How are Epic Premades Fun?

here he comes again PROOF PROOF

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you didn’t “explain” anything you just dodge and deflect because you have no proof of your claims lol

told ya …see i’m psychic!! ok gotta go toodles

Well that is how the world works if you make a claim, it’s on you to provide the evidence not on the person you are making the claim about

I did it helps if you read it

Fine I will go with you are making wild claims with zero evidence :slight_smile:

Reading is part of communication. We’ve already established that they don’t want to cheat.

Like I said before trolling is boring and childish, please grow up :slight_smile:

It’s not as much the reading as the comprehension.

I’m not trying to upset you on purpose. But often, the truth upsets people.

Not upset at all just tired of baseless claims and childish behavior we are all adults here I assume would prefer if people acted like it.

I find speaking with the firm hand of reality to be the softest touch at my disposal.

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What baseless claim? Where? I see evidence.

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How to view your profile forum replies :

  1. click view profile
  2. click activity it’s optional but it has two drop down windows one for summary and the other is activity .

(Typically without clicking anything else when you scroll down you can see all their most recent replies and the names of each thread they replied to . )

That’s literally it .
Bravo you have passed forum class #2 :clap:

please provide the evidence then

I am no longer in a Epic PvP community and even now I don’t see the big problem and NO it isn’t cheating. Do I think people who queue random battlegrounds on a regular basis are better than people from SAS, yes I do.

With that said it isn’t cheating, like how many threads are people going to make about this, cause it isn’t going away.

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I did. You ignored it.

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You did not please link

Here is your link again

this is not evidence you already proved you have nothing please move on