Hmm, I’m not quite sure then. I had little trouble soloing the special assignment this week sitting around 570 item level. I suppose I haven’t really had time to play any other character at endgame in TWW, so perhaps in relation to other specs I am squishy and I just don’t know any better yet.
All i gotta say as boomkins is 12 regrowths.
12 regrowths to heal my sorry self, then oom… wtf.
I tried that initially but then I ran into the problem where if the boss runs away to do a mechanic, I can’t use Mangle to shift to Bear Form anymore. I need to use the regular Bear Form.
Going back to Cat though it works pretty well. It’s rare that the first thing I use after shifting back to Cat isn’t going to be Shred or Rake so I don’t use the regular Cat Form very much if at all. The few times I do need to are usually out of combat uses and I just click the button for those.
Druid offhealing should 100% take 5-6 Regrowths (and then go on Mana recovery) like in BfA. I actually like the mana management on off-spec spells, especially utility and support. These should be optional parts of the toolkit, only used for the situation that demands such skill to be developed – and rewarded, if executed properly. I wish the DF hybrid mana and healing change would be reverted… And IMO the same issue goes for Boomy DPS. We don’t need as much resource, or casting speed. Just more damage on individual spells. But, for Balance, specifically – I do want Bear Form to remain a strong defensive and recovery tool. Frenzied Regen heals for 6% HP in PvP right now, and I genuinely hope that’s a bug…
I’m disappointed with the Druid Hero talents. They missed the mark, are boring, and don’t make any lore sense. For Ferals, the Devs should have done Druids of the Flame and Druid of the Nightmare. No one wants random burst damage that you can’t control and usually happens at the end of the fight. The rotation is boring and painfully slow, and lacks consistency. The Devs ignored the Beta Forums and didn’t address our concerns. Hopefully, they will fix our tree and rework our Hero Talents. None of them make any lore sense, and the fantasy is just not there. Compared to other classes, our Hero talents are a joke and don’t even measure up. Maybe next next next next patch they will do something. Ugh! So frustrating.
I’d have absolutely LOVED this on the Balance Druid… At least for visual changes, which is still, I hold, what Hero Talents should have mainly focused on to begin with…
As for the talent trees, 100%. For Balance, for PvP, I’m quite pleased with the 11.0.5 changes, but still wish we’d be better tuned defensively, ideally – free of the Eclipse mechanic (I far preferred Empowerments personally, and would want a more flexible form of that or a shorter version of Eclipse moving forward, focused on spell ‘weight’ and rotational agency rather than being locked in to noodle-spam phases), and that our Hero talents would be more exciting. I’m pretty sure that having a “boring rotation”, unfortunately, somehow… has come to define all Druid specs over recent years and, indeed, the fact we’ve been completely unchanged during Beta is rather concerning. So, I hope we’ll see more options and more feedback-driven changes sooner rather than later.
Something that is bothering me is that not only did they take away a lot of what made Resto fun for me (most importantly boomkin form and adaptive swarm), now that I’ve had a chance to play other healers I feel totally gutted in comparison. I don’t feel like I have good rescue tools at my disposal. In order to fix shaman and monk it seems they made a lot of their things passive but still present. For druid they somehow managed to make all my important buttons either inaccessible or put it on a choice node with other important abilities. I have LESS decision making (and throughput) power than I did in DF and it feels horrible when compared to what other classes have. Also was so so so looking forward to having a balance/resto hero spec that might keep up with catweaving but no; we get catweaving or hps throughout trees. Absolutely no balance/resto opportunity. Negative balance Resto opportunity even since they removed boomkin from our available forms. Our hero trees feel unrewarding.
I agree with everything you said, actually I think Resto Druid is going to struggle in S1, particularly for M+.
Let’s be real Adaptive Swarm did a lot for the spec in itself and our mastery, the insane amount of AoE currently in dungeons is crazy, I honestly think we don’t have the appropriate kit to really handle a lot of situations. Due to changes and nerfs.
Essentially now we have really 1 or 2 “ohhh Sh@t buttons”, Incarn and Convoke, Incarn is solid and reliable but it itself is on a long cd but then Convoke is a complete slot machine cd especially when used as heal.
I play multiple other healers and you honestly really feel the differences,
Holy Paladin - Virtue + literally any heal or cd is great, DT on 45 sec cd Amazing.
Pres Evoker - Emerald Communion, Rewind and Stasis are all insane.
Resto Shaman - SLT, HTT and Ascendance.
As Resto Druid I feel so limited in what I can do now, I really never feel in control, it’s going to be an interesting S1 that’s for sure.
Not to also forget to mention, the removal of Moonkin Form has literally made Resto Druid Caster dps the most dull and boring thing ever. Moonkin Form definitely needs to return.
But yeah, I’ll be doing M0s later this arvo I feel I will have a better grasp and idea of what’s to come.
Good players is the deciding factor. Good players make a R Druid shine. Bad players make it look like R Druids struggle.
Pretty sure this philosophy can be applied to any class/spec/role. But time will tell on Resto Druids.
I do think we will be ok in Raids, but M+ has me worried.
I haven’t been happy with my healing in dungeons atm. I feel like my resto shaman brings far more to the table with higher HPS and removing my ability to moonkin while resto still feels bad. I’m worried raid healing will not be ideal for us either but will need more data (we don’t raid until Sunday). I do like double swiftmend though, but not sure it was worth the mangling and removal of several other things.
On the balance side… I just don’t know. I’m struggling to do in a good rotation what my ele shaman does in a bad one DPS wise. I feel like I’m either an AoE powerhouse or a single target one and there is zero overlap.
Otherwise I’m happy enough. So a little meh face is my overall reaction.
Yes and no.
Due to the nature (no pun intended) of Druids mastery, they excel at predictive and determined damage they can plan for and for rot damage.
They fail hard with unexpected damage intake (which eating avoidable frontals and other mechanics that everyone else avoided falls under this category)
Good players will kick spells, use stops and stuns accordingly and step out of fire. This lets the druids heals do what they need to without requiring 100% of the druids attention.
Shamans on the other hand, theyre reactivd healers and their heals are gonna heal 35% of your HP in a single cast regardless. So good players or bad players, theyre gonna be topped up in a global or two regardless
So some time has passed and I’d like to update my experience again with us moving forward into the season.
The health pools and difficulty of mobs particularly going into mythic zero has gone waaay up (thank goodness things feel challenging now) I’ve finally been able to see how feral is stacking up with the other classes.
I’d say they are in a good spot for damage, I can even see them nerfing Ravage a little bit, especially in pvp, I’m getting some pretty insane burst windows all happening within 3 second, maybe 2 if I get lucky on doing double ravage procs. (Mind you there are other classes enjoying 2 - 3 second burst windows too, arcane mage, fury warrior, marksman hunter and brewmaster monks comes to mind)
If they do end up nerfing ravage as it is now, they are definitely going to have to tune our energy regen. It is painfully slow and I’m finding there’s times I’m doing absolutely nothing for a good 10 to 15 seconds, which causes small snippets of anxiety inside me, it’s so noticeable that I have to double check my debuffs to make sure I’m not cursed or something.
The spec still feels clunky, and I’m still all in for our shifting to work off a separate GCD. Especially with today’s pace of the game. Shifting out of form still feels detrimental to the class fantasy.
The shifting aspect of our class still runs on classic mode. With all the other classes having extra mobility and power, a simple shift, albeit for playing offensive or defensive wastes way too much time and it ends up not being worth it while other classes are button mashing all their power moves on you. An immunity to roots and slows for a few seconds after shifting so other classes can’t spam slows on you would be nice. And give druids their pesky mobility back like they were once known for.
I’m a feral druid, and I’m really struggling with the new Dungeon/raid content. The random burst damage isn’t working at all, and I’m always last on dps, even behind the tanks, in dungeons. I’ve been asked to change to balance in looking for groups or they won’t take me on Mythics. The devs need to address this ASAP or it’s going to be a lonely season for ferals.
I get the impression that the Elune’s Chosen(it should seriously be renamed Chosen of Elune) wants to spam Moonfire and Starfire more than the Stellar spells. So I propose the following:
Talent Changes
Lunar Insight - Moonfire deals 20% additional damage and affects up to 3 additional targets within 5 yds. Starfire cast time reduced by 20% and damage reduced by 10%.
Glistening Fur - Moonkin/Astral Form reduces all damage taken by 35% in addition to its other effects. Bear Form reduces all damage taken by 25% in addition to its other effects.
Natural Recovery - Healing you receive is increased by 4%. Your Regrowth is is 30% more effective when cast on yourself.
This addresses Moonkin/Bear survivability and quickens the pace of gameplay since we only have to deal with half of Eclipse.
Boomie spec is broken in a very bad way… regrowth heals you for 3% and the play style of staying in eclipse feels really bad right now… the fact that you spend more time casting to get in eclipse then you do in it is crazy… the talents don’t line up for Sh!t!! I feel they need to some increase the haste or cast time its feels sooo bad!
are we talking about a 35% reduction always while form is up??
I mean we’ve only got 15% magic reduction and 20ish% physical reduction from armor, so it seemed ok.
It’s just a suggestion, not like any of it is ever going to happen.
You must be doing something as wrong as Feral to be doing tank-level damage.
Also, nobody ever asks me to change to Balance when I do dungeons as feral (not lately, anyways).
Resto Druid is complete garbage. All of their talents are horrible and their class and spec tree are gutted. They suck in M+ and are garbage in raid.