I was told in an error I can’t post more in a thread bc I’m a new user? I’ve been playing off and on since '06???
The forum software tracks usage independently of the game.
Blizzard aren’t calling you a new customer; the third-party software package they use for their forum is saying you haven’t read or written many posts.
So it’s how long I’ve been using the forums, as opposed to my actual play time?
Yep, that’s it exactly.
You’re new to these forums. That’s all. There is a good sticky in the General forums that explains the system they use now called Trust Levels.
It’s pretty easy to work your way up to level 2 and a little more involved if you want trust level 3.
That’s weird. Thanks though, I guess that answers my question.
Not y’all’s fault the forums are dumb.
Actually, I’d argue that they are light-years beyond the old ones. This way, people who just want to troll have to try a lot harder to do so.
Personally, I much prefer this to the older forums
Here’s a link to that sticky: