How’s your 8 going?

Thats my goal every season. Hasnt happened once :frowning:

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My weekly zero heck no I won’t ever do M+ again with you psychopaths are going fine.

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Just finished my 8 right now and got KSM on my evoker. :sunglasses:


This is a full 8… weeks in a row of 0 vault activities


Non existent. I quit DF because I don’t intend to do 8 M+s a week to be optimal for raiding. In Slands I pushed through 8 15s a week and now they made it 8 20s and I was like…no.

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Haven’t done keys in over a month. Got 2300io on my main, swapped to this toon for rest of expansion unless DEvoker gets some love.

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still BIS hunting…it’s the last tyrannical earthquake week yay! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I got KSM the other week and now I’m done for a while.


Grats on ksm!


Grats man!

Got my last 20 that I needed time, got all dungeons now timed on 20’s tyrannical and fortified with a 2800 io. Seems like a nice number to cap the season off.


Currently uninterested. Pushed 3k IO, got 2400 on Rogue for tmogs and just… not interested in it atm? Knowing that in like 3 weeks +6’s will give higher ilvl than current +20’s is a bit discouraging. I understand that the power has to scale up, but it’s completely invalidating a lot of my equipment so early.

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No one cares

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I’ve done 2. I’m was never big on M+. Just trying to get the last few portals I didn’t have these last couple weeks. Pugged the one some guy didn’t invite me to awhile back this afternoon. :clown_face:


I’ll probably do one more just to push me over 2k for the mount and basically call it for the season. Don’t really think I’ll need any more at this point, especially with the new season in a couple of weeks.

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Pretty much on break until 10.1.

Gearing my blood DK casually and playing classic some.

Also spring has been busy in RL.


That’s one more than me.

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Finished my 8 but still pushing. My personal goal for this season was 26s everywhere and I’ve got 5 left, plus maybe 27 NO / AV which shouldn’t be too tricky besides just getting the key. Timed a 26 HoV this week despite a lot of deaths, ninja pulls, and an almost full wipe on trash.


i like playing with my friends. the loot isn’t the goal for me. that makes it much easier to repeat the content.


Pretty much this. I havent personally gotten loot from m+ since week 3 and vault loot’s nice but rarely a factor for me now I only need 2 items from the entire pool. Playing to push myself as hard as I think I can go now I’m well above title cutoff.