How am i supposed to make gold now blizzard?

You can do what you find fun, but you can’t expect to be payed for all of it. People who only like doing pet battles can’t make gold. People who only like RPing can’t make gold. There are numerous ways you can make gold besides boosting. This change is good for the health of the game. If you don’t like it, join a boosting guild. Those are still allowed.

They literally can? A level 25 pet of the right type sells for a ton. Terrible example to choose. People who only RP don’t need gold for consums or even max level base lego. It’s not good for the health of the game as you will find out as trade chat becomes even more inundated with boosting spam from every individual on high end guild on every hub server.

Also you and they forgot the more likely option for a lot of players who have been putting up with blizzard forcing us to do out of raid junk like Korthia instead of just allowing all conduits to drop from raid. That would be quit.


How I see this going down. Guild finder will be used.

Not cross server so in TOS.

ads goe up.

Guild name: Boosters R Us

Join, boost for x gold this, y gold that, leave when done.

Eve players will be right at home here. this back when faction standing meant more was a common thing.

Literally join a corp, get whatever you needed from standing boosts. and leave it when done. Some free, some pay.

Even the more paranoid eve players would not freak out if your corp history had these boost corps in them. Oh…you put up player owned station in high sec haven’t you? Well since you like POS’…would you like to join our POS slave…err maintainer, crews.

I can make 20k a day just selling stuff on the AH. Elethium ore, korthite crystals, and veiled augment runes from the mission table sell for a lot. Plus, you get tons of ~300 gold missions with a maxed out mission table. Selling pets is probably the easiest way, but you need to get lucky. One larion pouncer can make you 200k.

That is a you problem not a game problem.

This is actually a very good point have met a lot of good LAN players who use boosting to pay for playtime.

It’s a game. It’s literally supposed to be fun rofl. It’s a game we pay for monthly I don’t pay to work a second job lol.

You do you, man. By all means, if you can’t find time, why even bother. I mean, you could play wordle if you’re so busy.

I don’t know how are you doing your callings, but it takes me less than 10 minutes every day, or maybe 25-30 if I let them pile up. 30 minutes every three days is less than I spend searching for something to watch in Netflix in the same amount of time.

Also, I’m pretty sure you had to allocate a lot of downtime on a boosting community, considering the competition.

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Everyone that complains about selling boosts just doesn’t have the io or parses to sell. Don’t argue with them it’s fine that they are casual

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There is a finite amount of time in the day and the week not including family obligations 12k an hour is an absolutely pathetic amount of gold.

I’ve never found any game where you didn’t have to do some things that weren’t fun to progress on things you want to do.

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Now try to do the same on a low population realm or Latam/BR realms, maybe ask players that used boosting for their own gold how many time the invested playing the game daily and try to do your routine with their time schedule.

There’s not a way that one player could provide a solution to another player without knowing what’s the other player status.

You can still use Trade to advertise. You just can’t advertise excessively, but let’s be real here. You’re going to get falsely reported.

Do you only play wow or something? Most games are built around a core gameplay mechanic type that if you enjoy it you will enjoy the game. Very few games make you do misc bs to play outside of subscription based games and even there very few have it on level with current wow.

And yet, you’ve been posting for the last two hours, on a Monday, as soon as someone replies to you. Such a busy person, yes yes, so busy.

((not answering anymore, I do have things to do, have fun my friend, consider another game, since this one is such a burden to you))

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I’m posting while watching a show two monitors is a blessing :slight_smile: The great thing about this is it takes me about 30 seconds to post and it’s still more enjoyable than doing a calling.

I was thinking the same thing… could have made a good bit of gold in that two hours. :rofl:

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Posting is more fun than doing callings and requires less attention which means I can happily watch my show :slight_smile:

Also 24k is not a good bit of gold even if I could do callings the entire 2 hours somehow. It would be more worth my time to do something on fiver and spend the money on a token of course that would be giving blizz extra money. Anytime your gold per hour is less than you can make doing a side project it’s a suckers bet to be doing some mind numbing shlock in game.

I know right???!!! hahaha

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It’s kind of funny how you two are totally having a conversation yet you have 5 posts total with a similar achieve score. Almost like you swapped characters to attempt to talk down. I also thought you were busy :slight_smile: