How addicted to the GD forum are you?

In my downtime at work I just scroll the forums because I’m done everything and just have time to kill. I’m too busy playing the game to be on the forums while at home.


That and a more honest answer would be I got agoraphobia so this is just one of my fav ways to have at least a little social activity.


Yeah I don’t remember.

When you guys hop around on alts, you can’t expect me to keep up with that.

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Don’t really care. I said a lot. I did not specify who.

Never have hopped around on a alt but whatever.

I prefer GD over trade chat and barrens chat.

I’m too obnoxious to leave. :robot:


Bro acting like everyone gunna know who he is


Or care.


Wouldn’t say I’m addicted, but I like to be on here whenever I’m bored or if I’m at school and not really doing much at school.

I mostly just check it between the hours of 6a-3p when I’m working on my laptop directly to the left of my personal computer. I do better work when all I’m doing to slack off is reading a forum, instead of actually playing the game. Once I’m done work though, if family stuff isn’t happening at night or the weekend, I’m playing the game and rarely even open the forum to begin with.

The general consensus seems to be “Work is slow = Play on the forums” :joy:


Then I’m confused. You have less than a thousand posts, which means you’re barely here, but some how all/most/some regulars hate you.

Anyways, it doesn’t matter, I’m just pointing out that this regular (me) doesn’t hate you because I have no clue who you are.

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I use it to remind myself why i dont like ppl in general and to post bad takes

I wouldnt say addicted

It is, I was made fun of by multiple regulars in less than 10 mins after saying that even though I did not specify who.

This is why the forums are kind of dying out. Just a lot of obnoxius rude people. Anyway, have a good day.


Then I apologise again. I am sorry. I especially don’t like to be part of a dogpile over nothing. :purple_heart:

I’m ashamed of the amount of time I spend here.

I regret nothing considering you just came in and made a post about so many people dislike you when nobody is even aware of “who you are”

So bretty sure nobody actively dislikes you

Many of them would be more fun under other circumstances I believe. Unaddressed trolling PTSD and built up resentment to new/unknown posters leads people to clique up for comfort I think.

These types of threads never go well. It always ends up with people dismissing, insulting, etc.

OP knows this and still starts threads they know will breed toxicity.

Yeah, I’m around a lot. That happens when you have a phone and lose your career to disabilities. Who cares? Why does OP feel the need for people to post why they’re around or how often so that others can come at them for it?

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I have always wondered about you. You have so many forum posts. Who were you before dracthyr came out? You can’t have made that many posts since dragonflight, surely!