shelled out $90 for this say otherwise. A fair value is the price the market will bear and the market is bearing the heck out of this.

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those people are idiotic and deserve to be shamed.

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Absolutely. You are the greatest human to ever pass judgement on people playing a video game about magic elves and walking cow people.


bruh, I don’t care who or what you are, you spend $90 for a mount that isn’t even more convenient than a $20 transmog mount (or a free 100k gold mount) you are simply put, negative IQ.

If players are buying it, then Blizzard is justified.

Because people coped with blizzard selling gold that people used to buy carries as it not being pay to win because it was gold you could earn.

Its why they defended the orginal ah mount but decry this one. Even though buying it at peek tokens right now is half the price of the orginal ah.

Their coping mechanic was taken from them. If the rereleased this mount for 3 to 5 million gold they wouldn’t care again.

I am not buying one - but I have to ask - why do you care someone else does or what they do with their money?


Which is hilarious since token to gold, this shop mount is cheaper.


People are though.

I know… its just how people are. Im not a fan of insane whaling but if you don’t complain about the wow token you cant really complain about this.

They accepted p2w so,so long ago.


I don’t, they can spend it however they wish.
I’ll just call them what they are: stupid.

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Eeeh still wouldn’t call it pay to win, for the token anyway. Anything you can “win” with gold, someone else already got it without tokens. An unfair advantage you can’t get without paying is the main trait of pay to win, generally seen in free to download mobile games.

This mount now is a bit closer to what pay to win could be.