I have seen the outrage in our Hunter community, I myself also felt frustrated, helpless as well as continuously ignored by Blizzard.
Many people tried to post and share great suggestions about how to make hunter better, how to rework the lego, and fix the bugs in-game, yet we still got nothing from Blizzard, even in patch 9.05.
All the hunters should unite together. All of the Hunter specs are not enjoying play the spec, MM got hug nerf, BM and SV are at the bottom, SV is long forgotten (SV should not just be a Meme)
At this point, I think we might take action ourselves and have a big in-game protest at Oribos. We can have several groups in the pug and name it “hunter protest group 1,2,3,4” and make the RL in one specific server so all the hunters in the group will show up in Oribos.
I felt that’s the only way that we can get Blizzard’s attention on how desperate hunters felt right now, and after that, they will think about if they had been too harsh on hunters. They are forcing us to reroll for us to spend more time in game to kept their money going in their pocket.
Let me know what you think. I might be taken it too much but I really felt all the hunter had been ignored by Blizzard this whole patch.
Blizz devs don’t even read their own forums and you expect them to notice something in-game? Good luck.
I am thinking the protest has to be big enough to maybe got attention by some famous YouTubers and get on the news of wowhead. then Blizzard will notice.
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Ok How would we protest in game ?
Not join any groups? They’ll just take another class instead
Not do Torghast or the Maw ? Lot of people are already doing that
Spam trade chat with our anger ? Get reported and silenced
I appreciate the sentiment but as some one else has said Blizz doesn’t care .
we group up at oribos, and all yell:buff Hunters or more class attention on hunters!
what you think?
Like I said Blizz doesn’t care and all it would do is irritate other players and get them to report us in game .
Want to hit Blizz where they may see it , then flood one of the places they are known to be at. Have the hunter community flood the devs on their twitter feed @warcraftdevs.
THat might get them to notice a little more not positive but the odds are better then in here or the game.
Huge lvl1 hunter raids overtaking and crashing towns/servers by causing insane lags?
I’m in.
SO we protest by getting the ban hammer
Better banned than useless
why would we get banned if we just gathered and show our opinions in game. we not trying to causing the servers to crash, we want to have a large group so we can get on the headline of wowhead. I think devs do care more about how wowhead report them instead of players on forums.
So we gather in the trueshot lounge in game and spam trade chat to have them address the hunters, until we get acknowledgement?
Dog, they don’t even read the forums, do you think they give a
about ingame stuff?
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Blizz been doing this ever since the beginning, of course it will mess something up or someone isnt happy what they had until they get nerfed or down graded.
Just have to deal with it, they may or may not give any loves to Hunter Class.
Just saw your post saying you’re a new hunter, some people have their whole in game identity around their hunter. Telling people to deal with it is just as ignorant as telling protestors in real life to deal with it when they protest something they feel is unfair.
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While I applaud your intent!
If I were to zone in it would be just like when I attempt to do quests in an area with multiple main Q .
like in Maldraxxus this past week on my home server LAAAAAAAAAAAAAG
I mean we have to try something, blizzard wants 2 Hunter specs at the bottom i guess.
Nah, they want all 3 of them at the bottom.
And good luck protesting in game. Your best option is to shard hundreds of people on the same realm and crash a server otherwise they won’t notice you. GL HF
You do realize that for most of the casual community hunter is mega OP cuz they see wild spirit burst and wet their pants ?
You’ll get Andy LFR raiders give you their feedback on why hunter is broken.
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lvl 1 gnome hunter raid on stormwind lol