How about half-elves?

ty. i mean, see it in game, in action. if they look like high elves, alls good, but i think they intend on keeping some of the velf’s uniqueness, so the most i will say now is, its kinda wobbly. its cool, dont get me wrong. i’m excited. just not convinced velfs will look like high elves. we shall see.

i know. you said that already hehe.

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Wow I did! Sorry I’m exhausted but having trouble actually sleeping. Been a really long day.

ah do what i do, think about doing something physical that you hate doing, like changing the oil on the car, cleaning the toilet, or other unpleasant physical tasks.

So half night elf half furbolg?

i rather they just make them customization

and no the different ears for blood elves has nothing to do with half elves

i’m 90% sure night elves will be able to change their ears as well

Plastic surgery in the barbershop.

Why would elves be compared to all other races? That comparison alone proves we have enough elves.

Lore-wise undead CAN use the light, it just causes them physical pain to do so.

Blizzard already focuses to much on the elves already so far. No more. They should be done and move on.

Make them half elf and half tauren then yes.

human model with pointy ears or a new playable model of huge dudes (alliance needs huge dudes) with badass viking hair and can be paladins… vykrul.

Curious if we get the ear sliders you would be able to RP as one though until they came out with their own in depth race?

Regardless throwing my support for this idea!

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you are getting half eared mini elves. that’s you half elf.

we dont need a new race for every damn mutation you can think of

We are getting ear sliders on blood elves, and I assume the other elf races but havent seen confirmation, and the small option effectively adds half elf.

Ive learned to never say never, but I seriously doubt this will happen. See,s to me that these announced customization options are an attempt to end the high elf/half elf nonsense.

I get that everyone has a weird attachment to being a pale elf paladin on the good guy side, but unless they decide to throw lore in the trash and make void elves paladins I doubt jts ever happening.

Sure, as long as I can have a half elf half gnome option.

Here is another option to for alliance baised high elves paladins;

That being said I do support this thread. I think the half elves if done right can carry the lore of the silver covenent.

Due to inflation, they’re now called “buck & quarter” elves.

No more Elves

Can we just get some more unique and varied race options instead.

once the alliance can play silver covenent, sure.