How’s your 8 going?

6 Heroic bosses on this guy and 6 LFR bosses on my alt hunter.

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Probably testing out a new spec or build, high io players like that think it’s okay to trashcan keys in the 20-21 range to test out new builds and specs. When the reality is their just being incredibly toxic and wind up on my blacklist in the end.

I only pug


Totally agree I avoid really high io players especially tanks. I will usually chat before, if they are just looking for a vault no problem. If I get a sense they wanna try mdi pulls on my 20 I pass

i honestly been lackin lately, been playin total war :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


No one will invite me because I only play ranged only survival hunter, so 0 :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve got big plans for tonight and all day tomorrow

I need 4 more 20s for my vault

I have a 22 CoS key that i definitely need to get timed before the new week

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Did 2-chest on SBG+19. Done for the week.

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I have not ran a single M+ in DF and have not missed it whatsoever.

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I’ve done one 20 key this week, and that’s it. Been having a stretch of constant 24/7 pain, and it is exhausting. The only thing I have had much energy for this week is TW on a few of my 70 healer toons, and spam running solo island runs from BFA lol.

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Hope you are feeling better soon

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Yup, a lot of blacklisted people I have are high io players that are bing cruddy by trashing someone else’s key to try some obscure strat or spec. Which typically they can’t do cause those steamer strats are entirely dependent upon the team that came up with it in terms of comp and coordination. Along with they tend to be the more toxic crowd as they fell like anytime something goes worng you’ve ended their entire tiny world.

Cringe. Nobody cares. Go find something you actually enjoy doing and go do that instead of being such a salty Susan. Lol. GD is something else…

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Serious question no troll is this your first season in wow?

Update, unlocked my 1800 mog in pvp woo.

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Spent too much of this season trying to help guildies get their keys done. Got to pushing far too late. Now I’m stuck pugging 20s and it’s brutal. Got my 8 done though, at least.

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I got 8/8 +18s on my paladin and 8/8 +20s on my warrior. I have done too many keys.

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I only got 5 20’s this week. Let’s see what I get tomorrow. Kinda slowed down as I’ve gotten all my m plus goals done for season 1.

Pretty much just down to “degenerative gameplay” for me. Farming low keys for valor and drops. I got my Gleamstone and the portals just don’t really interest me. Not enough to stress to get them so late. So I’m just finishing mog sets.

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Our group is back! Kinda of. Ok not really only 3 of us helping out a couple guildies. We did 2 M+ and then said screw it wait till next week

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