Just them or all dragons? We play as one of those mass produced clones or those that were born in Outland shorty after adventurers protected their eggs in TBC? Aside from Wrathion, the other black dragons did not mature so quickly?
Was that supposed leak confirmed? As far as i know it’s just a rumor.
Just a rumor but it is plausible so gaining traction
Dragon Isles as the next expansion is extremely likely, new race who knows
You know how I know that leak is likely BS?
There is no way Blizzard, especially modern Blizzard, is going to dedicate all that time and effort to give every single playable race in the game dragon characteristics for a playable race that supposedly functions like worgen. Especially when you add in it supposedly being a new druid race which has its own art assets added to the mix.
There’s a reason demon hunter only had one race per faction.
People have been saying this for years.
new mail class dragonborn. Slay the remaining dragons to gain their powers.
Datamining suggests emerald dream.
Eh…emerald drakes are alright. Black dragons are so much cooler.
Assuming that some form of dragon race is playable, I doubt they’d only make it black dragons. I think there would be customization options for all the main dragonflights, so red, green, bronze, blue and black.
But I have my doubts that the leaked race is real. It might be, but, it probably isn’t.
The only thing that suggests ED is the possible Special Edition mount of an Emerald drake, which doesn’t mean it can’t also be Dragon Isles. There is no reason it can’t be both. We go to the Isles and help all the Flights including the Greens in the ED. As well an Emerald Drake is the only color of drake that can’t be gotten in game easily. The only available one is through a massively hard to get acheive so it makes sense if you were going to do a Dragon Isles drake mount to use the color that is missing from just about everyone’s collections.
I’d imagine if the leak has enough truth to it the dragons we’d play as are a clutch belonging to maybe wrathion or remnants of his flight purified by Azeroth herself. I’m honestly only hoping for three details of the leak to prove true… the ability to be a black dragon paladin in the form of a vulpera with dragon horns, an expansion where we’re not murdering each other and instead trying to save our home, that Azeroth is a mother dragon titan as god I bet she’d look beautiful as can be…or I’d hope she would. The last part at least as it may mean all flights get to continue existence except maybe twilight as they’re always painted as evil but if she proves to be a great dragon matriarch we wouldn’t be playing Wrathions kids or rescued clutch but we’d be more likely Azeroth’s clutch which would probably mean lot of cool abilities no matter the flight. That and I’ve got a buddy who said he’d only ever play WoW if we got dragons and well… I’d love to see how he’d react to playable dragons
No they haven’t?
Yes they have.
Dragon Isles has been one of the more popular leaks. I remember it being “leaked” back in MoP.
Dragon Isles or the south sea islands (I think thats what they’re called). Those are the usual go to leaks. But the south sea ones stopped after BFA.
I won’t believe it until I see it, but the only way I would see this possible would be to make a new class with 4 specs (all four rolls) that’s on both factions and let’s you choose what humanoid race (any of them) that you can change at a whim in the barber shop akin to choosing a druids form.
Maybe the big cd is going half dragon mode like that wrathion card or turning into a drake for a big breathe of fire for a few secs and maybe have an ability that lets you turn into a drake to fly out of combat.
I mean supposedly we’ve only seen the top hemisphere. There’s a whole other planet to the south. Or we could just go to the realm of carebears and laser cats.
Playable dragons or having a dragon aspect would be cool. A new covenant, but purely cosmetic. Pick your dragonflight thing.
You know what else is more likely? Emerald Dream.
I’m ok with anything that resets the game back into Azeroth.
As long as we get to keep all the Allied Races, I’d be fine with SL and BFA just being a bad dream brought on by Goblin Spiked Punch at the Legion victory party.
The thing I find most interesting about that “leak” (we all know it’s fake) is the fact that it never says anything about any restrictions for the playable Black Dragons. We can make a BD and make it look like any race we want for 90% of playtime. This opens up massive amounts of possabilities of new classes for races and cross faction races.
You want to be a Maghar Orc Paladin on the alliance? Maybe a Gnome Shaman on the Horde? Go for it cause you aren’t really an Orc or a Gnome, you are a Black Dragon.
That is the thing that made me wish it was real and not the troll it was.
How long have you been here??? Every time it’s getting close to time for a new expansion, Dragon Isles comes up. Literally every time. For years.