How are druids feeling going into the war within?

It could. Though I think it would be easier to design around a few key abilities.

That said I think the talent needs to be looked at overall. Many have pointed out valid problems surrounding it, and while I love it, it could use some work.

They should just make all abilities trigger fluid form. Not sure why they only put 2 on the list = /. It would be great if Skull bash was on the list, save me a button press

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I can see why spenders aren’t part of fluid form. I do not want my feral rotation being build to 5 CP, wrath/starfire spam until full energy, then fluid form back with rip/primal wrath/bite. I can also see there being huge PvP concerns being able to sit in bear form for the exact moment when it’s right to hit a spender.

But I definitely feel like every builder and skull bash should be part of the list.

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i Think you need to watch the video again

he says balance in doing mass damage

My druid is going to get real acquainted with the crafting areas. That is probably all it will see outside of occasional catch-up. Unless of course they address the walls of text left by many players in the Beta forum that went unanswered.


Balance comes and goes. Numbers change. The most important part is whether or not you have fun with the class.

If you feel even an inkling of frustration, try something else. Little annoyances can grow to be unbearable. Best to try and find something that fully fits you.

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They made some changes which only feel like they removed something fun for no good reason. At that point, i’ve moved on to another game. This happens every few years with Blizz :expressionless:


#showtooltip Skull Bash
/cast [noform:1/2] Cat Form
/cast Skull Bash

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That still has 1 more GCD for Skull Bash than it should have.


For resto this expac is a direct downgrade to DF due to the removal of adaptive swarm one of my favorite spells. Hero talents don’t even break even with the loss of this spell.

Guardian I am excited to play around with arcane bear. Probably won’t change much but at least there’s some new interactions.

Balance hero trees look slightly interesting. Could have been a lot better.


That still incurs the GCD to shift into cat. You can’t immediately press a cat damage ability after the skull bash.

But even if it didn’t, that wouldn’t change the fact that putting it on fluid form would prevent me from having to commit a macro slot to it. While posting the macro is helpful for anyone who didn’t know they could or how to create it, that’s simply not a substitute for the benefit druids would get having skull bash be included with fluid form.

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For this expansion I’m planning to roll a class that has both a heal and tank specs. Sounds like I should consider monk or paladin and just put Druid out of the running.


Any class forums are not the place to find positivity.

Druid is fun. It has its sore spots. But it’s a good time. Monk and Paladin have their own pains. If Druid interests you, it’s worth learning. It’s complex, rewarding and cool.


it’s looking to be a s***show

our class tree is a disaster and everyone got little to no changes that are anywhere near as cool or impactful as almost any other class. Balance is probably in the worst state it’s ever been in. They’re “philosophy” was to make our tree dynamic and varied, but we have a million 2 point talents and ZERO depth
 especially after they took away pulsar and replaced it with, guess what ???/ NOTHING.


I just canceled my subscription, and sadly, I won’t be purchasing or playing TWW.

The hero talents they added for Balance don’t feel heroic, especially compared to what other classes get, like Fire Mages. I don’t like treants, and Elune’s chosen tree is uninspiring and just buffs existing spells. What is the point?

I wanted a new spell or a modification of an existing spell that transforms it and looks awesome, and makes you feel powerful when you cast it. They got rid of pulsar, and while I understand why it was removed, I wish they had given us something in return to make our rotation feel fun again. The Eclipse system is outdated, and they had the best opportunity to make changes for TWW, but they chose not to.

The spec feels like the same old stuff when hero talents should have given us “ultimate” abilities and breathed life into our specs. It’s unfortunate they didn’t do better, and I’m not going to support Blizzard and encourage lazy development.


I think BFA is worse imo, its bad but not as bad as BFA was

What I don’t understand with druid talent trees, is the fact that they were the first ones to be worked on because (paraphrasing) it’s the most complicated spect in o shape out. So on the one hand, it’s tough, but because they started with druids and DK’s first, one would think we would be better polished right before a major expansion comes out.
I feel like Blizzard rushed druid with some buffs to existing spells like mentioned above, then they swept it under the rug. Supatease is not excited to play balance druid and that has been his main class for years now. That says something as well.


theres nobody working on the class that plays the class so we get done first to get it out of the way so that the devs can work on the classes they like. theres no way the state of the druid class is in if we had someone who played a single spec druid offers. the beta feedback forums would also have atleast 1 blue post responding to any feedback. that wowhead post must have not annoyed them enough getting called out since the class as a whole seems to be worse going in to tww than it was df


Yeah, I wouldn’t go near pally tanks as it stands.

Balance druid is feeling horrible. The fact that on some dungeons people are competing for damage against a tank doesn’t feel good.

Tab targeting multiple times to apply moon fire doesn’t feel good either.

Having limited cd’s to provide spike damage on priority targets makes you feel less helpful in groups.

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