How About an In Game Protest for Hunters

And I’m sure you believe this to be a very good reason for Blizzard to complete ignore and do nothing about obviously blatant balance issues regards BMs and SVs… It is hilarious because you can’t see how selfish your behavior is.

Well, you chose to ignore the balance issues regards the specs you don’t play. Now that balance issues are affecting your spec, you want everyone to unite and protest. Shameful.

It’s better to have a good spec and be able to have a choice. Than have all 3 spec being bad and have no choice but to be bad.


Nobody is against SV and BM buff. I personally don’t care if it is MM or BM or SV that gets buff but at least ONE of them needs to be VIABLE for the class to exist and have a purpose.
And by viable I mean consider the buffs, utility and dps as a whole. Hunter doing average damage is already unacceptable considering how little it brings to the group and how squishy it is.
Plz Look at what’s important here, it’s simply not the time to draw the line between MM and BM and SV as countless others suggested in all these forums.


we need to rally insted of creating posts left and right

Already started my protest.
Ended auto renew on the subscription.
Ignore Torghast.
Drop BGs.
Run some dailys in the Maw for rep grind to get the gem socket.
pointless to attempt pugs in RBGs, who wants a BM.
Bliz has killed the game.


not if you are a druid or a mage, you never seen a nerf =)

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Just pay your WoW subscription via mail, send in a bag of wet dimes.

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Can’t agree enough with that.

Most people see MM complaining about the nerf and answer us like “but BM gnagnagnagnagna baby noises my life is hard”.

Most MM hunters would LOVE to see BM and survival buffs. We’re hunter players just like you but we play whatever is stronger in our specs to help our raid group as much as we can. We would be really happy having our 3 specs to be competitive and have the option to play the one we liked the most.


The only thing Blizzard cares about is your $15 a month. Do I wish my BM hunter was still topping the meters like I did in BFA, sure. Am I still having fun raiding and pushing keys with my friends? Yes. Do I pull my weight in the raids and M+ runs, yes. You want Blizzard to care? Stop giving them $15 a month.

Balance has little to no impact on heroic raiders and low key level. The dps is often limited by rotation mistakes usually.

When your class is simply not capable of competing with other specs even when played close to perfectly that’s where balance issues are visible. Being a handicap to your team because of your class being under tuned is killing the fun you can have.

So, you want to inconvenience players while getting zero increase in attention?

Spare the players any actual protest and just fake it, briefly and unobtrusively.

Just line up some hunters in Orobos, snap a picture, and put in on Twitter under some appropriately shocked and derpy tagline or hash. They can disperse immediately after and there’d be zero different. Retweets with a nice banner will do more than any actual in-game action. All you need is a storyline and some metaphorical gasoline.

please help

Ah yes. An in game protest in the game we’re paying for. That is beyond smart and totally not a waste of time.

Already unsub’ed. Hope it helps.


With the state of balance in the game, and the way the systems all work against players, I’d be shocked if any devs actually wasted their own time and played WoW.

Want proof dalance is not hard. Play FFXIV every role is balanced with every other job in that role. There are also 0 throw away jobs. Even at the highest level of end game raiding every job is represented because every job is useful.

BTW every melee dps is within 2% of each other, every caster 2%, physical ranged 2%, healers 2%, tanks 2%. The swing from the highest “selfish” DPS (meaning no raid buffs) to lowest personal dps (not counting raid buffs from the support side of the class) is about 7%

XIV has had periods of notorious imbalance, both before and after homogenizing their jobs.

The start of Shadowbringers was quite nearly as bad in that regard as the start of Shadowlands. Except, Shadowbringer’s jobs didn’t have meaningful non-throughput utility to give underperforming jobs a reason to be taken, making FotMing just as bad in Eden as in Nathria despite having no difficulty above a Normal/Heroic-equivalent—outside of Ultimate, which less than a half-percent of players will ever touch.

(If you want to see XIV balance at its finest, look at the very end of Stormblood, after the community had gotten time to learn how to play the recently buffed former-underperformers. Every comp played within 2% of each other despite having far less homogeneity. However, that was clearly no easy feat for the devs, as its arriving only at the end of the expansion should indicate.)

This sounds like work. I don’t play a hunter to do any work.

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Hunters are fine! Play SV and stop caring what people think.

The current SV playstyle is :

  • Lean back on your chair
  • Sit in Oribos
  • Turn on your guild progress stream
  • And the most important one : Don’t care about what people think, your playstyle is as good as any other.