How About an In Game Protest for Hunters

That was in response to

Like I said earlier they probably won’t pay attention to us in here or in game and that the safest bet would be their twitter feed @warcraftdevs.


Blizz gonna heckin’ make me make a Twitter just to communicate with them more directly. Bleh.

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Im having fun. That said, balance for upper tier end game content is abysmal and hunters are not alone. If you are pushing keys and doing mythic CN, there is a good chance you are unhappy with your favorite spec this expansion. (Maybe not most players but enough. Look at BrM and Prot war)

This might be our only option to be honest. I’m also thinking about setting up a twitter account to at least try communicate with them about the SST/WS interaction fix, and if we can get some kind of compensation for it.

Warlocks just cried on every social platform and forums to have their nerfs reverted :S


Their nerf was totally unfair though. They have the second best spec in raid by a big margin over the 3rd one. It was not fair to nerf them and it’s way better to be nerfing MM, a spec that’s top 5 at best in raid and has his two alternative DPS spec both dead last on damage output.

Balancing done right. Congratz Blizzard.


I laughed to hard at this. GL with your “protest” in a video game.

If a spec is at the top some spec always has to be at the bottom rip BM lol

If you talk in the overall game balance I agree.

If you talk about Hunter it’s totally wrong. Marksman is slightly above average pre nerf. While BOTH survival and BM are dead last.

if there is a strike I join her. It sucks to see the BM like a dead ant on the sidewalk

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You protest by ending your sub and moving on to a better game.


I believe they will only care when we actually stop paying for our subscriptions.

Who would guess that this recent “Blizzard hate” toward one of the most popular class of the game would have a financial impact?

Blizzard needs to learn the lesson. It is ok to be at the bottom of the leaderboard, someone will always be at the bottom. It is NOT OK to be doing lower than 30% of the meta (BMs/SVs). Anything worse than 10% of the meta is already “wrong”, more than 30% is a blatant joke.


Only if we get to loot the great vault

Next time on wow forums:

My class is about to go from good to average and it’s basically the end of the world.

Well, you do have a point here.

I remember VERY WELL that everytime BMs complaint about how bad the spec was, “most” MMs here and in Discord laugh and said “if you don’t like it just change or leave”, “it is bad because it is easy”, etc.

Now that MMs are getting a slight nerf we need to make a protest, get visibility, outrage… Funny how the world spins…

Thats why I moved to FFXIV. Far superior game in every way. It’s not 99.97% about the end game. Plus it’s extremely balanced.

I hate to even respond to this, but the point previously made was that hunter had a viable spec. If you did not appreciate the damage done by BM hunters, you could still fall back on MM. If you prefer BM spec over doing good damage, then you were choosing to be an outlier in the community.

That said, with the recent nerfs to MM, we are not going from “good to average” we are going from “average to bad”. MM hunters were listed at #7 in the dps charts prior to this nerf and we are looking at somewhere between a 5% and 15% nerf to our dps, depending on the fight and mechanics. This is not a small nerf, this is going to place MM, while still above the other two specs, below every other class in the game. The sad part is that we don’t have another role as hunters. We are dps, and if we can’t dps, we don’t get to just change to a tank or healer spec. We are stuck doing terrible dps.

Now, if you want to separate the hunter community into BM vs SV vs MM, then we are just a weak community. As a hunter, I believe in adapting, and if MM hunter was bottom of the chain while BM experienced some love, I would simply change to BM to continue enjoying my hunter, but in a less preferable spec (I prefer MM personally).

However, at the point we are at currently, none of our 3 specs are viable in end game content. We are getting nerfed across the board, and for someone that has mained a hunter since Vanilla released, I am leveling a druid. Yes, this is a tier hungry move, but my guild deserves better than a half rate dps class. In addition, if they are choosing to nerf the #7 dps on the tier list, why not just play the best dps on the list who isn’t experiencing any nerfs? As it stands currently, these are the classes above hunter prior to the nerf (let me know if any of them are receiving a 5-15% nerf to go along with hunter…):

Balance Druid
Affliction Warlock
Fire Mage
Unholy Death Knight
Shadow Priest
Windwalker Monk


And I’m sure you believe this to be a very good reason for Blizzard to complete ignore and do nothing about obviously blatant balance issues regards BMs and SVs… It is hilarious because you can’t see how selfish your behavior is.

Well, you chose to ignore the balance issues regards the specs you don’t play. Now that balance issues are affecting your spec, you want everyone to unite and protest. Shameful.

It’s better to have a good spec and be able to have a choice. Than have all 3 spec being bad and have no choice but to be bad.


Nobody is against SV and BM buff. I personally don’t care if it is MM or BM or SV that gets buff but at least ONE of them needs to be VIABLE for the class to exist and have a purpose.
And by viable I mean consider the buffs, utility and dps as a whole. Hunter doing average damage is already unacceptable considering how little it brings to the group and how squishy it is.
Plz Look at what’s important here, it’s simply not the time to draw the line between MM and BM and SV as countless others suggested in all these forums.


we need to rally insted of creating posts left and right