How’s your 8 going?

Im with ya op, lost all motivation this week. Did 5 tw then didn’t log in for a few days

May try 1 m+ to keep my key and get vault loot. May also try a pugg h brood/raz or even a pug m… matters if i feel like it


unfortunately i kind of lost the energy to push. i started strong this season but couldn’t find a steady group to play with – admittedly i didn’t look too hard with my irl schedule being tough to pin down from week to week. i’m a few points short of 2.8k on my main (outlaw) but did manage to achieve my secondary goal for the season: KSH in all three roles and a bonus/stretch goal of AOTC (i gave up raiding so this is now just an “if it happens, it happens” thing!)


I still don’t really have a steady group. I have a decent friends list of people and the EU pug scene definitely feels more lively than the NA one from my observation, but nothing particularly consistent.


This analogy you’re trying to push is honestly cracked as hell.

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Got my friend’s last 3 portals yesterday. Got my 421 pants last week so i’m pretty much done gearing.

Just playing alts (currently working on getting all healers to 70 to follow the dang meta swings) and PvPing till next season.

So basically done with M+ till next season unless someone needs help.


That’s me almost every week.



That was always an option.

m+ is not my cup of tea. being an old school og beta veteran i prefer to mythic raid. dungeons should be what they have always been since the beginning of time, and that is a stepping stone for raid and then have some currency drop with a vendor for catch up. that is all.

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Good thing no one cares what you think.

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its a darn shame how someone’s opinion that is not directed to you can cause you soooo much hurt.

My main has been done for several weeks now. Got KSM and AOTC. At this point, I’m just passively gearing this evoker through timewalking and such until 10.1 drops. Gonna swap from mage to evoker for the next tier.

Not even bothering with M+ in the meantime. Too much effort for gear that’s going to get replaced basically immediately upon the patch launch.

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O of 8 so far. Mostly melee toons so not so sure I feel like doing spiteful and tyranical.

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Im trying to finish ksm, need ~40 points.

Probably get it on fortified as most tyran keys are 13/14.

But man can ppl not do NO?

It seems like not a hard dungeon but i cant get a 14 timed as tank. Last two runs i was 3rd highest dps as tank. Like what are ppl doin

My fault for being late to the grind when most ppl are probably done for the season but yeesh.

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whuht iz yu meuhn?

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Oh no sorry man!

Highest this week so far has been an 18. Other than that I’ve filled my 8 with 2s valor chasing for my mythic mog.

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I agree! and if that’s the case, more power to you! :slight_smile:


Doing exactly 1 20 this week because I can’t be bothered with how close we are to season 2.


you guys/girls even have groups? here i am havign to pug it all and said groups can take hrs to form and mins to get bricked, lol

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Got to 1773 CR in RSS then tanked 200 rating. PvP going to drive me insane.

Last goal im trying to achieve :confused:

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