How’s your 8 going?

I finished up my 8 on my BDK. Getting pretty close to being able to valor upgrade for the whole Mythic mog. I’ll probably keep filling Vault as there’s an avoidance + socket helm in my bag I want to valor upgrade too but beyond that I’m running low on goals left. My Mage is 64 and my Hunter is 60 and that’s about it for things to do before the season.

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I actually did my 8 for the first time ever!

14 more rating to 2k, actually pretty excited… been having fun, might even push to 2400 for the gear upgrade.

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Terribad. The group I ran keys with split; need to find a new one. We had been running for close to 2 years too.

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I did my 19 COS, it turned into a 20 AV… which we tried and it immediately went badly when I somehow fell off the ledge above the first boss and it got worse from there.

My motivation at this point is pretty low due to external factors and a lack of a steady group. I hate pugging due to anxiety issues (I pugged my NO for my KSH and my adrenaline was going bad, we could have two keyed it but I was being dumb due to fight or flight response). So it’s guild for me or bust.

I also doesn’t help that I play the least loved tank spec that’s not gdruid: VDH. I could tolerate a 1-3% diff between the tanks, but ppal and pwar are just lightyears ahead.

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Skill matters way more at that key level.



I suspect this season has been tougher than any for a long time for folks who solely pug. I don’t bother with 8 slots any more. I got my portals, and pugging can be so hit or miss that I don’t really bother with more than one to four runs above 20 now. I’ve made some great friends along the way, though.

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I’m literally 3 points from 2k so I’ll keep doing til I get it. Got a 15 and 13 for vaults so far. 15 ruby life pools second boss was such a run ruiner. Got to her with 14 minutes and lost all of it on her. Sigh.

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EU so today is our last day of Spiteful Quaking, somehow got everything I wanted done and then some.

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