How are all you doing out there, surviving the apocalypse?

The Zombie Apocalypse has not made it to my town yet. But I have my Zombie killing kit all ready to go.

We have a ways to go for the zombies to show up. First we all need to start dreaming about a little old lady in a rocking chair in the middle of Kansas.


Stabitha as I said check the CDC and WHO sites …the reason for the longer hospitalization is lack of previous antibody build ups from previous versions. in most people. the fact is the numbers do not lie and the non government related sites such as the WHO site have the blunt numbers. don’t be stupid with your actions but don’t panic either as I see many people doing. ( if your deficating enough that you need 100 rolls of toilet paper in your house your dieing of dehydration before you get threw that stockpile…)

Went to the grocery store here at 8 am this morning, opening time.

There was a half-mile line around the building. Begrudgingly got into line, and ended up standing in the cold and rain for just over an hour (about an hour and ten minutes) before we even got to the entry door.

Get inside… no toilet paper. No paper towels. Most other stuff got restocked over night (I went yesterday later in the day and bought some foodstuffs but most of it was out of stock, today was a little better). Took me over 2 hours to get what would normally have taken me 20 minutes.

Went to 2 other stores nearby, a walmart and a pharmacy. Neither one had toilet paper or paper towels at all.

So now I sit here with my last roll of TP…

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I washed my dishes and… organized my laundry.

aww thanks.

i live with someone who can help… but because he has to go out into the world, and we share a living space, when he gets sick, we both get sick.
“social distancing” is a cute motto, but in the real world, it’s just not how germs work… regardless of how often you wipe your hands or other surfaces.
the only thing we can do is keep things clean, and hope for the best.
…and because this has been my life for the last 10+ years, I always keep stuff clean… to the point where people call my house a “showroom home” because it looks unlived in :stuck_out_tongue:

we can only do what we can do.
until our gutless pm gets a big wake-up call and takes things seriously, i’m not going to feel safe.

i can’t believe he’s still refusing to close schools :grimacing:

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Wasn’t that in ‘The Stand’ and wasn’t it about the devil or a demon or something named Randall Flagg rather than zombies?

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=/. That sucks.

I am not playing WoW atm, playing the new season of D3 now. It’s fun but I might get bored soon lol.

IRL, I feel like I am getting sick. I have a scratchy throat and every time I wake up, I feel like I got it. But I did get horribly sick like a month and a half ago with the flu. It was really bad, never had it this bad before. Pulsating headache and aches all over. But luckily I got over it in 2 weeks time. The coughing stopped after a week later. I feel like I got COVID-19 at that time and now I am kind of immune to it (maybe, it’s not proven though yet). I also am taking 7 different medications daily for my clinical depression and anxiety. I was supposed to go to my psychiatrist to lower my dose even more (he is tapering me off now since I was feeling much better before) but it’s gonna be almost an year before I can make an appointment to see him… And I am supposed to see him every 6 months =/. I don’t know if my immune system is compromised but I use to get sick very often (with the flu) in my early years, especially in my high school years. That was probably due to me being depressed/anxious all the time 'cause of bullying but also 'cause I had severe anemia when I had a blood test for it a few years later after I graduated.

I just don’t know if I am gonna get sick with Covid-19 and I stay at home mostly for weeks sometimes since I am on disability. I stay with my parents so my other needs are met easily, thanks to them. I just don’t know anymore. My anxiety is back again but at the same time, I feel numb to the whole situation. It’s almost like a bad dream that is gonna go away… soon hopefully.

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Yes, but I feel we should just mash every apocalypse into one at this point.

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I’m in K-12 education, and have been embroiled in arguments with teachers and their union reps who think we’re violating their fundamental human rights and privacy by asking them to use their own electricity and internet to work from home since last week.

Meanwhile, our school district is basically all below the poverty line and most of these families work jobs that don’t exist anymore during this lockdown, and some of these kids have to find transportation to commute 40 miles in order to pickup meals that are likely the only thing they get to eat every day.


Prong 1: TW and DMF runs, and RP
Prong 2. :beer:

surely they can just claim it on their tax returns?
(the human rights and privacy part is just… pants on head stupid) :joy:

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I think the biggest concern I have isn’t the Virus its People , at the first sign of trouble they panic and run around like its the end of the world they only think of themselves and what they can get panic buying is just the tip of the crazy iceberg .

I think a rush on medical supply’s will be a big issue soon , I have high Blood preasue , Diabetes , asthma & my chemist was all out of asthma medication when i went there a few days ago , i was lucky to find it somewhere else .


I haven’t been playing WoW at all but will level alts soon. I’ve been playing Switch games.

How am I? Well, you know I always think I’m doing great and then realize that I am far more stressed than I realized, lol. I always kind of expected something catastrophic would happen in my lifetime, but I was hoping for aliens. All I got was a stupid virus. I’m scared for my friends and family. I wonder what will happen to my dogs if my wife and I get sick. That kind of thing. But I’m here, trying to make people laugh, not hoarding all the toilet paper. Wanting to help us all get through this. So I guess that’s alright.

Thanks for asking.


Went to the store today to get prescriptio ns. There are markers on the ground keeping people six ft apart in line, including in front of the counters. I managed to get some papertowels. They were out of toilet paper,bleach,wipes etc…though. People wearing masks and gloves. The whole thing just made me want to go home and hide under my covers.

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I assume you’re being facetious. No one would or should want a nuke dropping on the world because they’re getting camped in a video game.


No excuses for the federal government on this one. It was known back in January and early February that there would be a N95 mask shortage. Even people on the WoW forums knew! lol

Yet they did nothing except have the CDC recommend that Americans not to wear masks. All while people in other nations were told by their governments to wear masks. Now they can only deliver a fraction of what is needed for medical personnel in the U.S. Forget about masks for regular Americans.

Now the federal government is asking for people to donate their own masks to the hospitals. The hospitals that charge patients $1,500 a day. Maybe they should also start a GoFundMe. /s

Remember, keep a solid routine and plan out your days to maximize sanity, your health and the health of your children. If you’re still shopping brick and mortar try to find out the restocking days of stores in your area and shop early in the morning if you can.


Well you might be right. So far travel industry, restaurants industry and service one has clasp as of yesterday. that basically two third of the economy. It is going to hard to see what can help.

You have apparently never tried to work with public sector teachers and teachers’ unions.